Planned Roadworks
You'll find more information on planned roadworks on Scotland's trunk roads below. Alternatively you can view them on our map.
A82 Great Western Road NB - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Start Slip To M8 to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Jct 18 Off Slip to Entry A82), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Parapet Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
NB Abbotsinchh Rd Total Closure
Location:M8 (Start White Cart Viad Wb to End Of Viaduct Wbnd) to M8 (Start White Cart Viad Eb to End Of Viadu
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Sanderling Rd - Whit Cart Rd - Campsie Dr - Arran Rd - End
NB White Cart Rd Total Closure
Location:M8 (Start White Cart Viad Wb to End Of Viaduct Wbnd) to M8 (Start White Cart Viad Eb to End Of Viadu
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Sanderling Rd - Abbotsinch Rd 0 Arran Rd - Campsie Drive - End
SB Abbotsinchh Rd Total Closure
Location:Off Network to M8 (Start White Cart Viad Wb to End Of Viaduct Wbnd), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
SB Diversion - Arran Rd - Campsie Dr - White Cart Rd - Sanderling Rd
SB White Cart Rd Total Closure
Location:M8 (Start White Cart Viad Eb to End Of Viaduct Ebnd) to M8 (Start White Cart Viad Wb to End Of Viadu
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
St Andrews Drive - Sanderling Rd - End
A1 - NB - Coldingham - Closure
Location:A1 (A1107 Junction to End Dual C/Way S/B) to A1 (C130 Cockburnspath to Cockburnspath Rbt), Northboun
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
20 th
The A1 will be closed in both directions south of Cockburnspath with a signed diversion in place between Berwick and the A720 City Bypass.
Road users are to follow the A6105 from Berwick to Greenlaw, then the A697 to Carfraemill Roundabout and the A68 to the A720.
A1 - NB - Coldingham - Lane Closure
Location:A1 (C130 Cockburnspath to Cockburnspath Rbt), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A1 - NB - North of Spott RBT - NB Closure
Location:A1 (Spott Road Roundabout to Thistly Cross Roundabout), Northbound
Start time:13th of May 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Northbound Traffic will leave the A1 at the Broxburn Junction (A1087), following the A1087 and A199, re-joining the A1 at Thistly Cross Roundabout.
A1 - SB - Coldingham - Closure
Location:A1 (C130 Cockburnspath to Cockburnspath Rbt) to A1 (A1107 Junction to End Dual C/Way S/B), Southboun
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
20th & 21st
The A1 will be closed in both directions south of Cockburnspath with a signed diversion in place between Berwick and the A720 City Bypass.
Road users are to follow A68 from the A720to cafraemill RBT. Then follow the A697to Greenlaw, then follow the A6105 to Berwick. This will bring you back on o the A1.
22nd & 24th & 25th
The A1 southbound will be closed at Tower Farm junction with a signed diversion in place between Tower Farm and Eyemouth Junctions. Road users are to follow the A1107 through Old Cambus, Coldingham and Eyemouth to rejoin the A1.
No access onto the A1 from A1107 Tower Farm Jct, traffic to follow main diversion.
A1 - SB - Coldingham - Lane Closure
Location:A1 (C130 Cockburnspath to Cockburnspath Rbt), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A1 - SB - Lamberton - Lane closure
Location:A1 (End Dual Cway Sb to South Lamberton Sb) to A1 (South Lamberton Sb to National Boundary), Southbo
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A1 NB - Lane Closure - East of Tranent
Location:A1 (Gladsmuir Jct On Slip to Bankton Jct Off Slip), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A1 S/B Thistly Cross Roundabout. Lane Closure
Location:A1 (Biel Overbridge to Thistly Cross Roundabout) to A1 (Thistly Cross Roundabout to Spott Road Round
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A6091 EB - TTL's - Galafoot Bridge
Location:A6091 (A7 Kingsknowe Rbt to Start Start Galafoot Bridge) to A6091 (End Galafoot Br. to Tweedbank Rbt
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A6091 WB - TTL's - Galafoot Bridge
Location:A6091 (End Galafoot Br. to Tweedbank Rbt) to A6091 (A7 Kingsknowe Rbt to Start Start Galafoot Bridge
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 - NB - Pathhead - Temp lights
Location:A68 (Lothian Bridge South to Lothian Bridge North) to A68 (Lothian Bridge North to Stair Arms (North
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00am
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 - NB - South of Jedburgh - Temp lights
Location:A68 (C31 Falside to C35 Chesters), Northbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 - SB - Pathhead - Temp lights
Location:A68 (Lothian Bridge North to Stair Arms (North)) to A68 (Lothian Bridge South to Lothian Bridge Nort
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00am
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 - SB - South of Jedburgh - Temp lights
Location:A68 (C31 Falside to C35 Chesters), Southbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 NB - TTL's - Camptown
Location:A68 (Junction Lethem to C31 Falside), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 NB - TTL's - Jedburgh
Location:A68 (B6357 Bonchester Bridge to Inchbonny Bridge) to A68 (Inchbonny Bridge to Junction Pleasants), N
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 NB - TTL's - South of Pathhead
Location:A68 (Road To Frostineb to B6458 Saughland Rd) to A68 (N End Of Hope Imp to Whippielaw E F/Way), Nort
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 NB - TTL's - Sth of Jedburgh
Location:A68 (B6357 Bonchester Bridge to Inchbonny Bridge), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 NB Lauder. Road Closure
Location:A68 (Factor/S Park to Mid Row) to A68 (Mid Row to B6362 Stow), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Before Lauder take the right onto the B6362 and then left onto the A697 and continue until Carfraemill Roundabout then return to A68.
A68 NB Lilliardsedge. Portable Traffic Lights
Location:A68 (C66 Sandystones to C52 Longnewton), Northbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 NB Pathhead. Portable Traffic Lights
Location:A68 (Whippielaw E F/Way to B6367 Preston Rd), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 SB - TTL's - Camptown
Location:A68 (Junction Lethem to C31 Falside), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 SB - TTL's - Jedburgh
Location:A68 (Inchbonny Bridge to Junction Pleasants) to A68 (B6357 Bonchester Bridge to Inchbonny Bridge), S
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 SB - TTL's - South of Pathhead
Location:A68 (N End Of Hope Imp to Whippielaw E F/Way) to A68 (Road To Frostineb to B6458 Saughland Rd), Sout
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 SB - TTL's - Sth of Jedburgh
Location:A68 (B6357 Bonchester Bridge to Inchbonny Bridge), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 SB Lauder. Road Closure
Location:A68 (Mid Row to B6362 Stow) to A68 (Factor/S Park to Mid Row), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
At Carfraemill Roundabout take the 1st exit onto the A697. Continue until turning right onto B6362 then returning to A68.
A68 SB Lilliardsedge. Portable Traffic Lights
Location:A68 (C66 Sandystones to C52 Longnewton), Southbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A68 SB Pathhead. Portable Traffic Lights
Location:A68 (Whippielaw E F/Way to B6367 Preston Rd), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 - N/B - Galalaw Roundabout - Temporary Traffic Lights
Location:A7 (B6359 Appletreehall to Galalaw Rbt) to A7 (Galalaw Rbt to Boonraw), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 - NB - North of Langholm - Temp lights
Location:A7 (Meikledale Farm to Jct Unthank) to A7 (Jct Unthank to Jct Fiddleton C77), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 - NB - North of Langholm - Temp lights
Location:A7 (Jct Holmhead to Jct Terrona Fm), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 - S/B - Galalaw Roundabout - Temporary Traffic Lights
Location:A7 (Galalaw Rbt to Boonraw) to A7 (B6359 Appletreehall to Galalaw Rbt), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 - SB - North of Langholm - Temp lights
Location:A7 (Jct Unthank to Jct Fiddleton C77) to A7 (Meikledale Farm to Jct Unthank), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 - SB - North of Langholm - Temp lights
Location:A7 (Jct Holmhead to Jct Terrona Fm), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Boleside
Location:A7 (B7060 Caddonfoot to Netherbarns), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Ecological Survey
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Commonside Bridge
Location:A7 (Priesthaugh to Southfield), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Dryden
Location:A7 (B6400 Lilliesleaf to C13 Clerklands), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Ecological Survey
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Langholm
Location:A7 (Jct Holmhead to Jct Terrona Fm), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Parkdaill, Hawick
Location:A7 (B711 Roberton to 30mph/S Wilton Lodge Br) to A7 (30mph/S Wilton Lodge Br to Buccleuch Place), No
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Ecological Survey
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Sandbed Rbt Hawick
Location:A7 (Buccleuch Place to B6399 Sandbed Rbt) to A7 (Sandbed Rbt to Dovemount Pl Rbt), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - South of Teviothead
Location:A7 (Mosspaul Hotel to Carlenrig), Northbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 NB - TTL's - Wilton Hill, Hawick
Location:A7 (Wilton Hill Terr to B6359 Appletreehall), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Boleside
Location:A7 (B7060 Caddonfoot to Netherbarns), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Ecological Survey
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Commonside Bridge
Location:A7 (Priesthaugh to Southfield), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Dryden
Location:A7 (B6400 Lilliesleaf to C13 Clerklands), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Ecological Survey
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Langholm
Location:A7 (Jct Holmhead to Jct Terrona Fm), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Parkdaill, Hawick
Location:A7 (30mph/S Wilton Lodge Br to Buccleuch Place) to A7 (B711 Roberton to 30mph/S Wilton Lodge Br), So
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Ecological Survey
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Sandbed Rbt Hawick
Location:A7 (Sandbed Rbt to Dovemount Pl Rbt) to A7 (Buccleuch Place to B6399 Sandbed Rbt), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - South of Teviothead
Location:A7 (Mosspaul Hotel to Carlenrig), Southbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A7 SB - TTL's - Wilton Hill, Hawick
Location:A7 (Wilton Hill Terr to B6359 Appletreehall), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A701 Beattock @ B7020 NB- TTL
Location:A701 (Jct Tathhill to Jct Beattock), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A701 Beattock @ B7020 SB- TTL
Location:A701 (Jct Tathhill to Jct Beattock), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A701 Locharbriggs to Beattock NB - Road As Part Of Diversion
Location:A701 (Jct Rashgillpark to Jct Catherinefield) to A701 (B7076 Junction to Beattock West Rbt), Northbo
Start time:10th of April 2025, 9:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A701 Locharbriggs to Beattock SB - Road As Part Of Diversion
Location:A701 (B7076 Junction to Beattock West Rbt) to A701 (Jct Rashgillpark to Jct Catherinefield), Southbo
Start time:10th of April 2025, 9:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A701 NB Blackacre - TTL's
Location:A701 (Jct Garrel to Jct Hartfield), Northbound
Start time:5th of May 2025, 9:30am
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A701 NB Locharbriggs - TTL's
Location:A701 (Jct Rashgillpark to Jct Catherinefield), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A701 SB Locharbriggs - TTL's
Location:A701 (Jct Rashgillpark to Jct Catherinefield), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 - EB - Straiton to Sheriffhall Rbt - Closure
Location:A720 (W Straiton Jct to E Straiton Jct) to A720 (Sheriffhall Rbt to Sheriffhall Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:23rd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Straiton Jct - Lang Loan - Lasswade Rd - Gilmerton Station Road - A772 - A7 - Sheriffhall Rbt
A702 - NB - Abington - Closure
Location:Off Network to A702 (Abington Int Nb Rbt to Abington Int Sb Rbt), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 North Diversion
1. Head south on A74(M)
2. At junction 14, take the exit onto A702.
Continue for 2.2 miles
3. Turn right to stay on A702
4. At Elvanfoot Interchange, take the 1st
exit onto the A74(M) slip road to
5. Merge onto A74(M)
Diversion Length: 10.6 miles
Diversion Time: 13 minutes
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 Junction 13 North Offslip Diversion
1. Head north on M74
2. At junction 12, take the A70 exit
3. Take the 2nd exit onto Ayr Road
4. At Millbank Interchange, take the 4th exit onto the M74 slip road to Carlisle/Abington
5. At junction 13, take the A702 exit
Diversion Length: 15 miles
Diversion Time: 15 minutes
1. Head north on A73
2. Continue onto A70(w)
3. Continue on the A70 beyond the
Millbank Interchange
4. Turn left onto B7078
Diversion Length: 27 mile
Diversion Time: 36 Minute
A702 - NB - Biggar - Temp Lights
Location:A702 (A72 South Junction to A72 Jct North Biggar), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 - NB - Flotterstone - STOP/GO
Location:A702 (C41 Bellwood Rd to U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A702 - SB - Abington - Closure
Location:A702 (Abington Int Sb Rbt to Abington Int Sb Rbt) to Off Network, Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 North Diversion
1. Head south on A74(M)
2. At junction 14, take the exit onto A702.
Continue for 2.2 miles
3. Turn right to stay on A702
4. At Elvanfoot Interchange, take the 1st
exit onto the A74(M) slip road to
5. Merge onto A74(M)
Diversion Length: 10.6 miles
Diversion Time: 13 minutes
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 Junction 13 North Offslip Diversion
1. Head north on M74
2. At junction 12, take the A70 exit
3. Take the 2nd exit onto Ayr Road
4. At Millbank Interchange, take the 4th exit onto the M74 slip road to Carlisle/Abington
5. At junction 13, take the A702 exit
Diversion Length: 15 miles
Diversion Time: 15 minutes
1. Head north on A73
2. Continue onto A70(w)
3. Continue on the A70 beyond the
Millbank Interchange
4. Turn left onto B7078
Diversion Length: 27 mile
Diversion Time: 36 Minute
A702 - SB - Biggar - Temp Lights
Location:A702 (A72 South Junction to A72 Jct North Biggar), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 - SB - Flotterstone - STOP/GO
Location:A702 (C41 Bellwood Rd to U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A702 NB - 4 way TTL's - Station Rd, Biggar
Location:A702 (A72 South Junction to A72 Jct North Biggar), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 NB - TTL's - Coulter
Location:A702 (Jct Overburns to Coulter), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 NB - TTL's - Silverburn
Location:A702 (A766 Penicuik to C57 Silverburn Rd), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 NB Bush Loan. Portable Traffic Lights
Location:A702 (U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd to C40 Bushloan Road) to A702 (C40 Bushloan Road to A703 Peebles Road),
Start time:1st of April 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 SB - 4 way TTL's - Station Rd, Biggar
Location:A702 (A72 South Junction to A72 Jct North Biggar), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 SB - TTL's - Coulter
Location:A702 (Jct Overburns to Coulter), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 SB - TTL's - Silverburn
Location:A702 (A766 Penicuik to C57 Silverburn Rd), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A702 SB Bush Loan. Portable Traffic Lights
Location:A702 (C40 Bushloan Road to A703 Peebles Road) to A702 (U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd to C40 Bushloan Road),
Start time:1st of April 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A71 - EB - Calder Junction - Lane Closure
Location:A720 (A71 Rbt to Wb Slip From A71) to A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A71 - WB - Calder Junction - Lane Closure
Location:A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt) to A720 (A71 Rbt to Eb Slip From A71), Westbound
Start time:6th of October 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A720 - EB - Calder EB Mainline - Lane Closure
Location:A720 (S Of M8 Ext Jct to S Of Calder Jct), Eastbound
Start time:6th of October 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A720 - EB - Calder EB Onslip - Road Closure
Location:A720 (A71 Rbt to Eb Slip From A71), Eastbound
Start time:6th of October 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Head north-east on Calder Rd/A71 towards Cultins Rd
After 0.5 miles, at the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Wester Hailes Rd/B701
After 1 mile, take the 3rd exit at the roundabout to A720 EB
A720 - EB - Dreghorn - Closure
Location:A720 (Eastbound Slip to E Of Dreghorn Jct) to A720 (W Loth'Burn Jct to E Of Loth'Burn Jct), Eastboun
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Head east on The City of Edinburgh Bypass/A720
Take the exit towards at the Dreghorn Junction
Turn left onto Dreghorn Link and go through one roundabout
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Redford Rd/B701
Turn right onto Oxgangs Rd/B701
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on Oxgangs Rd/B701
Turn right onto Biggar Rd/A702
At Lothianburn Jct, use the left lane to take the A720 slip road to Berwick upon Tweed/Leith/A1
A720 - EB - Dreghorn Slip - EB
Location:A720 (Eb Slip From Dreghorn to Eb Entry Slip) to A720 (Eastbound Slip to E Of Dreghorn Jct), Eastbou
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Head east on The City of Edinburgh Bypass/A720
Take the exit towards at the Dreghorn Junction
Turn left onto Dreghorn Link and go through one roundabout
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Redford Rd/B701
Turn right onto Oxgangs Rd/B701
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on Oxgangs Rd/B701
Turn right onto Biggar Rd/A702
At Lothianburn Jct, use the left lane to take the A720 slip road to Berwick upon Tweed/Leith/A1
A720 - EB - Gogar to Calder - Lane Closure
Location:Off Network to A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:16th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A720 - EB - Gogar to Calder - Road Closure
Location:A720 (Off Slip To M8 to Hermiston Gait Rbt) to A720 (N Of M8 Ext Jct to Sighthill Link Start), Eastb
Start time:26th of May 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Eastbound Diversion Directions:
- Take the slip road off of the A720 City
Bypass to Hermiston Gait
- Follow the slip road to Hermiston Gait
Roundabout and be in Lane 2 (2nd lane
to left)
- Go straight on at the Roundabout, taking
the 2nd exit to the A71
- Continue along until you reach Calder
A720 - EB - Gogar to Calder Link - Road Closure
Location:A720 (Off Slip To M8 to Hermiston Gait Rbt) to A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
For traffic heading towards A720 South
1. At the Hermiston junction, follow signs for A720 North and merge onto
the A720/Edinburgh Bypass
2. At Gogar Roundabout take the 5th exit and merge onto the A720
following signs for A720/Edinburgh South & East
For traffic heading to the A71
3. At Gogar Roundabout take the 4th exit onto South Gyle Broadway
4. At the 3rd roundabout take the 2nd exit onto South Gyle Access
5. Turn left onto Bankhead Drive then take the 3rd exit onto
Broomhouse Rd.
A720 - EB - Gogar to Calder Link Road - Closure
Location:A720 (N Of M8 Ext Jct to Sighthill Link Start) to A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:16th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Come off at Hermiston Gait Roundabout to re-join A720
A720 - EB - Gogar to Hermiston Gait Roundabout - Road Closure
Location:A720 (Off Slip To M8 to Hermiston Gait Rbt) to M8 (Hermiston Rbt to Hermiston Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:26th of May 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
EB Diversion to Calder Junction from Gogar Junction Directions:
- Take the exit on Gogar Junction to South Gyle Broadway
- Continue along South Gyle Broadway for 1.1 miles
- At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit, signposted 'Sighthill Ind.
- After 0.3 miles, turn left at the traffic lights onto Bankhead Dr
- After 0.3 miles, take the 3rd exit at the roundabout onto the
B701 (Broomhouse Rd)
- At Sighthill Roundabout, take the 3rd exit to Calder Rd
- Take the 2nd exit at Bankhead Roundabout
- Continue on Calder Rd, reaching Calder Junction after 0.5 miles
A720 - EB - Gogar to Hermiston on slip . Closure
Location:A720 (Sighthill Link to N Of M8 Ext Jct) to A720 (N Of M8 Ext Jct to S Of M8 Ext Jct), Eastbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Gogar Rbt - South Gyle - A71 Calder Jct to South Gyle - Calder Jct
A720 - EB - Hermiston Gait Roundabout to Calder Roundabout - Road Closure
Location:A720 (M8 Hermiston Gait Rbt to Slip To A720) to A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:26th of May 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
EB Diversion from M8 EB to Calder Junction Directions:
- Take the offslip to A720 North
- Take the exit on Gogar Roundabout to South Gyle Broadway
- Continue along South Gyle Broadway for 1.1 miles
- At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit, signposted 'Sighthill Ind.
- After 0.3 miles, turn left at the traffic lights onto Bankhead Dr
- After 0.3 miles, take the 3rd exit at the roundabout onto the
B701 (Broomhouse Rd)
- At Sighthill Roundabout, take the 3rd exit to Calder Rd
- Take the 2nd exit at Bankhead Roundabout
- Continue on Calder Rd, reaching Calder Junction after 0.5
A720 - EB - Hermiston Onslip - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Hermiston Rbt to Hermiston Rbt) to A720 (Eb Slip To A71 to A71 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
For traffic heading towards A720 South
1. At the Hermiston junction, follow signs for A720 North and merge onto
the A720/Edinburgh Bypass
2. At Gogar Roundabout take the 5th exit and merge onto the A720
following signs for A720/Edinburgh South & East
For traffic heading to the A71
3. At Gogar Roundabout take the 4th exit onto South Gyle Broadway
4. At the 3rd roundabout take the 2nd exit onto South Gyle Access
5. Turn left onto Bankhead Drive then take the 3rd exit onto
Broomhouse Rd.
A720 - EB - Hermiston  to Dreghorn - Closure
Location:A720 (S Of M8 Ext Jct to S Of Calder Jct) to A720 (Eastbound Slip to E Of Dreghorn Jct), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Calder Jct - A71 Calder Rd - B701 Wester Hailes Rd - B701 Gillespie Rd - B701 Redford Rd - Dreghorn Link - Dreghorn Jct
A720 - EB - Lothianburn off slip - closure
Location:A720 (Eastbound Slip To A702 to A702 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Head east on The City of Edinburgh Bypass/A720
Take the exit towards at the Dreghorn Junction
Turn left onto Dreghorn Link and go through one roundabout
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Redford Rd/B701
Turn right onto Oxgangs Rd/B701
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on Oxgangs Rd/B701
Turn right onto Biggar Rd/A702
At Lothianburn Jct, use the left lane to take the A720 slip road to Berwick upon Tweed/Leith/A1
A720 - EB - Lothianburn to Straiton on slip - Closure
Location:A720 (E Of Dreghorn Jct to W Loth'Burn Jct) to A720 (W Straiton Jct to E Straiton Jct), Eastbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Lothianburn Jct - A702 - B701 Frogston Road - A701 Burdiehouse Rd - Straiton Jct
A720 - WB - Calder to Gogar Link Road - closure
Location:A720 (Sighthill Link to N Of M8 Ext Jct) to A720 (M8 Hermiston Gait Rbt to Slip To A720), Westbound
Start time:15th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Join A720 EB to Dreghorn, and return to A720 WB.
A720 - WB - Dreghorn off slip - Closure
Location:A720 (W Of Loth'Burn Jct to Start Wb Slip To Dreghorn Link Rd) to A720 (Start Wb Slip To Dreghorn Li
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take the Offslip at Lothianburn juction and take the 2 Exit onto Biggar Road 2. Continue on Biggar Road to Lothianburn North Roundabout and take the first exit on to Biggar Road North 3. Take a left onto B701 onto Oxgangs Road 4. Continue on Oxgangs before taking a left onto Redford Road continuing on B701. 5. Take the first exit onto Dreghorn Link and head southbound following onto the A720 & rejoin
A720 - WB - Lothianburn - Closure
Location:A720 (E Of Loth'Burn Jct to W Of Loth'Burn Jct) to A720 (Start Wb Slip To Dreghorn Link Rd to Eastbo
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take the Offslip at Lothianburn juction and take the 2 Exit onto Biggar Road 2. Continue on Biggar Road to Lothianburn North Roundabout and take the first exit on to Biggar Road North 3. Take a left onto B701 onto Oxgangs Road 4. Continue on Oxgangs before taking a left onto Redford Road continuing on B701. 5. Take the first exit onto Dreghorn Link and head southbound following onto the A720 & rejoin
A720 - WB - Lothianburn on slip - Closure
Location:A720 (Start Wb Slip From A702 to W Of Loth'Burn Jct), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take the Offslip at Lothianburn juction and take the 2 Exit onto Biggar Road 2. Continue on Biggar Road to Lothianburn North Roundabout and take the first exit on to Biggar Road North 3. Take a left onto B701 onto Oxgangs Road 4. Continue on Oxgangs before taking a left onto Redford Road continuing on B701. 5. Take the first exit onto Dreghorn Link and head southbound following onto the A720 & rejoin
A720- EB- Dreghorn - Lothianburn- Closure
Location:A720 (Eastbound Slip to E Of Dreghorn Jct) to A720 (W Loth'Burn Jct to E Of Loth'Burn Jct), Eastboun
Start time:21st of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Dreghorn Jct - Dreghorn Link - B701 Hunters Tryst - A702 - Lothianburn Jct
A725 Diamond Southbound off-slip - Total closure
Location:A725 (Wb Off Slip Diamond Int to Diamond Int Cross Rds), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Kerbing Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A725 Southbound Bellziehill off-slip, Bellziehill Roundabout, A725 Northbound Bellziehill on-slip.
A725 Kingsway Whitemoss Rbt to Birniehill Rbt WB - Closure
Location:A725 (Whitemoss Rbt to Whitemoss Rbt) to A726 (Birniehill Rbt to Birniehill Rbt), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take 3rd exit to Whitemoss Ave - first exit to Chruchhill Ave - first exit to continue on Chruchhill Ave – first exit to Queensway
A725 N/B B7012 to Belshill bypass -Lane Closure
Location:A725 (Off Slip Hamilton to On Slip Hamilton) to A725 (M8 Ppp Boundary to Whistleberry Roundabout), N
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A725 NB East Kilbride Expressway Total Closure
Location:A725 (Off Slip Hamilton to On Slip Hamilton) to A725 (Main St On Slip to Glasgow Rd On Slip), Northb
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit A725 Main St Off - B7012 - A724 Glasgow Rd - Join A725 Glasgow Rd on slip
A725 NB Main Street On Slip Total Closure
Location:A725 (Main Street Rbt to Slip To A725), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion - B7012 - A724 Glasgow Rd - Join A725 Glasgow Rd on slip
A725 NB Right turn Onslip from A724 - Road Closure
Location:A725 (Eb Slip From Nb Glasgow Rd to Start Slip To A725), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue A724 to Rbt, U turn and return A724 SB - Join A725
A725 Northbound Main line Raith to Bellziehill - Total closure
Location:A725 (Whistleberry Toll Rbt to Whistleberry Toll Rbt) to A725 (Orbiston Int On Slip to Off Slip Bell
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Non-Motorway : A725 to A7071, Bellshill Bypass, Hamilton Road, Main Street, Uddingston Road, Bothwell Road, Main Street, Glasgow road, Old Edinburgh Road, Aitkenhead Road.
Motorway: M74 Junction 5 on-slip Northbound, M73 Northbound to M73 northbound, M73 Northbound Junction 2 off-slip, Baillieston Rbt, Swinton Rbt, Bargeddie Rbt, A8 Eastbound
A725 Northbound Orbiston on-slip - Total closure
Location:A725 (Start Of Slip to Jct Orbiston Rbt) to A725 (Derest Doune Nth to On Slip), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Hamilton Road, Crossgates, A721, Calder Road, A775, A721 Gartcosh Walk
A725 Northbound Raith on-slip - Total closure
Location:A725 (Raith Rbt to Raith Rbt) to A725 (Raith Rbt to Off Slip Orbiston Int), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Non- Motorway :A725 to A7071, Bellshill Bypass, Hamilton Road, Main Street, Uddingston Road, Bothwell Road, Main Street, Glasgow road, Old Edinburgh Road, Aitkenhead Road.
Motorway: M74 Junction 5 on-slip Northbound, M73 Northbound to M73 northbound, M73 Northbound Junction 2 off-slip, Baillieston Rbt, Swinton Rbt, Bargeddie Rbt, A8 Eastbound
A725 Northbound to M8 Eastbound link road - total closure
Location:A725 (Exit Slip Nosing to End Of Dual) to A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. O/B), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A8 Eastbound Shawhead on-slip, A8 Eastbound Merge to M8 at Newhouse
A725 S/B Belshill bypass to B7012 -Lane Closure
Location:A725 (Whistleberry Rbt to M8 Ppp Boundary) to A725 (Off Slip Udston to On Slip Udston), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A725 Southbound Shawhead to North road - Nearside lane closure
Location:A725 (Start 3lane to Shawhead Rbt) to A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. O/B), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A725 Southbound Orbiston on-slip - Total closure
Location:A725 (Orbiston Rbt to Wb On Slip) to A725 (Wb Off Slip Orbiston Int to Wb On Slip), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A725 Orbiston on-slip Northbound, A725 Bellziehill Northbound off-slip, Bellziehill Roundabout, A725 Bellziehill Southbound on-slip.
A725 Southbound Raith off-slip - Total closure
Location:A725 (On Slip Orbiston Int to Raith Rbt) to A725 (Raith Rbt to Raith Rbt), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A725 Southbound, A725 Main Street off-slip, A725 Main Street on-slip Northbound.
A725 Southbound from Orbiston off-slip to Orbiston on-slip - Offside lane closure
Location:A725 (Bellziehill On Slip to Off Slip Orbiston Int) to A725 (Raith Rbt to Off Slip Orbiston Int), So
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A725 southbound North road - Total closure
Location:A8 (Diverge to Start 2 Lane) to A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. O/B), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A725 Southbound, A725 Southbound Diamond off-slip, A725 Belgrave Street, A721
A726 EB Queensway - Lane Closure
Location:A726 (Righead Rbt to Murray Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A726 GSO - Maidenhill to Belle Craig roundabout
Location:A726 (Maidenhill Roundabout to Mearns Road Overbridge) to A726 (Mearns Road Overbridge to B767 Glasg
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A77 Ayr road - Eaglesham road - Mearns road - Waterfoot road - B767 Glasgow road - A726 GSO
A726 GSO - Philipshill roundabout EB lane closure
Location:A726 (Phillipshill Roundabout to Phillipshill Roundabout), Eastbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A726 GSO EB Approach OS lane closure
Location:A726 (Redwood Drive Underbridge to Phillipshill Interchange) to A726 (Phillipshill Roundabout to Phi
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A726 Queensway - West mains roundabout EB lane closure
Location:A726 (West Mains Rbt to West Mains Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A726 Queensway approach EB lane closure
Location:A726 (Slip On Phillipshill Interchange to West Mains Roundabout) to A726 (West Mains Rbt to West Mai
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A726 Queensway approach WB lane closure
Location:A726 (Eaglesham Rd Rbt to West Mains Rbt), Westbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A726 Slip road approach OS lane closure
Location:A726 (Start Of Off Slip to Phillipshill Roundabout) to A726 (Phillipshill Roundabout to Phillipshill
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A727 South road - Carmunnock roundabout lane closure
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Eastbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A727 South road EB approach lane closure
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Eastbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A727 South road WB approach lane closure
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Westbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A737 Dalry Road SB - Advance Signage
Location:A737 (Kilwinning 30mph Sign to A738 Jct) to A738 (A737 Kilwinning to Pennyburn Rd Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A737 N/B Barrochan to St James - Total Closure
Location:A737 (Off Slip To B789 to On Slip From B789) to M8 (Barnsford Rd to 2 Way Slip), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections, Road Stud
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic will be diverted off Barrochan, following B789 towards Deafhillock Rnbt, take 3rd exit on to the A761, follow A761 until Lonend Jct, then follow A726 to St James to reconnect
A737 N/B, Barrochan on slip - Total Closure
Location:A737 (B789 Rbt to On Slip From B789), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections, Road Stud
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
A737 N/B, Linwood off slip - Total Closure
Location:A737 (Eb Off Slip to Eb On Slip) to A737 (Eb Off Slip to A761 Linclive Rbt), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections, Road Stud
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion: Traffic will be diverted off Barrochan, following B789 towards Deafhillock Rnbt, take 3rd exit on to the A761, follow A761 until Lonend Jct, then follow A726 to St James to reconnect
A737 N/B, Linwood on slip - Total Closure
Location:A737 (A761 Linclive Rbt to Eb On Slip), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections, Road Stud
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion: Traffic will be diverted off Barrochan, following B789 towards Deafhillock Rnbt, take 3rd exit on to the A761, follow A761 until Lonend Jct, then follow A726 to St James to reconnect
A737 N/B, St James off slip - Total Closure
Location:A737 (Exit Slip to A761 Roundabout), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections, Road Stud
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion: Traffic will be diverted off Barrochan, following B789 towards Deafhillock Rnbt, take 3rd exit on to the A761, follow A761 until Lonend Jct, then follow A726 to St James to reconnect
A737 NB Bypass Road to Roadhead Rbt Lochwinnoch- TTL
Location:A737 (B706 Jct to Manrahead Rbt) to A737 (Roadhead Rbt to Clerksbride Toll Rbt), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A737 NB Dalry Road Kilwinning - 2 Way TTLS
Location:A737 (Cockenzie Jct to Kilwinning 30mph Sign), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A737 NB Dalry Road, Dalgarven -Advanced Signage
Location:A738 (A737 Kilwinning to Pennyburn Rd Jct) to A737 (Monkcastle to Cockenzie Jct), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A737 NB End of Dual Kilbarchan to Pennyburn RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A78 (Pennyburn Roundabout to Pennyburn Roundabout) to A737 (End Dual Carriageway to Elliston Jct), N
Start time:13th of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A737 Roadhead RBT and Approaches NB Howwood - TTLS
Location:A737 (Roadhead Rbt to Clerksbride Toll Rbt) to A737 (Bell Trees Junction to Roadhead Roundabout), No
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A737 Roadhead RBT and Approaches SB Howwood TTLs
Location:A737 (Bell Trees Junction to Roadhead Roundabout) to A737 (Roadhead Rbt to Clerksbride Toll Rbt), So
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A737 SB Dalry Road Kilwinning - 2 Way TTLS
Location:A737 (Cockenzie Jct to Kilwinning 30mph Sign), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A737 SB Dalry Road, Dalgarven -Advanced Signage
Location:A737 (Monkcastle to Cockenzie Jct) to A738 (A737 Kilwinning to Pennyburn Rd Jct), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A737 SB End of Dual Kilbarchan to Pennyburn RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A737 (End Dual Carriageway to Elliston Jct) to A738 (Start Single 3- Lane Cway to A78 Pennyburn Rbt)
Start time:13th of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A737 SB Roadhead Rbt - Bypass Road Lochwinnoch - TTL
Location:A737 (Roadhead Rbt to Clerksbride Toll Rbt) to A737 (Manrahead Rbt to Muirhouse Jct), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A737 St James' IC to Kilbarchan SB - Total Closure
Location:A737 (Wb On Slip to Linclive Jct) to A737 (Wb Off Slip to Wb On Slip), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion -
St James' Interchange - A726 - Greenock Rd - St James' St - Niddry St - Renfrew Rd - Incle St - Mill St - Gordon St - Canal St - George St - A761 Ferguslie - Linwood Rd - Linwood Interchange - Join A737 WB at Linwood onslip - End
A738 Byres Road WB - Advance Signage
Location:A738 (A737 Kilwinning to Pennyburn Rd Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A738 EB Bryres Road Kiwinning TTLs
Location:A738 (A737 Kilwinning to Pennyburn Rd Jct), Eastbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A738 NB Stevenston Rd at Segton Avenue - TTLS
Location:A738 (Pennyburn Rd Jct to Whitehouse Park Rd Jct), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A738 NB Stevenston Road @ Mcluckie Drive - TTLS
Location:A738 (Pennyburn Rd Jct to Whitehouse Park Rd Jct), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A738 SB Stevenston Rd at @ Segton Avenue- TTLS
Location:A738 (Pennyburn Rd Jct to Whitehouse Park Rd Jct), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A738 SB Stevenston Road @ Mcluckie Drive - TTLS
Location:A738 (Pennyburn Rd Jct to Whitehouse Park Rd Jct), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A738 WB Bryres Road Kilwinning TTL
Location:A738 (A737 Kilwinning to Pennyburn Rd Jct), Westbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Castle Kennedy SB - TTLS
Location:A75 (Start Of 3-Lane to Junction Old School) to A75 (End Of 3-Lane to Start Of 3-Lane), Southbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Castle Kennedy SB @ Dunragit Bypass - TTLS
Location:A75 (End Of 3-Lane to Start Of 3-Lane) to A75 (Start Of 3-Lane to Junction Old School), Southbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Collin Bypass WB- Lane closure
Location:A75 (B724 Jct to East Bullnose) to A75 (B724 Jct to West Bullnose), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A75 EB Allanton Roundabout at Castle Douglas- TTLS
Location:A75 (Allanton Rbt to A713 Slip Rd), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 EB Auchenlarie to Carlsuith - TTL's
Location:A75 (Carsluith Jct Sth to Carsluith Jct Nth) to A75 (Auchenlarie Fm to Kirkdale Hse Jct), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:00am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 EB Barlae at the Cycleway - Works entirely on Footway
Location:A75 (End Of Dual Section to End Of Lay-By), Eastbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:30am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Works Entirely on Footway.
A75 EB Between Jct B795 - B794- Road Part of a Diversion Route
Location:A75 (Lhs Junction to End Of Climbing Lane) to A75 (B794 Junction to Start Of Climbing Lane), Eastbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 10:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A75 EB Carney Hill RIngford - Rolling TTLS
Location:A75 (Barncrosh Layby to Ucl Ringford East) to A75 (Threave Br to Greenhall Fm), Eastbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 EB Drummore to Merkland - TTL's
Location:A75 (Drummore Rbt to Shawhead Roadend Junction), Eastbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 EB Drummore to Merkland -Total closure
Location:A75 (Drummore Rbt to Shawhead Roadend Junction) to A75 (End Garroch Loaning Rbt to Start 3 Lane Carr
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Westbound traffic turns left off the A75 @ Garroch roundabout onto the U225n Garroch loaning. Traffic proceeds on Garroch Loaning to the A711 Cargenbridge roundabout. Traffic turns right at Cargenbridge roundabout onto the A711 and travels west through Beeswing to Dalbeattie. Traffic proceeds through Dalbeattie and turns right off A711 Craignair street onto B794 Haugh Rd. Traffic then proceeds on B794 Haugh Rd and turns left on to Main St, Haugh of Urr. Traffic proceeds on B794 before rejoining the A75 at Chapelton Cottages junction. Eastbound as above in reverse
A75 EB End of Dual Gretna to Garroch Loaning RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A75 (Start Garroch Loaning Rbt to End Garroch Loaning Rbt) to A75 (End Dual C'Way to Nivenhill O'Bri
Start time:1st of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A75 EB Old Military Road at Newton Stewart - TTLS
Location:A75 (East Knockbrex to Blackpark Fm), Eastbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Henderland NB - TTLS
Location:A75 (Shawhead Roadend Jct to Start Wb Overtaking Lane) to A75 (Drummore Rbt to Shawhead Roadend Junc
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Henderland SB - TTLS
Location:A75 (Drummore Rbt to Shawhead Roadend Junction) to A75 (Shawhead Roadend Jct to Start Wb Overtaking
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 London Rd to Stranraer (EB) -TTLS
Location:A75 (40 Mph Xroads to A75 Jct) to A75 (A751 Jct to 40 Mph Xroads), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:30am
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 London Rd to Stranraer (WB) -TTLs
Location:A75 (A751 Jct to 40 Mph Xroads) to A75 (40 Mph Xroads to A75 Jct), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Newton Farm EB TTL's
Location:A75 (Newton Cottage to Auchenlarie Fm), Eastbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 7:00am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Newton Farm WB TTL's
Location:A75 (Newton Cottage to Auchenlarie Fm), Westbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 7:00am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Newton Stewart to Creetown EB- TTL
Location:A75 (Jct Blackcraig to A712 Jct) to A75 (Creetown Jct Sth to Creetown Jct Nth), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Newton Stewart to Creetown WB- TTL
Location:A75 (Creetown Jct Sth to Creetown Jct Nth) to A75 (Jct Blackcraig to A712 Jct), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Springholm West Gateway EB TTL's
Location:A75 (Jct Garmartin to B794 Jct) to A75 (Jct Lairdlaugh to Auchenreoch Br), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 6:00am
Filter Drain
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 Springholm West Gateway WB TTL's
Location:A75 (Jct Lairdlaugh to Auchenreoch Br) to A75 (Jct Garmartin to B794 Jct), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 6:00am
Filter Drain
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB Allanton Roundabout at Castle Douglas - TTLs
Location:A75 (Allanton Rbt to A713 Slip Rd), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB Auchenlarie to Carlsuith - TTL's
Location:A75 (Auchenlarie Fm to Kirkdale Hse Jct) to A75 (Carsluith Jct Sth to Carsluith Jct Nth), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:00am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB Between Jct B794 - B795 - Road Part of a Diversion Route
Location:A75 (B794 Junction to Start Of Climbing Lane) to A75 (Lhs Junction to End Of Climbing Lane), Westbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 10:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A75 WB Carney Hill RIngford - Rolling TTLS
Location:A75 (Greenhall Fm to A711 Jct) to A75 (Barncrosh Layby to Ucl Ringford East), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB Drummore to Merkland - TTL's
Location:A75 (Drummore Rbt to Shawhead Roadend Junction), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB Drummore to Merkland - Total closure
Location:A75 (End Garroch Loaning Rbt to Start 3 Lane Carriageway) to A75 (Drummore Rbt to Shawhead Roadend J
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Westbound traffic turns left off the A75 @ Garroch roundabout onto the U225n Garroch loaning. Traffic proceeds on Garroch Loaning to the A711 Cargenbridge roundabout. Traffic turns right at Cargenbridge roundabout onto the A711 and travels west through Beeswing to Dalbeattie. Traffic proceeds through Dalbeattie and turns right off A711 Craignair street onto B794 Haugh Rd. Traffic then proceeds on B794 Haugh Rd and turns left on to Main St, Haugh of Urr. Traffic proceeds on B794 before rejoining the A75 at Chapelton Cottages junction. Eastbound as above in reverse
A75 WB End of Dual Gretna to Garroch Loaning RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A75 (End Dual C'Way to Nivenhill O'Bridge) to A75 (Start Garroch Loaning Rbt to End Garroch Loaning
Start time:1st of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A75 WB Old Military Road at Newton Steward - TTLS
Location:A75 (East Knockbrex to Blackpark Fm), Westbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB at Kirkdale House - TTLS
Location:A75 (Kirkdale Hse Jct to Carsluith Jct Sth), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 WB at Kirkdale House - TTLS
Location:A75 (Kirkdale Hse Jct to Carsluith Jct Sth), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A75 from A75/A701 Rbt EB Dumfries Bypass - Total closure
Location:A75 (Edinburgh Rd Rbt A701 to Glasgow Rd Rbt A76), Eastbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 6:00pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Cuckoo Bridge Rbt - South on A76 Glasgow Rd - A76 Glasgow St - A780 Buccleuch - A780 Church Cres - A780 Academy St - A701 Edinburgh Rd - A75 Bloomfield Rbt - Diversion End
A75 from A75/A701 Rbt WB Dumfries Bypass - Total closure
Location:A75 (Edinburgh Rd Rbt A701 to Glasgow Rd Rbt A76), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 6:00pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Cuckco Bridge Rbt - South on A76 Glasgow Rd - A76 Glasgow St - A780 Buccleuch - A780 Church Cres - A780 Academy St - A701 Edinburgh Rd - A75 Bloomfield Rbt - Diversion End (IN REVERSE)
A76 Bellfield to Marchburn NB- Stop and Go
Location:A76 (Polshill Bridge to Jct W. Polquhirter) to A76 (Bowhouse Roundabout to Start Approach To Hulford
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A76 Bellfield to Marchburn SB- Stop and Go
Location:A76 (Bowhouse Roundabout to Start Approach To Hulford Int) to A76 (Polshill Bridge to Jct W. Polquhi
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A76 Bowhouse to Bargower NB- TTL
Location:A76 (Cessnock Water Bridge to Crossroads Roundabout) to A76 (Bowhouse Roundabout to Start Approach T
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Bowhouse to Bargower SB- TTL
Location:A76 (Bowhouse Roundabout to Start Approach To Hulford Int) to A76 (Jct Craighead to Cessnock Water B
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Crosshands NB - TTLS
Location:A76 (B744 Crosshands to Jct Craighead), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Crosshands SB - TTLS
Location:A76 (B744 Crosshands to Jct Craighead), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Drumlanrig to Glenairlie - NB Total closure
Location:A76 (Jct At N Carron Br. to Jct Drumlanrig Park) to A76 (Parking Area to Jct Glengenny), Northbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 7:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Northbound traffic leaves the A76 onto C133N Holestane Rd, nr Drumlanrig Castle. Traffic will then turn left on to the A702 north of Carronbridge. Traffic then continues north on A702 to Abington services roundabouts. First roundabout take the second exit to next roundabout, take second exit and join the B7078. Continue to A70 Millbank, turn left on to A70 Ayr Rd. Continue on A70 to Cumnock rejoin A76 at Dettingen Rbt
Southbound traffic will take the exit at Dettingen Roundabout onto the A70 through Cumnock to the B7078 and then proceeding to Abington Services, before taking the A702 to Carronbridge where it will rejoin the A76
A76 Drumlanrig to Glenairlie - SB Total closure
Location:A76 (Parking Area to Jct Glengenny) to A76 (Jct At N Carron Br. to Jct Drumlanrig Park), Southbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 7:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Northbound traffic leaves the A76 onto C133N Holestane Rd, nr Drumlanrig Castle. Traffic will then turn left on to the A702 north of Carronbridge. Traffic then continues north on A702 to Abington services roundabouts. First roundabout take the second exit to next roundabout, take second exit and join the B7078. Continue to A70 Millbank, turn left on to A70 Ayr Rd. Continue on A70 to Cumnock rejoin A76 at Dettingen Rbt
Southbound traffic will take the exit at Dettingen Roundabout onto the A70 through Cumnock to the B7078 and then proceeding to Abington Services, before taking the A702 to Carronbridge where it will rejoin the A76
A76 Kilmarnock Rd Mauchline SB- TTL
Location:A76 (B743 Loudon St to Jct Hillhead), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Marchburn New Cumnock SB- TTL
Location:A76 (E. Ayrshire Bdy to Polshill Bridge) to A76 (Jct Glen Hall to E. Ayrshire Bdy), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Marchburn New Cumnock NB- TTL
Location:A76 (Jct Glen Hall to E. Ayrshire Bdy) to A76 (E. Ayrshire Bdy to Polshill Bridge), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Mauchline NB- TTL
Location:A76 (B743 Loudon St to Jct Hillhead), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Mennock Dumfries & Galloway SB- TTL
Location:A76 (N End Of Glenairlie 3-Lane to Jct (L) Eliock Grange) to A76 (Priority Changeover N End to N End
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Mennock Dumfries & Galloway NB- TTL
Location:A76 (Priority Changeover N End to N End Of Glenairlie 3-Lane) to A76 (N End Of Glenairlie 3-Lane to
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Mennock NB - TTLS
Location:A76 (N End Of Glenairlie 3-Lane to Jct (L) Eliock Grange), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Mennock SB - TTLS
Location:A76 (N End Of Glenairlie 3-Lane to Jct (L) Eliock Grange), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 NB Blackwood to Barburgh Mill - TTL
Location:A76 (Jct Dalswinton to End Layby) to A76 (End Layby to Jct Stepends), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 NB Crosshands to Mauchline - Route part of Diversion
Location:A76 (B743 Loudon St to Jct Hillhead) to A76 (B744 Crosshands to Jct Craighead), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 11:00pm
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A76 NB Crossroads to near Bellfield Interchange - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A76 (Crossroads Roundabout to Crossroads Roundabout) to A76 (Bowhouse Roundabout to Start Approach T
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 8:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A76 NB Glasgow Rd RBT to Bellfield RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A76 (Glasgow Rd A75 Rbt to Priory Avenue Rbt) to A76 (Start Approach to Bellfield Rbt), Northbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A76 NB New Cumnock to Mansfield - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A76 (Jct Glen Hall to E. Ayrshire Bdy) to A76 (Polqueys Rd Jct to Loch View Jct), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A76 NB Templeton Rbt - TTL
Location:A76 (Dettingen Rbt to Templeton Rbt) to A76 (Start Approach to B713 Jct Catrine), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Netherthird New Cumnock NB - TTLS
Location:A76 (Skerrington Rbt to Dettingen Rbt), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Netherthird New Cumnock NB - TTLS
Location:A76 (Skerrington Rbt to Dettingen Rbt), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Newbridge NB - TTLS
Location:A76 (Jct Newbridge to B729 Junction), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Newbridge SB - TTLS
Location:A76 (Jct Newbridge to B729 Junction), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 SB Barburgh Mill to Blackwood- TTL
Location:A76 (End Layby to Jct Stepends) to A76 (Jct Dalswinton to End Layby), Southbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 SB Crosshands to Mauchline - Route part of Diversion
Location:A76 (Jct Hillhead to B744 Crosshands) to A76 (B743 Mansefield Rd to B743 Loudon St), Southbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 11:00pm
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A76 SB Crossroads to near Bellfield Interchange - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A76 (Bowhouse Roundabout to Start Approach To Hulford Int) to A76 (Cessnock Water Bridge to Crossroa
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 8:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A76 SB Glasgow Rd RBT to Bellfield RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A77 (Hurlford Int Rbt to Hurlford Int Rbt) to A75 (Glasgow Rd Rbt A76 to Glasgow Rd Rbt A76), Southb
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A76 SB New Cumnock to Mansfield - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A76 (Polqueys Rd Jct to Loch View Jct) to A76 (E. Ayrshire Bdy to Polshill Bridge), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A76 SB Templeton Rbt - TTL
Location:A76 (Start Approach to B713 Jct Catrine) to A76 (Dettingen Rbt to Templeton Rbt), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Sanquhar to Kirkconnell NB- TTL
Location:A76 (Jct Esso Ps to Jct To Manse) to A76 (Jct To Kelloholm to Jct Kirkconnell Station), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Sanquhar to Kirkconnell SB- TTL
Location:A76 (Jct To Kelloholm to Jct Kirkconnell Station) to A76 (Jct Esso Ps to Jct To Manse), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Thornhill to Closeburn NB- TTL
Location:A76 (Jct To School to Jct Trigony Hse Hotel) to A76 (Jct Trigony Hse Hotel to Jct 30mph Thornhill),
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A76 Thornhill to Closeburn SB- TTL
Location:A76 (Jct Trigony Hse Hotel to Jct 30mph Thornhill) to A76 (Jct To School to Jct Trigony Hse Hotel),
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Ardwell Girvan NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Lendalfoot Br to Ardmillan Castle), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Ardwell Girvan SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Lendalfoot Br to Ardmillan Castle), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Bankfield Rbt Glengall NB - TTLS
Location:A77 (A79 Jct Maybole Rd to Bankhead Rbt), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Belffield IC Kilmarnock - SB - Closure
Location:A77 (Hurlford Int Rbt to Hurlford Int Rbt) to A77 (A76/A71 Rbt to Sb On Slip), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A77 Southbound Bellfield Roundabout Left at Dutch House Roundabout remaining on A77 – Left at Sandyford Toll onto A719 – Left turn to remain on A719 – Left at Crossroads Roundabout onto A76 – Diversion ends at B7073 roundabout.
A77 Bellfield IC SB- Lane Closure
Location:A77 (Off Slip To A76/A71 to Sb On Slip), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A77 Dutchhouse to Sandyford SB- Lane Closure
Location:A77 (Symington Sb to Dutch Hse Rbt) to A77 (Dutch House R/Bout to Sandyford Toll Roundabout), Southb
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A77 Glengal SB - TTLS
Location:A77 (A79 Jct Maybole Rd to Bankhead Rbt), Southbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Henrietta Street Girvan NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Duncan Street to Henrietta Street Roundabout) to A77 (Henrietta Street Rbt to Stumpy Corner), N
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Henrietta Street Girvan SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Henrietta Street Rbt to Stumpy Corner) to A77 (Duncan Street to Henrietta Street Roundabout), S
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Rd Kirkoswald NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Jct Kirk Brae Kirkoswald to Old Toll Cottage) to A77 (Old Toll Cottage to Jct Blanefield), Nort
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Rd Kirkoswald SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Old Toll Cottage to Jct Blanefield) to A77 (Jct Kirk Brae Kirkoswald to Old Toll Cottage), Sout
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Road Kirkoswald SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Old Toll Cottage to Jct Blanefield), Southbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Road Minishant SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Smithston Br to Jct Kewnston), Southbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Road Kirkoswald NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Old Toll Cottage to Jct Blanefield), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Road Minishant NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Smithston Br to Jct Kewnston), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Street Ballantrae @ Haggstone Wood NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Haggstone Climbing Lane South End to Haggstone Climbing Lane North End), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Street Ballantrae @ Haggstone Wood SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Haggstone Climbing Lane South End to Haggstone Climbing Lane North End), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Street Ballantrae NB- TTL
Location:A77 (B7044 Jct to Start Climbing Lane), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Main Street Ballantrae SB- TTL
Location:A77 (B7044 Jct to Start Climbing Lane), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 NB Bellfield IC off slip - Closure
Location:A77 (Nb Slip Road Exit to Hurlford Int Rbt) to A77 (Hurlford Int Rbt to Hurlford Int Rbt), Northboun
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave Dutchouse Rbt onto A78 north - take 3rd exit at Monktonhead Rbt onto A78 north - take 2nd exit at Meadowhead Rbt- leave A78 at Warrix Rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71- Follow A71 to Bellfield Rbt – Follow signs
A77 NB Between Lendalfoot & North Ballantrae - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A77 (End Climbing Lane to B734 Jct) to A77 (Lendalfoot Br to Ardmillan Castle), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A77 NB Bogend off slip - Closure
Location:A77 (Symington Nb to East Lodge), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave Dutchouse Rbt onto A78 north - take 3rd exit at Monktonhead Rbt onto A78 north - take 2nd exit at Meadowhead Rbt- leave A78 at Warrix Rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71- Follow A71 to Bellfield Rbt- take 5th exit onto A77 south- follow signs for Bogend
A77 NB Bogend on slip - Closure
Location:A77 (Symington Nb to East Lodge), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take A77 south to Dutchouse - leave Dutchouse Rbt onto A78 north - take 3rd exit at Monktonhead Rbt onto A78 north - take 2nd exit at Meadowhead Rbt- leave A78 at Warrix Rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71 - Follow A71 to Bellfield Rbt- follow signs
A77 NB Cairnryan - Short duration Stop/Go
Location:A77 (Drummuckloch Fm to Derest Sign) to A77 (South Ayrshire Boundary to Haggstone Cl South End), Nor
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A77 NB Dutchouse Rbt to Bellfield IC - Closure
Location:A77 (Dutch Hse Rbt to Symington Nb) to A77 (Nb Slip Road Exit to On Slip From A76/A71), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave Dutchouse Rbt onto A78 north - take 3rd exit at Monktonhead Rbt onto A78 north - take 2nd exit at Meadowhead Rbt- leave A78 at Warrix Rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71- Follow A71 to Bellfield Rbt- follow signs
A77 NB Maybole Road to Bankfield Rbt - CLOSURE
Location:A77 (A79 Jct Maybole Rd to Bankhead Rbt), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave A77 NB at Maybole Road end and follow to turn RIGHT onto Belmont Road then RIGHT at rbt onto Dalmellington Road and folllow to rejoin A77 at Bankfield Rbt
A77 NB Spitallhill off slip - Closure
Location:A77 (Spittalhill Slip Rd Nb to K&C District Boundary), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave Dutchouse Rbt onto A78 north - take 3rd exit at Monktonhead Rbt onto A78 north - take 2nd exit at Meadowhead Rbt- leave A78 at Warrix Rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71- Follow A71 to Bellfield Rbt – Follow signs
A77 NB Symington off slip - Closure
Location:A77 (Symington Nb to East Lodge), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave Dutchouse Rbt onto A78 north - take 3rd exit at Monktonhead Rbt onto A78 north - take 2nd exit at Meadowhead Rbt- leave A78 at Warrix Rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71- Follow A71 to Bellfield Rbt- take 5th exit onto A77 south- follow signs to Symington
A77 NB Symington on slip - Closure
Location:A77 (Symington Nb to East Lodge), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take A77 south to Dutchouse- leave Dutchouse rbt onto A78 north- take 3rd exit at Monktonhead rbt onto A78 north-take 2nd exit at Meadowhead rbt- leave A78 at Warrix rbt- take 3rd exit onto A71- Follow A71 to Bellfield rbt- follow signs
A77 NB on Mainstreet, Ballantrae - TTL's
Location:A77 (B7044 Jct to Start Climbing Lane), Northbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Overmills NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Holmston Rbt to Start 3 Lane), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Overmills SB - TTL
Location:A77 (Holmston Rbt to Start 3 Lane), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 SB Kilmarnock Bypass East Ayrshire - Lane Closure
Location:A77 (300m N Whatriggs Br to East Ayrshire Bdy) to A77 (East Ayrshire Bdy to Spitalhill Slip Rd), Sou
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A77 SB Bankfield to Maybole Road - CLOSURE
Location:A77 (Bankfield Rbt to Bankfield Rbt) to A77 (A79 Jct Maybole Rd to Bankhead Rbt), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave A77 SB at Bankfield Rbt taking the 3rd exit onto Dalmellington Rd WB turning LEFT at Roundabout onto Belmont Road then LEFT onto Maybole Road and follow to end to rejoin A77 SB
A77 SB Between Lendalfoot & North Ballantrae - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A77 (Carleton Fisheries to Lendalfoot Br) to A77 (End Climbing Lane to B734 Jct), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A77 SB Cairnryan - Short Duration Stop/GO
Location:A77 (South Ayrshire Boundary to Haggstone Cl South End) to A77 (Drummuckloch Fm to Derest Sign), Sou
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A77 SB on Mainstreet, Ballantrae - TTL's
Location:A77 (B7044 Jct to Start Climbing Lane), Southbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Smyrton NB- TTL
Location:A77 (Jct Ballochdowan to Old Smyrton), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A77 Smyrton SB- TTL
Location:A77 (Jct Ballochdowan to Old Smyrton), Southbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Main Road Fairlie SB- TTL
Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End), Southbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Main Road Inverkip - TTLS
Location:A78 (Jct Inverkip to Exit Power Stat), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 EB Inverkip Rd, Greenock - TTL's
Location:A78 (Gateside Ave to Start Dual At Bus Stop), Eastbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Greenock Road Meigle Largs NB- TTL
Location:A78 (Eglinton Terr to Glenhaven House), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Greenock Road Meigle Largs SB- TTL
Location:A78 (Eglinton Terr to Glenhaven House), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Inverkip Rd Greenock NB - TTLS
Location:A78 (Gateside Ave to Start Dual At Bus Stop), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Inverkip Rd Greenock SB - TTLS
Location:A78 (Gateside Ave to Start Dual At Bus Stop), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Irvine Rd Seamill NB - TTLS
Location:A78 (Sseb Rbt Hunterston to Jct B782), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Irvine Rd Seamill SB - TTLS
Location:A78 (Sseb Rbt Hunterston to Jct B782), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Main Rd Fairlie NB - TTLS
Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Main Rd Fairlie SB - TTLS
Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Main Road Fairlie NB- TTL
Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End), Northbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Monktonhead to Loans NB- Lane Closure
Location:A78 (Dutch Hse Rbt to Monkton Rbt) to A78 (End Entry Slip B746 to Exit Nb From A78), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A78 Montfode Rbt SB- Lane Closure
Location:A78 (Montfode Roundabout to Montfode Roundabout), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A78 NB Shore Road Skelmorlie - TTLS
Location:A78 (40mph Wemyss Bay to Kelly Bridge), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Ardrossan Road Seamill - TTLS
Location:A78 (B7047 Junction to Montfode Roundabout) to A78 (220m N Of Chapelton to B7047 Jct), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 9:00am
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB At Jct with Gateside Avenue - TTLs.
Location:A78 (Gateside Ave to Start Dual At Bus Stop) to A78 (Inverkip Rd Rbt to Gateside Ave), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00am
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Between St Philans and Routenburn - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A78 (Acc To Service Rd to Nelson St) to A78 (Glenhaven House to Lodge At Qu'Ter Est.), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A78 NB Brassie Offslip - CLOSURE
Location:A78 (Exit Nb From A78 to A759 O'Bridge) to A78 (Exit Nb From A78 to A759 West Rbt), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave A78 NB B746 NB and follow becoming A759 and follow end
A78 NB Bullring RBT to Chapel Hill RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A78 (Chapelhill Roundabout to Chapelhill Roundabout) to A8 (Bull Ring Rbt to Bull Ring Rbt), Northbo
Start time:9th of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A78 NB Dunlop Street Rbt to Old Inverkip Road Jct TTLs
Location:A78 (South St Roundabout to Inverkip Rd Rbt), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 7:00am
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Gateside road to Old Inverkip road, NSL closure
Location:A78 (Inverkip Rd Rbt to Gateside Ave) to A78 (South St Roundabout to Inverkip Rd Rbt), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:00am
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A78 NB Inverkip Rd Greenock TTL
Location:A78 (Cumberland Rd to Derest Sign) to A78 (Branchton Rd to Cumberland Rd), Northbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Kilwinning Bypass -Lane Closure
Location:A78 (Irvine Rd O/B to Railway Overbridge), Westbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 10:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A78 NB Loans NB onslip - CLOSURE
Location:A78 (B746 Fullarton Rd Jct to End Entry Slip B746) to A78 (Start Entry Slip B746 to End Entry Slip B
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow B746 NB and follow becoming A759 and follow to rejoin A78 NB at Meadowhead Rbt
A78 NB Loans to Meadowhead Rbt - ROAD CLOSURE
Location:A78 (Off Slip B746 to Start Entry Slip B746) to A78 (A759 O'Bridge to Meadowhead Rbt), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave A78 NB B746 NB and follow becoming A759 and follow to rejoin A78 NB at Meadowhead Rbt
A78 NB Main Rd, Fairlie - Signage Only
Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End) to A78 (Rd To Kellburn Glen to Pier Rd Jct), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A78 NB Main Street Largs - Road Narrowing
Location:A78 (The Moorings to Gogo St), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Narrowing (Two Way Working).
A78 NB Shore Rd Wemyss Bay - TTLs
Location:A78 (40mph Wemyss Bay to Kelly Bridge), Northbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 8:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Shore Rd, Meigle - TTL's
Location:A78 (Eglinton Terr to Glenhaven House), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 NB Shore Road Skelmorlie - TTLS
Location:A78 (Kelly Bridge to Eglinton Terr), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Main Road Inverkip - TTLS
Location:A78 (Jct Inverkip to Exit Power Stat), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Old Inverkip Road Jct Dunlop Street Rbt TTLs
Location:A78 (South St Roundabout to Inverkip Rd Rbt), Southbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 7:00am
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Shore Road Skelmorlie - TTLS
Location:A78 (40mph Wemyss Bay to Kelly Bridge), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB At Jct with Gateside Avenue - TTLs.
Location:A78 (Inverkip Rd Rbt to Gateside Ave) to A78 (Gateside Ave to Start Dual At Bus Stop), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00am
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Between St Philans and Routenburn - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A78 (Glenhaven House to Lodge At Qu'Ter Est.) to A78 (Acc To Service Rd to Nelson St), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A78 SB Bullring RBT to Chapel Hill RBT - Short Stop and Go
Location:A78 (Bull Ring Rbt to W Stewart St) to A78 (Chapelhill Roundabout to Chapelhill Roundabout), Southbo
Start time:9th of April 2025, 6:00am
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A78 SB Inverkip Rd Greenock TTL
Location:A78 (Branchton Rd to Cumberland Rd), Southbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Kilwinning Bypass -Lane Closure
Location:A78 (Pennyburn Rbt to Railway Bridge) to A78 (Rail Overbridge to Irvine Rd Overbridge), Eastbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 10:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A78 SB Main Rd, Fairlie - Signage Only
Location:A78 (Rd To Kellburn Glen to Pier Rd Jct) to A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A78 SB Main Street Largs - Road Narrowing
Location:A78 (The Moorings to Gogo St), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Narrowing (Two Way Working).
A78 SB Shore Rd Wemyss Bay - TTLs
Location:A78 (40mph Wemyss Bay to Kelly Bridge), Southbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 8:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Shore Rd, Meigle - TTL's
Location:A78 (Eglinton Terr to Glenhaven House), Southbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 SB Shore Road Skelmorlie - TTLS
Location:A78 (Kelly Bridge to Eglinton Terr), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Shore Rd Wemyss Bay NB - TTLS
Location:A78 (40mph Wemyss Bay to Kelly Bridge), Northbound
Start time:12th of April 2025, 10:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Shore Rd Wemyss Bay SB - TTLS
Location:A78 (40mph Wemyss Bay to Kelly Bridge), Southbound
Start time:12th of April 2025, 10:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 WB Inverkip Rd, Greenock - TTL's
Location:A78 (Gateside Ave to Start Dual At Bus Stop), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A78 Warrix Interchange SB- Lane Closure
Location:A78 (Broomsland Busway O/B to Shewalton Rd O/B), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 B789 WB Langbank off slip -Slip Closure
Location:A8 (Langbank Rbt W/B Exit to Inverclyde Cty Bdy), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow road to woodhall rbt- leave woodhall at 4th exit for A8 east- at rbt take 2nd exit - end
A8 WB East Hamilton Street -Lane Closure
Location:A8 (Sinclair Street to Cartsdyke Rbt), Westbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 EB Greenock Road After Newark Rbt Lane Closure
Location:A8 (Newark Rbt to Woodhall Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 EB Greenock Road - Woodhall Rbt to West Ferry IC - Lane Closure
Location:A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Pt Glasgow Bdy) to M8 (Slip Off To A8 to Slip Entry From A8), Eastbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 EB Greenock Road - Newark Rbt to Woodhall Rbt - Road closure
Location:A8 (Newark Rbt to Woodhall Rbt) to A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Woodhall Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave Newark Rbt onto A761 - at rbt take 1st exit onto Glasgow Rd - at Woodhall Rbt follow signs
A8 EB Rue End St to Newark Rbt - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A8 (Bull Ring Rbt to B788 Jct) to A8 (Newark Rbt to Newark Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A8 Eastbound Baillieston Lights to Swinton Rbt - Offside lane closure
Location:A8 (Coatbridge Rd / Edinburgh Rd to Baillieston Rbt) to A8 (Baillieston Rbt to Ravenswood Rd / Edinb
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 Eastbound Carnbroe on-slip - Total Closure
Location:A8 (Carnbroe On Slip to End Of 3 Lane At Off Slip), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Sweethill Terrace, Canbroe Road, Paddock Street, Sykeside Road,B802.
A8 Eastbound Chapelhall North Rbt to Newhouse - Nearside lane closure
Location:A8 (Woodhall Mill Rd (B802) to 2 Way Split) to A8 (Eb Off Slip to A73 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 Eastbound Swinton rbt - inner ring closure
Location:A8 (Baillieston Rbt to Ravenswood Rd / Edinburgh Rd) to A8 (Coatbridge Rd / Edinburgh Rd to Baillies
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 WB East Hamilton St Lane Closures
Location:A8 (Sinclair Street to Cartsdyke Rbt), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 WB Greenock Road Lane Closures
Location:A8 (Port Glasgow Western Rbt to Bogstan Lane), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 WB Langbank on slip - Slip Closure
Location:A8 (Langbank Rbt W/B Exit to Inverclyde Cty Bdy), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow B789 main rd- at jct take 1st left onto rbt- at rbt take 1st exit onto A8 west- end
A8 WB Main St Greenock Lane Closures
Location:A8 (Cartsdyke Rbt to Cartsburn St Rbt), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 WB - M8 J31 to Woodhall Rbt - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (Slip From M8 Wb to Slip Entry From A8) to A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Woodhall Rbt), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 WB Dalyrmple Street Greenock - Lane Closure
Location:A8 (B788 Jct to Bull Ring Rbt), Westbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 6:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 WB Greenock Road Woodhall Rbt to Newark Rbt - Road Closure
Location:A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Woodhall Rbt) to A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Newark Rbt), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave woodhall rbt onto Glasgow rd- at rbt take 2nd exit onto A761- end
A8 WB Rue End St to Newark Rbt - Route Part of Diversion
Location:A8 (Bull Ring Rbt to B788 Jct) to A8 (Cartsburn St Rbt to B788 Jct), Westbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A8 WB, Parklea Rd off slip - Slip Closure
Location:A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Newark Rbt), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave woodhall rbt onto parklea rd- follow road- end
A8 WB, Parklea Rd on slip - Slip Closure
Location:A8 (Woodhall Rbt to Newark Rbt), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow parklea rd onto woodhall rbt-leave woodhall rbt onto Glasgow rd- at rbt take 2nd exit onto A761- end
A8 Westbound Junction 6 to Junction 6a - Offside lane closure
Location:M8 (End Of Se Unit to A73 On Slip) to A8 (B799 O'Bridge to Newhouse Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Boundary Fence Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A8 Westbound Showcase off-slip - Total closure
Location:A8 (Shawhead Overbridge to Bargeddie) to A8 (A752 Jct to 2 Way Split), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A8 Westbound, Bargeddie Rbt, A8 Eastbound.
A8 Westbound Showcase to Bargeddie rbt - Nearside lane closure
Location:A8 (Bargeddie Underbridge to Baillieston Off Slip) to M73 (Off Slip From M73 to A8 Bailleston Rbt),
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A804 NB North St - Total closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Bothwell St) to M8 (Start On Slip to Entry M8 Eb), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
EB traffic diversion
Continue on Argyle Street - turn right onto A804 Newton St - Broomielaw - A77 Glasgow Bridge - Bridge St - Commerce St - Cook St - M8 EB Jct 20 on slip from West Street - Diversion End
WB traffic diversion
Argyle St - turn left onto A804 Newton St - Broomielaw - A77 Glasgow Bridge - Bridge St - Commerce St - Cook St - M8 EB Jct 20 on slip from West Street - Diversion End
A804 Newton St - Argyle St to Broomielaw - Total closure
Location:M8 (Jct 19 Off Slip to Jct 19 On Slip) to M8 (On Slip Jct 19 to Off Slip Jct 20), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow main diversion.
A804 SB Newton St link to Argyle St - Total closure
Location:M8 (Jct 19 Off Slip to Jct 19 On Slip) to M8 (Jct 19 Off Slip Split to Stobcross St), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue on M8 Jct 18 on slip from Newton St - M8 Jct 20 West Street off slip - West St - Kingston St - King George V bridge - Broomie Law - Brown St - Argyle St - Diversion End
A814 EB Clydeside Expressway - Total closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Bothwell St) to M8 (A814 Exit to Entry M8 Wb), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A814 Argyle St - head north on A804 North St - turn right on St Vincents Str - South on Newton St - back down to A814 Argyle St - Diversion End
A814 WB Argyle St - Total closure
Location:M8 (Bishop Lane to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip Off To A814 to Jct 19 Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Argyle St - James Watt St - Broomielaw - Anderston Quay - Finneston St - Congress Way - Pointhouse Rd - Clydside Expressway - Diversion End
A82 Great Western Road From Dalnottar Int to Dumbarton Rd Jct NB- Closure
Location:A898 (A82 Northbound Off Slip to Start Of Bridge) to A82 (Erskine Bridge A898 to A814 Jct), Northbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion 1 Mountblow Road - Dumbarton road - back onto A82
Diversion 2 Mountblow Road - Dumbarton road - back onto A82
Diversion 3 Sation road - onto a82 - off at Mountblow Road - Dumbarton Road - back onto A82
A82 After Stoneymollan Rnbt - Convoy Works
Location:A82 (A811 Roundabout to A811 Roundabout) to A82 (A811 Roundabout to Start Wb Approach), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A82 Belford Rd Fort William NB - Diversion Signage
Location:A82 (Transport Ctr Rbt to Transport Ctr Rbt) to A82 (Nevis Br Mini Rbt to Corpach Roundabout), North
Start time:6th of April 2025, 3:00pm
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A82 Belford Rd Fort William SB - Diversion Signage
Location:A82 (Nevis Br Mini Rbt to Corpach Roundabout) to A82 (Transport Ctr Rbt to Transport Ctr Rbt), South
Start time:6th of April 2025, 3:00pm
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A82 Blairannaich North of Tarbet - Stop/Go Works
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A82 Borlum Drumnadrochit NB - TTL
Location:A82 (450m N Of Cobb Meml to Borlum Bridge), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 11:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Borlum Drumnadrochit SB - TTL
Location:A82 (450m N Of Cobb Meml to Borlum Bridge), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 11:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Crianlarich NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Derest Sign to Euich Bridge), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Crianlarich SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Derest Sign to Euich Bridge), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Culag North of Luss - Convoy Works
Location:A82 (End Split Nb to Luss Access Sth), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A82 Dochgarroch NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Rose Cottage to 1st Layby Dunain Str), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Dochgarroch SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Rose Cottage to 1st Layby Dunain Str), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Drumnadrochit NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Borlum Bridge to A831 Drumnadrochit Bridge), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:30am
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Drumnadrochit SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Borlum Bridge to A831 Drumnadrochit Bridge), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:30am
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Dumbarton Rd @ Bowling NB - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to Dunglass Roundabout) to A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to A914 Dumbuck), North
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 Dumbarton Rd SB - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (A914 Dumbuck to Dunglass Rbt) to A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to Dunglass Roundabout), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 Dunglass Rbt NB - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to Dunglass Roundabout), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 Glencoe NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Rd To Clachaig Ho to 09740) to A82 (Glencoe Police Station to Gabions, Ballachulish), Northboun
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Glencoe SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Glencoe Police Station to Gabions, Ballachulish) to A82 (Rd To Clachaig Ho to 09740), Southboun
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Glenurquhart Rd Inverness NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Tomnahurich Br. to B862 Kenneth St.), Northbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works, Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Glenurquhart Rd Inverness SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Tomnahurich Br. to B862 Kenneth St.), Southbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works, Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Great Western Rd @ Bowling NB - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (A814 Jct to Dunglass Roundabout) to A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to Dunglass Roundabout), Northboun
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 Great Western Rd @ Bowling SB - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (Dunglass Rbt to Gavinsburn), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 Inverarnan NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Stirling/Argyle Bdy to Allt Fonn Br.), Northbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Inverarnan SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Stirling/Argyle Bdy to Allt Fonn Br.), Southbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Invergarry NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Laggan Swing Br to Glengarry Cas Hotel) to A82 (Glengarry Cas Hotel to A87 Jct), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Invergarry SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Glengarry Cas Hotel to A87 Jct) to A82 (Laggan Swing Br to Glengarry Cas Hotel), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Inverhaven South of Fort Augustus NB - TTL
Location:A82 (300m S 36ml M/S to Spd Restn Sign Ft Aug), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Inverhaven South of Fort Augustus SB - TTL
Location:A82 (300m S 36ml M/S to Spd Restn Sign Ft Aug), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Invermoriston NB - TTL
Location:A82 (A887 Junction to 23ml Milestone), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Invermoriston SB - TTL
Location:A82 (A887 Junction to 23ml Milestone), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Inveruglas - Stop/Go Works
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 10:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A82 Inveruglas NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 12:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Inveruglas SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 12:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 NB Alexandria Bypass Between Renton and Stoneymollan Lane Closure
Location:A82 (Bridge Over A812 to Bridge Over Cardross Road) to A82 (Bridge Over Cardross Rd to A811 Rbt), No
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 NB Alexandria Bypass to Stoneymollan Rbt - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (Bridge Over Cardross Rd to A811 Rbt) to A82 (A811 Roundabout to A811 Roundabout), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 NB Barloan Rbt to Stoneymollan Rbt -Road Closure
Location:A82 (Barloan Roundabout to Barloan Roundabout) to A82 (A811 Roundabout to A811 Roundabout), Northbou
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A82 diversion (both directions: A811, A813, Stirling Rd,
Diversion for Renton Rd on-slip: Lennox St, Main St, Bank St, North Main St, Luss Rd, A811
A82 NB Stirling Rd, Milton - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to A914 Dumbuck), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 NB Stirling Road Greenhead Road - Round Riding Road- Lane Closures
Location:A82 (A914 Dumbuck to Greenhead Road) to A82 (Greenhead Road to Barloan Roundabout), Northbound
Start time:11th of August 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 North of Kingshouse Hotel NB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A82 (Junc To Glenetive to Start Crash Barrier), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A82 North of Kingshouse Hotel SB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A82 (Junc To Glenetive to Start Crash Barrier), Southbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A82 Primrose Cottage North of Altsigh NB - TTL
Location:A82 (23ml Milestone to 450m N Of Cobb Meml), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Primrose Cottage North of Altsigh SB - TTL
Location:A82 (23ml Milestone to 450m N Of Cobb Meml), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 SB Stirling Road - Round Riding Road - Greenhead Road - Lane Closures
Location:A82 (Barloan Rbt to Greenhead Rd) to A82 (Greenhead Rd to A914 Dumbuck), Southbound
Start time:12th of August 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 SB Barloan Rbt to Stoneymollan Rbt - Road Closure
Location:A82 (A811 Roundabout to A811 Roundabout) to A82 (Barloan Roundabout to Barloan Roundabout), Southbou
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A82 diversion (both directions: A811, A813, Stirling Rd,
Diversion for Renton Rd on-slip: Lennox St, Main St, Bank St, North Main St, Luss Rd, A811
A82 South Corran Ferry NB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A82 (Cuilchenna Ho to A861 Corran Ferry Jct), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A82 South Corran Ferry SB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A82 (Cuilchenna Ho to A861 Corran Ferry Jct), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A82 South of Inveruglas NB - TTL
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 South of Inveruglas SB - TTL
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A82 Stoneymollan Rbt - Lane Closure
Location:A82 (A811 Roundabout to A811 Roundabout), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A82 Tarbet - Convoy Works
Location:A82 (Firkin Point to Tarbet) to A83 (Tarbet to A814 Jct), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A82 Tarbet - Convoy Works
Location:A82 (Tarbet Jct to Loch Sloy Power Stat), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A82 Tarbet to Falls of Falloch NB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A82 (Firkin Point to Tarbet) to A82 (Allt Fonn Bridge to Derrydaroch Bridge), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00pm
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
A82 Tarbet to Falls of Falloch SB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A82 (Firkin Point to Tarbet) to A82 (Allt Fonn Bridge to Derrydaroch Bridge), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00pm
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
A82 Torvean NB - Road Closure
Location:A82 (1st Layby Dunain Str to Tomnahurich Br.) to A82 (Tomnahurich Br. to B862 Kenneth St.), Northbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Via A8082 and Torvean Swing Bridge
A82 Torvean SB - Road Closure
Location:A82 (Tomnahurich Br. to B862 Kenneth St.) to A82 (1st Layby Dunain Str to Tomnahurich Br.), Southbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Via A8082 and Torvean Swing Bridge
A828 Beinn Sgluish North of Appin NB - TTL
Location:A828 (Milestone to Mile Stone), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A828 Beinn Sgluish North of Appin SB - TTL
Location:A828 (Milestone to Mile Stone), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A828 Connel Bridge - Stop/Go
Location:A83 (40mph Minard Nth to 40mph Minard Sth), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Loops
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A828 Portnacroish North of Appin - Convoy Works
Location:A828 (Entrance Wauk Mill to Milestone), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A83 Campbeltown - Event
Location:A83 (B842 Junc to Mccallum St Junc) to A83 (Rnli Roundabout to Rnli Roundabout), Southbound
Start time:12th of April 2025, 2:30pm
Planned Event
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
A83 Furnace NB - TTL
Location:A83 (Jct Furnace C36 to 40mph Minard Nth), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Furnace SB - TTL
Location:A83 (Jct Furnace C36 to 40mph Minard Nth), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Fyne Clachan NB - TTL
Location:A83 (Start Fyne Br. to Clachan Fm Acc), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Fyne Clachan SB - TTL
Location:A83 (Start Fyne Br. to Clachan Fm Acc), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Inveraray - Vergeworks
Location:A83 (End Court Hse to Uc2 Barn Brae), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 10:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A83 Minard NB - TTL
Location:A83 (40mph Minard Nth to 40mph Minard Sth), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Loops
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Minard SB - TTL
Location:A83 (40mph Minard Nth to 40mph Minard Sth), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Traffic Loops
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Port Ann - Stop/Go Works
Location:A83 (Port Ann Acc to Castleton), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00am
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A83 Stonefield North of Tarbert NB - TTL
Location:A83 (Sth Lodge Br. to B8024 Glenralloch Jct), Northbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Stonefield North of Tarbert SB - TTL
Location:A83 (Sth Lodge Br. to B8024 Glenralloch Jct), Southbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A83 Tarbert - Convoy Works
Location:A83 (Uc36 Hall Jct to 30mph Tarbert (S)) to A83 (30mph Tarbert (S) to C23 Glenakill Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A83 Tarbet - Convoy Works
Location:A83 (Tarbet to A814 Jct), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A830 Banavie - Diversion Signage
Location:A830 (Corpach Roundabout to B8004 Banavie Junction), Eastbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 10:00pm
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A830 Banavie - Diversion Signage
Location:A830 (Corpach Roundabout to B8004 Banavie Junction), Eastbound
Start time:19th of April 2025, 10:00pm
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A830 East of Glenfinnan EB - TTL
Location:A830 (Rly Access Gate to Rly Access Gate), Eastbound
Start time:28th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A830 East of Glenfinnan WB - TTL
Location:A830 (Rly Access Gate to Rly Access Gate), Westbound
Start time:28th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A833 - Temp lights
Location:M876 (Start 2way Slip to A883 Jct) to M876 (Off Slip to Start Of 2-Way Slip), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Braemore EB - TTL
Location:A835 (A832 Braemore Jct to Inverlael Farm), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Braemore WB - TTL
Location:A835 (A832 Braemore Jct to Inverlael Farm), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Cnoc Nan Cleireach West of Gorstan EB - TTL
Location:A835 (Silverbridge to Inchbae Lodge) to A835 (A832 Gorstan Jct to Silverbridge), Eastbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00am
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Cnoc Nan Cleireach West of Gorstan WB - TTL
Location:A835 (A832 Gorstan Jct to Silverbridge) to A835 (Silverbridge to Inchbae Lodge), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00am
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Contin EB - TTL
Location:A835 (Kinnahaird to A834 Jct), Eastbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Contin WB - TTL
Location:A835 (Kinnahaird to A834 Jct), Westbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Leckmelm EB - TTL
Location:A835 (600m Past A/Nich to 200m Past Leckmelm), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 11:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Leckmelm WB - TTL
Location:A835 (600m Past A/Nich to 200m Past Leckmelm), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 11:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A835 Loch Droma East of Braemore - Convoy Works
Location:A835 (Torrandhu Br to A832 Braemore Jct), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:00am
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A84 Anie North of Kilmagog NB - TTL
Location:A84 (Coireach/Bie Acc Rd to Car Pk Creag Chrom), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Anie North of Kilmagog SB - TTL
Location:A84 (Coireach/Bie Acc Rd to Car Pk Creag Chrom), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Blair Drummond NB - TTL
Location:A84 (Ochtertyre Rd to A873 Jct), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Blair Drummond SB - TTL
Location:A84 (Ochtertyre Rd to A873 Jct), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Buchany - Vergeworks
Location:A84 (Derest Doune Nth to Drumloist Rd) to A84 (Drumloist Rd to W Coillechat Rd), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A84 Buchany to Drumvaich North of Doune NB - TTL
Location:A84 (Derest Doune Nth to Drumloist Rd) to A84 (W Coillechat Rd to Cambusbeg Fm Rd), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Buchany to Drumvaich North of Doune SB - TTL
Location:A84 (W Coillechat Rd to Cambusbeg Fm Rd) to A84 (Derest Doune Nth to Drumloist Rd), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Callander NB - TTL
Location:A84 (Start Main St to A81 Jct) to A84 (A81 Jct to Station Rd), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Priority System Traffic Control.
A84 Callander SB - TTL
Location:A84 (A81 Jct to Station Rd) to A84 (Start Main St to A81 Jct), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Priority System Traffic Control.
A84 Corriechrombie North of Kilmahog NB - TTL
Location:A84 (A821 Jct to Coireach/Bie Acc Rd) to A84 (Coireach/Bie Acc Rd to Car Pk Creag Chrom), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Corriechrombie North of Kilmahog SB - TTL
Location:A84 (Coireach/Bie Acc Rd to Car Pk Creag Chrom) to A84 (A821 Jct to Coireach/Bie Acc Rd), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A84 Craigforth NB - Road Closure
Location:A84 (Craigforth East Rbt to Craigforth West Rbt), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 7:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Non Motorway Traffic:
Via A84, A81 & A11
Via M9 Jct 10 southbound to Jct 9 thereafter northbound to Jct 10
Via M9 Jct 10 northbound to Kier Roundabout thereafter southbound to Jct 10
A84 Craigforth SB - Road Closure
Location:A84 (Craigforth East Rbt to Craigforth West Rbt), Northbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 7:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Non Motorway Traffic:
Via A84, A81 & A11
Via M9 Jct 10 southbound to Jct 9 thereafter northbound to Jct 10
Via M9 Jct 10 northbound to Kier Roundabout thereafter southbound to Jct 10
A84 Doune - MLC
Location:A84 (Derest Doune Nth to Drumloist Rd), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Mobile Lane Closures.
A84 Stirling Rd Callander - Stop/Go Works
Location:A84 (Cambusbeg Fm Rd to 40mph Callander Sth) to A84 (40mph Callander Sth to 30mph Callander Sth), No
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A85 Ardchyle West of Killin - Stop/Go Works
Location:A85 (Gleann Dubh Br. to Ledcharrie Burn Br.), Westbound
Start time:9th of April 2025, 8:00am
Traffic Management Training
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control (30mph)
A85 Ardchyle West of Killin EB - TTL
Location:A85 (Gleann Dubh Br. to Ledcharrie Burn Br.), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00am
Traffic Management Training
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Ardchyle West of Killin WB - TTL
Location:A85 (Gleann Dubh Br. to Ledcharrie Burn Br.), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00am
Traffic Management Training
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Dalkenneth East of Lochearnhead EB - TTL
Location:A85 (Stirling County Bdy to Ardveich Acc), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A85 Dalkenneth East of Lochearnhead WB - TTL
Location:A85 (Stirling County Bdy to Ardveich Acc), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A85 Dalmally EB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Dalmally EB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 10:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Dalmally WB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Dalmally WB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 10:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Dunollie Rd Oban EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A85 (Jct Croft Rd to Jct Corran Park Mini Rbt) to A85 (Lodge to Jct Croft Rd), Eastbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
Amnesties at 9,10,11,12,02,04.
A85 Dunollie Rd Oban WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A85 (Lodge to Jct Croft Rd) to A85 (Jct Croft Rd to Jct Corran Park Mini Rbt), Westbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
Amnesties at 9,10,11,12,02,04.
A85 Forbrae to Methven - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (U4 To Keillour (East) to U5 To Keillour (West)) to A85 (College Road to James Street), Eastboun
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Forebrae West of Braegrum EB - TTL
Location:A85 (C460 To Madderty to C473 To Fowlis Wester) to A85 (U5 To Keillour (West) to C460 To Madderty),
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Forebrae West of Braegrum WB - TTL
Location:A85 (U5 To Keillour (West) to C460 To Madderty) to A85 (C460 To Madderty to C473 To Fowlis Wester),
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Fowlis Wester - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (C460 To Madderty to C473 To Fowlis Wester) to A85 (U5 To Keillour (West) to C460 To Madderty),
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Gilmerton - Mid Lix - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (A827 Jct to Gleann Dubh Br.) to A85 (A822 Junction to 30 Mph W Of Gilmerton), Eastbound
Start time:22nd of April 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Huntingtower - Stop/Go
Location:A85 (U45 Ruthvenfield to C410 Huntingtower) to A85 (C410 Huntingtower to C407 Almondbank), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A85 Loch Awe EB - TTL
Location:A85 (A819 Junction to School Lochawe) to A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Loch Awe WB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction) to A85 (A819 Junction to School Lochawe), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Methven EB - TTL
Location:A85 (Church Road to College Road), Eastbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Methven EB - TTL
Location:A85 (U47 Tibbermore to C409 To Glenalmond), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Methven WB - TTL
Location:A85 (Church Road to College Road), Westbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Methven WB - TTL
Location:A85 (U47 Tibbermore to C409 To Glenalmond), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Methven to Almondbank - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (C409 To Glenalmond to Church Road) to A85 (C407 Almondbank to U47 Tibbermore), Eastbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 9:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Orchy Bridge West of Dalmally EB - TTL
Location:A85 (A819 Junction to School Lochawe), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Orchy Bridge West of Dalmally WB - TTL
Location:A85 (A819 Junction to School Lochawe), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Pennyfuir West of Dunbeg - Convoy Works
Location:A85 (Sewage Plant Dunbeg to Lodge), Westbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Filter Drain
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A85 River Lochy East of Dalmally EB - TTL
Location:A85 (Milestone Nr Arivain to Mile Stone), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 10:00am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 River Lochy East of Dalmally WB - TTL
Location:A85 (Milestone Nr Arivain to Mile Stone), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 10:00am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Strathearn Terrace to Coldswell Rd Crieff - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (Dollerie Terrace to Church Street) to A85 (Galvelmore Street to A822 Burrell Street), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 6:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Strathearn Terrace to Coldwells Road Crieff - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (Galvelmore Street to A822 Burrell Street) to A85 (Dollerie Terrace to Church Street), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 6:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Strathearn Terrace to Coldwells Road Crieff - Diversion Signage
Location:A85 (Galvelmore Street to A822 Burrell Street) to A85 (Dollerie Terrace to Church Street), Eastbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 6:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A85 Taynulit EB - TTL
Location:A85 (Ward Bndy to Police Stat Taynuilt), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Taynulit WB - TTL
Location:A85 (Ward Bndy to Police Stat Taynuilt), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Upper Kincrakine West of Dalmally EB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A85 Upper Kincrakine West of Dalmally WB - TTL
Location:A85 (B8074 Jct Inverlochy to A819 Junction), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A86 East of Cluny Mains Balgowan EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Greagdubh Lodge Acc to U254 Balgowan Jct), Eastbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 10:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
A86 East of Cluny Mains Balgowan WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Greagdubh Lodge Acc to U254 Balgowan Jct), Westbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 10:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
A86 Kinloch Laggan East of Aberarder EB - TTL
Location:A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A86 Kinloch Laggan East of Aberarder WB - TTL
Location:A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A86 Kinloch Laggan to Strathmashie EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
A86 Kinloch Laggan to Strathmashie WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
A86 Pattack Falls West of Strathmashie EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
No Diversion - Amnesty at 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A86 Pattack Falls West of Strathmashie WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc), Westbound
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
No Diversion - Amnesty at 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A86 Roybridge - Stop/Go Works
Location:A86 (Cille Choiril Church Acc to Speed Rest Roybridge), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A86 Roybridge EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Cille Choiril Church Acc to Speed Rest Roybridge) to A86 (Speed Rest Roybridge to Speed Derest
Start time:24th of September 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
No Diversion - Amnesties at 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A86 Roybridge WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A86 (Cille Choiril Church Acc to Speed Rest Roybridge) to A86 (Speed Rest Roybridge to Speed Derest
Start time:24th of September 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
No Diversion - Amnesties at 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200 & 0400
A86 Strathmashie - Stop/Go Works
Location:A86 (A889 Jct to Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc) to A86 (Strathmashie Hse Sth Acc to Ardverikie Hse Acc),
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A86 Tullochrome West of Aberarder - Stop/Go Works
Location:A86 (Ardverikie Hse Acc to Aberarder Acc), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A87 Annishader East of Uig EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (B8036 Jct to U101 Kingsburgh Jct) to A87 (A850 Jct to B8036 Jct), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Annishader East of Uig WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (A850 Jct to B8036 Jct) to A87 (B8036 Jct to U101 Kingsburgh Jct), Westbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Breakish East of Broadford EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (Speed Rest Ashaig to A851 Jct), Eastbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Breakish East of Broadford WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (Speed Rest Ashaig to A851 Jct), Westbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Broadford EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (B8083 Jct to Speed Derest) to A87 (Speed Derest to U134 Corry Jct), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Broadford WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (B8083 Jct to Speed Derest) to A87 (Speed Derest to U134 Corry Jct), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Cluanie Inn Glen Moriston EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (Jct Cluanie Lodge to Centre Br, R. Shiel) to A87 (W.Ross & L'Alsh Div Bdy to Jct Cluanie Lodge)
Start time:1st of October 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Cluanie Inn Glen Moriston WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (W.Ross & L'Alsh Div Bdy to Jct Cluanie Lodge) to A87 (Jct Cluanie Lodge to Centre Br, R. Shiel)
Start time:2nd of October 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
Amnesties 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Harrapool East of Broadford EB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (A851 Jct to Branch Rd), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Harrapool East of Broadford WB - Road Closure with Amnesties
Location:A87 (A851 Jct to Branch Rd), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure with Amnesties (10mph)
Diversion Information:
AMNESTIES AT 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 0000, 0200, 0400
A87 Invergarry EB - TTL
Location:A87 (A82 Jct to Invergarry P.O.), Eastbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 10:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A87 Invergarry WB - TTL
Location:A87 (A82 Jct to Invergarry P.O.), Westbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 10:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A87 Kensaleyre West of Portree EB - TTL
Location:A87 (B8036 Jct to U101 Kingsburgh Jct), Eastbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A87 Kensaleyre West of Portree WB - TTL
Location:A87 (B8036 Jct to U101 Kingsburgh Jct), Westbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A87 Kyle of Lochalsh EB - TTL
Location:A87 (Kyle Of Lochalsh 30mph to Jct N To Kyle) to A87 (Jct To Plockton to Kyle Of Lochalsh 30mph), Ea
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A87 Kyle of Lochalsh WB - TTL
Location:A87 (Jct To Plockton to Kyle Of Lochalsh 30mph) to A87 (Kyle Of Lochalsh 30mph to Jct N To Kyle), We
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A87 Loch Cluanie - Stop/Go Works
Location:A87 (A887 Jct to W.Ross & L'Alsh Div Bdy) to A87 (Jct Cluanie Lodge to Centre Br, R. Shiel), Westbou
Start time:31st of March 2025, 12:01am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A876 - EB - Higgin's Neuk Rbt - Lane Closure
Location:A876 (Bowtrees Int to Higgins Neuk Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A876 - WB - Higgin's Neuk Rbt - Lane Closure
Location:A876 (Higgins Neuk Rbt to Bowtrees Int), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A889 Dalwhinnie Junction - Convoy Works
Location:A889 (A9 Jct to Speed Rest), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A889 Dochaid Abhacain Dalwhinnie - TTL
Location:A889 (A9 Jct to Speed Rest), Southbound
Start time:2nd of June 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A898 NB Erskine Bridge - Lane Closure
Location:A898 (M898 to Start Of Cycle Way) to A898 (Start Of Bridge to End Of Bridge), Northbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A9 Aberuthven- Convoy S/B
Location:A9 (Burnside Lodge to Aberuthven Jct) to A9 (Aberuthven Jct to Abbey Rd Br.), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working.
A9 Aberuthven. N/B Lane 1 Convoy
Location:A9 (Abbey Rd Br. to A824 Jct Aberuthven) to A90 (Kinfauns Jct to Off Slip B958), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (50mph)
A9 Allt Chluain Blair Atholl SB - TTL
Location:A9 (End Dual Nb to Slip To Blair Atholl Nb), Southbound
Start time:19th of May 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Ardullie Rnbt Cromarty Bridge - Signage
Location:A9 (Cromarty Br Causeway to Ardullie Rbt) to A9 (Ardullie Rbt to Foulis Ferry), Northbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Balvraid North of Clashmore NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Balvraid Imp (N) to Cambusavie Jct), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Balvraid North of Clashmore SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Balvraid Imp (N) to Cambusavie Jct), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Bankfoot to Ballinluig NB - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (End Of Dual Carriageway to Start Of Dual Carriageway) to A9 (Start Of Dual C/Way to A827 Jct Nb)
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Bankfoot to Ballinluig SB - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (A827jct to End Of Dual Cway Sb) to A9 (Slip Road Exit From A9 to End Of Slip Road Off A9), South
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Bankfoot to Dowally North of Dunkeld NB - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (End Of Dual Carriageway to Start Of Dual Carriageway) to A9 (B898 Jct to Jct (R) To Guay), North
Start time:9th of April 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Bankfoot to Dowally North of Dunkeld SB - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (B898 Jct to Jct (R) To Guay) to A9 (Slip Road Exit From A9 to End Of Slip Road Off A9), Southbou
Start time:9th of April 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Brora - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (War Meml Jct to Golf Road Jct) to A9 (Mill Jct to S Dalchalm Jct), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Brora - Signage
Location:A9 (Mill Jct to S Dalchalm Jct) to A9 (Golf Road Jct to Mill Jct), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Brora NB - TTL
Location:A9 (War Meml Jct to Golf Road Jct) to A9 (Golf Road Jct to Mill Jct), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Brora SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Golf Road Jct to Mill Jct) to A9 (War Meml Jct to Golf Road Jct), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Dalmore Alness - Convoy Works
Location:A9 (B817 Dalmore Jct to Smelter Junction Tomich), Northbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
23/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 24/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 24/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 25/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 25/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 26/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 26/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 27/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 27/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 28/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 30/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 31/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 31/03/2025 - Convoy Working, 01/04/2025 - Convoy Working, 01/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 02/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 02/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 03/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 03/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 04/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph)
A9 Dalnamein South of Drumochter NB - TTL
Location:A9 (B847 Calvine Jct to Start Dual Calvine), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Dalnamein South of Drumochter SB - TTL
Location:A9 (B847 Calvine Jct to Start Dual Calvine), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Dalnamein to Drumochter - Convoy Works
Location:A9 (B847 Calvine Jct to Start Dual Calvine) to A9 (Trinafour Jct to Start Dual Calvine), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A9 Dalshian Pitlochry NB - Lane Closure
Location:A9 (A827 Jct to A924 Off Slip) to A9 (A924 Off Slip to End Of Dual Cway), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A9 Daviot NB - Lane Closure
Location:A9 (B9154 Moy Jct to B851 Culloden Jct), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (30mph)
A9 Daviot SB - Lane Closure
Location:A9 (B851 Culloden Jct to B9154 Moy Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (30mph)
A9 Dornoch Bridge NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Dornoch Br (N) to Clashmore Jct), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Dornoch Bridge SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Dornoch Br (N) to Clashmore Jct) to A9 (Start Dornoch Br to Dornoch Br (N)), Southbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Dowally South of Ballinluig NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Jct (R) To Guay to Start Of Dual Cway), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Dowally South of Ballinluig SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Jct (R) To Guay to Start Of Dual Cway), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Drumlochy, Blackford. S/B Lane 1 Closure
Location:A9 (A823 Flyover to B8081 Blackford) to A90 (Kinfauns Jct to Off Slip B958), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A9 Drumochter Dual North End SB - Convoy Works
Location:A9 (Start Of Dual to Trinafour Jct), Southbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
27/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 28/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 28/03/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 28/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 29/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 29/03/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 30/03/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 30/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 31/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 31/03/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 31/03/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 01/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 01/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 01/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 02/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 02/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 02/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 03/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 03/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 03/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 04/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 04/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 04/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 05/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 05/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 06/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 06/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 07/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 07/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 07/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 08/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 08/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 08/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 09/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 09/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 09/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 10/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 10/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 10/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 11/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 11/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 11/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 12/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 12/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 13/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 13/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 14/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 14/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 14/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 15/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 15/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 15/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 16/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 16/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 16/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 17/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 17/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 17/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 18/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 18/04/2025 - Lane Closure( 50mph), 18/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph), 19/04/2025 - Convoy Working( 10mph)
A9 Dunblane to Greenloaning - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (B8033 Junction to Council Bdy) to A9 (U/C To Tarneybackle to A822 Jct), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:30am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Dunkeld to Ballinluig NB - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (A923 Jct to B898 Jct) to A9 (Slip Off From A9 To A827 Rbt to A827 Rbt), Northbound
Start time:10th of April 2025, 8:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Dunkeld to Ballinluig SB - Diversion Signage
Location:A9 (Entry Slip From A924 to A827 Jct) to A9 (A923 Jct to B898 Jct), Southbound
Start time:10th of April 2025, 8:00am
Road Part of a Diversion Route
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A9 Dunrobin North of Golspie NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Golspie Burn Br to S End S'steven Imp), Northbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Dunrobin North of Golspie SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Golspie Burn Br to S End S'steven Imp), Southbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Faskally North of Pitlochry NB - TTL
Location:A9 (End Of Dual to Start Of Faskally Single Cway), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Faskally North of Pitlochry SB - TTL
Location:A9 (End Of Dual to Start Of Faskally Single Cway), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Findhorn Bridge NB - Lane Closure
Location:A9 (R Findhorn Br to Start Single C'Way), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:00am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A9 Georgemas North of Halkirk - Stop/Go Works
Location:A9 (A882 Jct Georgemas to Jct Hilliclay), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 10:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control (30mph)
A9 Inveralmond Roundabout- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A9 (Entry Slip From A85 to Inveralmond Rbt) to A9 (Inveralmond Rbt to Inveralmond Rbt), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Footway Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A9 Keir Roundabout SB - Lane closure
Location:A9 (On Slip From A820 to Keir Rbt) to A9 (Keir Rbt to Keir Rbt), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A9 Killiecrankie NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Start Of Dual to End Of Dual Faskally) to A9 (End Dual Nb to Slip To Blair Atholl Nb), Northboun
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Killiecrankie SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Start Of Dual to End Of Dual Faskally) to A9 (End Dual Nb to Slip To Blair Atholl Nb), Southboun
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (30mph)
A9 Loch Rangag North of Latheron - Stop/Go Works
Location:A9 (Jct C17 Den Moss to Jct C14 Loch Stemster), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 12:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control (30mph)
A9 Olrig Street Thurso - Stop/Go Works
Location:A9 (Jct Traill St/Olrig St to School Lochawe), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A9 Ousdale North of Berriedale - Stop/Go Works
Location:A9 (Ousdale Fm to Track To Badbea), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control (30mph)
A9 Pitlochry NB - TTL
Location:A9 (End Of Dual to Start Of Dual), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Pitlochry SB - TTL
Location:A9 (End Of Dual to Start Of Dual), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 River Braan North of Dunkeld - Convoy Works
Location:A9 (A923 Jct to B898 Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A9 River Braan North of Dunkeld NB - TTL
Location:A9 (A923 Jct to B898 Jct), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 River Braan North of Dunkeld SB - TTL
Location:A9 (A923 Jct to B898 Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Skiach Services Alness NB - TTL
Location:A9 (B817 Jct to B9176 Struie Jct) to A9 (B9176 Struie Jct to B817 Dalmore Jct), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Skiach Services Alness SB - TTL
Location:A9 (B9176 Struie Jct to B817 Dalmore Jct) to A9 (B817 Jct to B9176 Struie Jct), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 South if Bridge of Tacher Achavanich - Convoy Works
Location:A9 (Jct C14 Loch Stemster to Br Of Tacher) to A9 (Br Of Tacher to Jct B870 Mybster), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00am
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A9 Sth of Blackford. S/B Convoy
Location:A9 (B8081 Blackford to U/C To Tarneybackle) to A90 (Kinfauns Jct to Off Slip B958), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A9 Stockbridge Lane closure N/B
Location:A9 (A820 O'Bridge to On Slip From A820) to A9 (On Slip From A820 to B8033 Junction), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A9 Stockbridge on slip- Slip closure N/B
Location:A9 (A820 Jct to On Slip To A9) to A9 (On Slip From A820 to B8033 Junction), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue on the A820 into Dunblane turn right onto the B98033 and continue to Keir Roundabout . Take the 4th exit onto the A9 Northbound to return.
A9 Thurso - Convoy Works
Location:A9 (Jct Traill St/Olrig St to School Lochawe) to A9 (A836 Scrabster Jct to Ferry Terml (10mph)), Nor
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:00pm
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working (10mph)
A9 Thurso NB - TTL
Location:A9 (School Lochawe to A836 Scrabster Jct), Northbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Thurso NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Jct Traill St/Olrig St to School Lochawe) to A9 (A836 Scrabster Jct to Ferry Terml (10mph)), Nor
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Thurso SB - TTL
Location:A9 (School Lochawe to A836 Scrabster Jct), Southbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Thurso SB - TTL
Location:A9 (School Lochawe to A836 Scrabster Jct) to A9 (Jct Traill St/Olrig St to School Lochawe), Southbou
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Victoria Rd Brora NB - TTL
Location:A9 (Mill Jct to S Dalchalm Jct), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A9 Victoria Rd Brora SB - TTL
Location:A9 (Mill Jct to S Dalchalm Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A90 - NB - M90 to Queensferry Jct 1a - Closure
Location:A90 (Trunk Rd Limit to Lane Split) to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure (50mph)
Diversion Information:
Traffic joining the M90 northbound from the A90 will be diverted up the northbound Public Transport Link then onto the B800 towards Echline Junction, the A904 and Queensferry Junction.
A90 Boddam - Diversion Signage
Location:A90 (Jn R A975 to Jn R B9108 Boddam) to A90 (Jn R B9108 Boddam to Invernettie Rbt), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Brechin- lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Start Of Concrete to A935 Jct) to A90 (Jct A937 Montrose to Jct B974 Marykirk), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Cortes to Lonmay. Road Closure
Location:A90 (Jn R B9033 St. Combs to Start Of One Way (Wb)), Southbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit Fraserburgh on the A981, left onto A950 through Mintlaw, to re-join A90 at Howe O'Buchan Rbt and the permanently positioned signs
A90 Crimond NB - Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A90 (Jn R Starnafin to Jn R B9033 St.Combs), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Ellon to Goval (SB)
Location:A90 (Ellon Rbt (S) to Ellon Rbt (S)) to Off Network, Southbound
Start time:22nd of March 2025, 12:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway (70mph)
A90 Finavon- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Inchmichael Int to B953 Inchture), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Finavon- Lane Closure S/B
Location:A90 (Noran Water Br to Finavon Castle) to A90 (B9128 Jct to A926 Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Inspections: Infrastructure / Assets
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A90 Fordoun N/B - Lane Closures
Location:A90 (Jct (L) Lr Powburn to Jct (L) Fordoun) to A90 (Jct (L) Fordoun to Jct B966 Fettercairn), Northb
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A90 Forfar Road, Dundee- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Start A90 Nb Forfar Rd. to Claverhouse Rd Jn) to A90 (Claverhouse Rd Jn to Fintry Rd Rbt), Nort
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Forfar Road, Dundee- Lane Closure S/B
Location:A90 (Fintry Rd Rbt to Claverhouse Rd Jn) to A90 (Claverhouse Rd Jn to 2 To 3 Lane Cway), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Fourdon- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Jct (L) Lr Powburn to Jct (L) Fordoun) to A90 (Jct (L) Fordoun to Jct B966 Fettercairn), Northb
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Glencarse- Lane Closures N/B
Location:A90 (Kinfauns Jct to Off Slip B958) to A90 (Pitroddie Jct to B958 Glencarse), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Glencarse- Lane Closures S/B
Location:A90 (Pitroddie Jct to B958 Glencarse) to A90 (B958 Glencarse to Kinfauns Jct), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Glendoick Interchange. S/B Contraflow
Location:A90 (Pitroddie Jct to B958 Glencarse), Southbound
Start time:6th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
06/04/2025 - Contraflow, 07/04/2025 - Contraflow, 07/04/2025 - Contraflow, 08/04/2025 - Contraflow, 08/04/2025 - Contraflow, 09/04/2025 - Contraflow, 09/04/2025 - Contraflow, 10/04/2025 - Contraflow, 13/04/2025 - Contraflow, 14/04/2025 - Contraflow, 14/04/2025 - Contraflow, 15/04/2025 - Contraflow, 15/04/2025 - Contraflow, 16/04/2025 - Contraflow, 16/04/2025 - Contraflow, 17/04/2025 - Contraflow, 20/04/2025 - Contraflow, 21/04/2025 - Contraflow, 21/04/2025 - Contraflow, 22/04/2025 - Contraflow, 22/04/2025 - Contraflow, 23/04/2025 - Contraflow, 23/04/2025 - Contraflow, 24/04/2025 - Contraflow, 27/04/2025 - Contraflow, 28/04/2025 - Contraflow, 28/04/2025 - Contraflow, 29/04/2025 - Contraflow, 29/04/2025 - Contraflow, 30/04/2025 - Contraflow, 30/04/2025 - Contraflow, 01/05/2025 - Contraflow, 01/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 02/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 02/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 03/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 03/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 04/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 04/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 05/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 05/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 06/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 06/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 07/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 07/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 08/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 08/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 09/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 09/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 10/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 10/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 11/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 11/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 12/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 12/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 13/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 13/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 14/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 14/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 15/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 15/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 16/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 16/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 17/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 17/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 18/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 18/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 19/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 19/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 20/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 20/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 21/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 21/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 22/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 22/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 23/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 23/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 24/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 24/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 25/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 25/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 26/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 26/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 27/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 27/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 28/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 28/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 29/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 29/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 30/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 30/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph), 31/05/2025 - Contraflow( 30mph)
A90 Inchmichael to Errol SB - Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A90 (B953 Inchture to Inchmichael Int) to A90 (Inchmichael Int to Pitroddie Jct), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Keithock - Signage only N/B
Location:A90 (A935 Jct to B966 Jct) to A90 (B974 Jct Fettercairn to A937 Jct (S)), Northbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Kingsway- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (On Slip From A923 to Start Off Slip To Clep Rd Rbt) to A90 (Inchmichael Int to B953 Inchture),
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Laurencekirk NB - Lane closure
Location:A90 (B974 Jct Fettercairn to A937 Jct (S)) to A90 (A937 Jct (N) L'Kirk to Jct (L) Lr Powburn), North
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Longforgan - Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (B953 Inchture to Longforgan Interchange) to A90 (Longforgan Int to Swallow Roundabout), Northbo
Start time:28th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Longforgan- Lane Closure S/B
Location:A96 (Jct A95 Craigellachie to Jct B9017 Newmill) to M90 (Glenfarg Overbridge to Start Off Slip To A9
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Lonmay to Cortes. N/B Road Closure
Location:A90 (Jn R B9033 St. Combs to Start Of One Way (Wb)), Northbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit A90 at Howe O'Buchan Rbt onto A950 to Mintlaw, right onto A952 to rejoin A90 at Cortes Jct and the permanently positioned signs
A90 N/B Forfar Road, Dundee - Lane Closure
Location:A90 (Claverhouse Rd Jn to Fintry Rd Rbt), Northbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A90 North Water Bridge, Sth of Laurencekirk. S/B Lane closures
Location:A90 (Jct B974 Marykirk to R North Esk Br) to A90 (R North Esk Br to Stracathro Hosp Jct), Southbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:30pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A90 North Water Bridge- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (On Slip Stracath Hosp to North Esk Br) to A90 (Jct (L) Fordoun to Jct B966 Fettercairn), Northb
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 North Water Bridge- Lane Closure S/B
Location:A90 (Jct A937 Montrose to Jct B974 Marykirk) to A90 (Inchmichael Int to B953 Inchture), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Peterhead Bypass. N/B TTL's
Location:A90 (A950 Rbt to A982 North Rd), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A90 Peterhead NB - Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A90 (Invernettie Rbt to A950 Rbt), Northbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Rait to Middlebank- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Pitroddie Fm Jct to Inchmichael Int) to A90 (Inchmichael Int to B953 Inchture), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Rait to Middlebank- Lane Closure S/B
Location:A90 (B953 Inchture to Inchmichael Int) to A90 (Inchmichael Int to Pitroddie Jct), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Rait, Glendoick- Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Off Slip B958 to Pitroddie Fm Jct) to A90 (Inchmichael Int to Pitroddie Jct), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 Rait, Glendoick- Lane Closure S/B
Location:A90 (Inchmichael Int to Pitroddie Jct) to A90 (Pitroddie Jct to B958 Glencarse), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 S/B Emmock Rbt to Fountainbleau Drive - Lane Closure
Location:A90 (Emmock Rd Rbt to Fintry Road Rbt) to A90 (Fintry Rd Rbt to Claverhouse Rd Jn), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A90 South School Croft - North of Rathen - Stop / Go
Location:A90 (Jn L B9032 Memsie to Fraserburgh Roundabout (S)), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control.
A90 South of Boddam - TTL's
Location:A90 (Jn R A975 to Jn R B9108 Boddam), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A90 South of Ellon - Diversion Signage
Location:A90 (Junct Right A975 Newburgh to Junct Right B9000 Newburgh) to A90 (End Dual Taper to Junct Right
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Stonehaven. S/B On slip closure
Location:A90 (Nb Slip Rd B979 to Jct (L) Spurryhillock), Southbound
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 10:00pm
Inspections: Infrastructure / Assets
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
S/B traffic to use the B979, A957, A92, to rejoin the A90.
A90 Stonehaven. N/B on slip closure
Location:A90 (Island Nosing to Toucks Rd) to A90 (Island Nosing to End Of Slip), Northbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 10:00pm
Inspections: Infrastructure / Assets
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
N/B traffic to use the A92, A957, B979 to rejoin the A90 at Stonehaven Rbt
A90 Stonehaven. Road closure S/B
Location:A90 (Slip Rd Stonehaven to Nb Slip Rd B979) to A90 (Jct (L) Spurryhillock to Off Slip To A92), South
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 10:00pm
Inspections: Infrastructure / Assets
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
S/B traffic to use the B979, A957, A92 to rejoin the A90 at the south of Stonehaven Rbt
A90 Stracathro to Keithock - Diversion Signing
Location:A90 (Stracathro Hosp Jct to On Slip Stracath Hosp) to A90 (Start Concrete to B966 Jct), Southbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Swallow Roundabout to Longforgan SB - Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A90 (Swallow Rbt to Longforgan Int), Southbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Toll of Birness to Howe O Buchan Rbt. Diversion signage for a local road closuresignage
Location:A90 (Jct Leys to Jn A952 Toll Of Birness) to A90 (Invernettie Rbt to A950 Rbt), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A90 Westown, Kilspindie. Lane Closure N/B
Location:A90 (Pitroddie Fm Jct to Inchmichael Int), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
A900 - SB - Lane closure
Location:A90 (Ferrytoll Jn Ub to Frb), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A92 Greendykes-Scott Fyffe Roundabout- Road Closure N/B
Location:A92 (Craigie Ave Rbt to Arbroath Rd Rbt) to A92 (Arbroath Rd Rbt to Arbroath Rd Rbt), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Via A930(Dundee Road) -B976(Clayports Road)-A92 returning to Scott Fyffe roundabout
A92 Greendykes-Scott Fyffe Roundabout- Road Closure S/B
Location:A92 (Arbroath Rd Rbt to Arbroath Rd Rbt) to A92 (Craigie Ave Rbt to Craigie Ave Rbt), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A972 Kingsway- A929 Forfar Road- A991 North Marketgait- A92 East Dock Street
A92 Freuchie NB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A92 (40mph Freuchie to Jct C20 Freuchie), Northbound
Start time:26th of May 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A92 Freuchie- TTL N/B
Location:A92 (Np New Inn Rbt to 40mph Freuchie), Northbound
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A92 N/B River Ore Bridge, Thornton - Contraflow
Location:A92 (River Ore Bridge to Redhouse Rbt) to A92 (River Ore Br to Manhole Nr Reduce Speed Sign), Northb
Start time:24th of June 2025, 7:30pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
A92 Newtonhill. S/B lane closures
Location:A90 (Jct (L) Portlethen to Jct (L) Newtonhill) to A90 (Jct (L) Westport to Jct (R) Muchalls), Southb
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A92 S/B River Ore Bridge, Thornton - Contraflow
Location:A92 (River Ore Bridge to Redhouse Rbt), Southbound
Start time:24th of June 2025, 7:30pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
A92 Scott Fyffe Roundabout- Road Closure S/B
Location:A92 (Arbroath Rd Rbt to Arbroath Rd Rbt), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A972 Kingsway- A929 Forfar Road- A991 North Marketgait- A92 East Dock Street
A95 Ballindalloch NB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A95 (B9008 Tomintoul to B9138 Knockando), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A95 Charlestown of Aberlour NB - Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A95 (C18 Jct Carron to Jct (R) To Milltown Of Edinville) to A95 (Junct (R) M'Town Of E'Ville to A941
Start time:21st of April 2025, 9:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A95 Craigelachie. N/B Lane closure
Location:A95 (Junct (R) M'Town Of E'Ville to A941 Dufftown) to A95 (Junct A941 To Elgin to U57 Arndilly), Nor
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Convoy Working.
A95 Craigellachie- Stop/Go N/B
Location:A95 (Junct (R) M'Town Of E'Ville to A941 Dufftown) to A95 (Junct A941 To Elgin to U57 Arndilly), Nor
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control (30mph)
A95 Mulben - Diversionary Signage
Location:A95 (Mulben Xroads to C54 Muldearie Rd) to A95 (U60 Aulton to Mulben Xroads), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A95 Rosarie, Mulben- TTL N/B
Location:A95 (Mulben Xroads to C54 Muldearie Rd) to A96 (Jct B9022 Portsoy to St Climb Lane), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A95 Rosartie to Glentauchers Distillery - TTL's
Location:A95 (C54 Muldearie Rd to A96 Haughs Bridge) to A95 (Mulben Xroads to C54 Muldearie Rd), Westbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 8:00am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A95 Tormore- TTL N/B
Location:A95 (C49 Advie Stat Rd to Moray Boundary) to A96 (Jct B9022 Portsoy to St Climb Lane), Northbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Colpy. E/B TTL's
Location:A96 (Jct B992 Auchterless to Jct A920 Oldmeldrum), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 East of Nairn. E/B TTL's
Location:A96 (Highland Bdy to B9101 Auldearn Jn), Eastbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 East of Oyne Fork Jct. E/B Road closure
Location:A96 (Jct Whiteford to Jct B9002 Oyne Fork), Eastbound
Start time:1st of May 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit A96 at Colpy Junction, turn left onto A920, turn right onto B9001, Burghmuir Drive to roundabout, turn right onto North Street, turn left onto A96 Drimmies Junction and permanently positioned signs
A96 East of Oyne Fork Jct. W/B Road closure
Location:A96 (Jct Whiteford to Jct B9002 Oyne Fork), Westbound
Start time:1st of May 2025, 7:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit A96 Drimmies Junction, turn right onto North Street to roundabout with Burghmuir Drive, turn left onto B9001, turn left onto A920 to rejoin A96 at Colpy junction and permanently positioned signs.
A96 Eastbound heading towards Craibstone roundabout.
Location:A96 (Junction (R) B979 to Dyce Drive Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:8th of May 2025, 6:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A96 Fochabers WB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A96 (Foachabers East Rbt to End Of Wb Climbing Lane), Westbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Fochabers- TTL N/B
Location:A96 (Mulben Jn to End Eb Climbing Lane) to A96 (Jct B9022 Portsoy to St Climb Lane), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Huntly- TTL N/B
Location:A96 (Start Newongarry Climbing Lane to Jct A97 Banff) to A96 (Jct A97 Banff to Jct Battlehill), Nort
Start time:31st of March 2025, 9:30am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Inveramsay WB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A96 (Jct Brandsbott to Jct Whiteford), Westbound
Start time:14th of May 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Inverurie WB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A96 (Inverurie Rbt (W) to Blackhall Rbt (E)), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Keith . Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A96 (Jct A95 Craigellachie to Jct B9017 Newmill) to A96 (Jct Regent Court to Jct A95 Craigellachie),
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A96 Keith- TTL N/B
Location:A96 (Jn R B9016 Buckie to Jct Mulben) to A96 (Jct B9022 Portsoy to St Climb Lane), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Keith. Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A96 (Jct A95 Craigellachie to Jct B9017 Newmill) to A96 (Jct Regent Court to Jct A95 Craigellachie),
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A96 Mosstodloch WB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A96 (Fochabers Bridge to Cout Brae Rbt), Westbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Pansport Roundabout, Elgin EB - Lane closure
Location:A96 (Pansport Rbt to Queen St Rbt) to A96 (Pansport Rbt to Pansport Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Pitcaple to Oyne Fork WB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A96 (Jct Whiteford to Jct B9002 Oyne Fork), Westbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 South of Fochabers - Diversion Signing
Location:A96 (Jn R B9016 Buckie to Jct Mulben) to A96 (Mulben Jn to End Eb Climbing Lane), Westbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A96 South of Keith- No obstruction W/B
Location:A96 (Entrance To Layby to Exit From Layby), Westbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 2:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A96 South of Keith. Diversion signage for local road closure
Location:A96 (Jct B9115 Drummuir to Jct Keith Mkt Grd), Northbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00am
Advanced signage/diversion on verge
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
A96 West of Elgin WB - Temporary traffic signals
Location:A96 (River Lossie Br to Jct B9013 Burghead), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 West of Inverness Airport Rbt. W/B TTL's
Location:A96 (Croy Roundabout to Croy Roundabout) to A96 (Croy Roundabout to Junction B9039 Dalcross), Westbo
Start time:31st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A96 Westbound after Craibstone roundabout
Location:A96 (Dyce Drive Rbt (W) to Junction (L) B979), Westbound
Start time:8th of May 2025, 6:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A972 Kingsway-Scott Fyffe Roundabout- Road Closure S/B
Location:A92 (Arbroath Rd Rbt to Arbroath Rd Rbt) to A972 (Arbroath Rd Rbt to East Milton Rbt), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A972 Kingsway- A929 Forfar Road- A991 North Marketgait- A92 East Dock Street
A972 Kingsway-Scott Fyffe Roundabout- Road Closure S/B
Location:A972 (East Milton Rbt to East Milton Rbt) to A92 (Arbroath Rd Rbt to Arbroath Rd Rbt), Southbound
Start time:13th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
A977 NB Kincardine. Portable Traffic Lights.
Location:A977 (30/40 Mph Signs to Jl Broomknowe Dr) to A977 (Jl Kilbagie Paper To Kilbagie Rbt to Jl Kilbagie
Start time:31st of March 2025, 6:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A977 NB Kincardine. Road Closure
Location:A977 (Mini R/B to 30/40 Mph Signs) to A977 (Jl Kilbagie Paper To Kilbagie Rbt to Jl Kilbagie Paper T
Start time:4th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take A985 to Kincardine Bridge then 2nd exit onto A876 Clackmannanshire Bridge.
A977 SB Kincardine. Portable Traffic Lights.
Location:A977 (Jl Kilbagie Paper To Kilbagie Rbt to Jl Kilbagie Paper To Kilbagie Rbt) to A977 (30/40 Mph Sig
Start time:31st of March 2025, 6:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A977 SB Kincardine. Road Closure
Location:A977 (Kilbagie Rbt to Kilbagie Rbt) to A977 (Mini R/B to 30/40 Mph Signs), Southbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take A876 Clackmannanshire Bridge then 1st Exit onto A985 Kincardine Bridge. Continue to Longannet Roundabout then take 1st exit onto Toll Road.
A985 - EB - Kincardine - EB
Location:A985 (Sw End Of Kincardine Bridge to A985 Junction) to A985 (Start Of Eb 3 Lane Section to End Of Eb
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A985 - NB - Kincardine Bridge - Lane Closure
Location:A985 (Sw End Of Kincardine Bridge to A985 Junction) to A985 (Higgins Neuk Roundabout to Kincardine B
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:30am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A985 - SB - Kincardine Bridge - Lane Closure
Location:A985 (Higgins Neuk Roundabout to Kincardine Bridge) to A985 (Sw End Of Kincardine Bridge to A985 Jun
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:30am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
A985 - WB - Kincardine - Lane Closure
Location:A985 (Start Of Eb 3 Lane Section to End Of Eb 3 Lane Section) to A985 (Sw End Of Kincardine Bridge t
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
A985 - WB - Kincardine - Lane closure
Location:A985 (Start Wb 3 Lane Sect to Longannet Road Roundabout) to A985 (A876 Junction to Start Of Eb 3 Lan
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
C44s Lochfoot Road (D&G Council network) -Cosure
Location:A75 (Start Drummore Rbt to End Drummore Rbt), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
C56N (D&G Council network) - Closure
Location:A75 (Start Drummore Rbt to End Drummore Rbt), Northbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Calder St Lochwinnoch EB Total
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Calder St Burnfoot Rd Main St
Calder St Lochwinnoch WB Total
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Calder St Burnfoot Rd Main St
EB Kings Inch Drive TTL
Location:M8 (Braehead Rbt to E/B On Slip To M8), Eastbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
EB Old Candren Rd Total Closures
Location:A737 (Eb Off Slip to A761 Linclive Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
.A761- - Bridge St - End
Gallow Green Rd Paisley NB - Lane Closures
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
Gallow Green Rd Paisley SB - Lane Closures
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
Kings Inch Drive WB TTLS
Location:M8 (Braehead Rbt to E/B On Slip To M8), Westbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
M73 Northbound Junction 1 to Junction 2 - Single lane running
Location:M74 (End Of Slip With Hs to Merge To M73) to M73 (Mainline 3 To 2 Lane to Bailleston Int O/B), North
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Single Lane Running.
M73 Northbound Junction 2 off-slip - Total closure
Location:M73 (Mainline 3 To 2 Lane to Bailleston Int O/B) to M73 (Off Slip From M73 to A8 Bailleston Rbt), No
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M73 Northbound, M73 NB Jct 2a off-slip, M73 SB Jct 2a on-slip, M73 Southbound
M73 Northbound Junction 2 to Junction 2a - Nearside lane closure
Location:M73 (N/B Baillieston Int to N/B Gartcosh Off Slip) to M73 (N/B Gartcosh Off Slip to Johnstone Rd O/B
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M73 Northbound Junction 2 to Junction 2a - Progressive Nearside & Offside lane closures
Location:M73 (N/B Baillieston Int to N/B Gartcosh Off Slip) to M73 (N/B Gartcosh Off Slip to Johnstone Rd O/B
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M73 Northbound Junction 2 to Junction 2a after Railway Bridge - Nearside lane closure
Location:M73 (N/B Baillieston Int to N/B Gartcosh Off Slip) to M73 (N/B Slip Off M73 To Gartcosh to N/B Slip
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M73 Northbound Junction 2a to Junction 3 - Nearside lane closure
Location:M73 (Johnstone Rd Bridge Nb to M80 Dbfo Nb Extent) to M73 (Exit Slip to 2-Lane Slip), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M73 Northbound to M8 Westbound link road - Total closure
Location:M73 (Start Of Ded. Lane to Nosing) to M8 (Start M8 Bailleston to Railway Underbridge), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M73 Northbound, M73 NB Jct 2a off-slip, M73 SB Jct 2a on-slip, M73 Southbound
M74 NB Jct 1 Lane Closures
Location:M74 (Polmadie Junc to W/B Diverge) to M74 (End Of 3 Lane to Start Of Dedicated C/Way), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 - NB - Jct 13 Offslip - Closure
Location:M74 (Boghead Culvert to Off Slip To A702) to M74 (Start Off Slip to A702 Rbt (W)), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 North Diversion
1. Head south on A74(M)
2. At junction 14, take the exit onto A702.
Continue for 2.2 miles
3. Turn right to stay on A702
4. At Elvanfoot Interchange, take the 1st
exit onto the A74(M) slip road to
5. Merge onto A74(M)
Diversion Length: 10.6 miles
Diversion Time: 13 minutes
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 Junction 13 North Offslip Diversion
1. Head north on M74
2. At junction 12, take the A70 exit
3. Take the 2nd exit onto Ayr Road
4. At Millbank Interchange, take the 4th exit onto the M74 slip road to Carlisle/Abington
5. At junction 13, take the A702 exit
Diversion Length: 15 miles
Diversion Time: 15 minutes
1. Head north on A73
2. Continue onto A70(w)
3. Continue on the A70 beyond the
Millbank Interchange
4. Turn left onto B7078
Diversion Length: 27 mile
Diversion Time: 36 Minute
M74 - NB - Jct 13 Onslip - Closure
Location:M74 (A702 Rbt (W) to Entry M74 Nb), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
High Friction Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 North Diversion
1. Head south on A74(M)
2. At junction 14, take the exit onto A702.
Continue for 2.2 miles
3. Turn right to stay on A702
4. At Elvanfoot Interchange, take the 1st
exit onto the A74(M) slip road to
5. Merge onto A74(M)
Diversion Length: 10.6 miles
Diversion Time: 13 minutes
Traffic Wishing To Use M74 Junction 13 North Offslip Diversion
1. Head north on M74
2. At junction 12, take the A70 exit
3. Take the 2nd exit onto Ayr Road
4. At Millbank Interchange, take the 4th exit onto the M74 slip road to Carlisle/Abington
5. At junction 13, take the A702 exit
Diversion Length: 15 miles
Diversion Time: 15 minutes
1. Head north on A73
2. Continue onto A70(w)
3. Continue on the A70 beyond the
Millbank Interchange
4. Turn left onto B7078
Diversion Length: 27 mile
Diversion Time: 36 Minute
M74 Jct 1 NB-Lane 2 closure
Location:M74 (End Of 3 Lane to Start Of Dedicated C/Way), Northbound
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 Jct 1 SB-Lane 2 closure
Location:M74 (End Of Dedicated C/Way to Start Of 3 Lanes), Northbound
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 Jct 1a off slip NB- Slip Closure
Location:M74 (Slip Off to T-Junction), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M74 jct 2- turn right and continue A724 Cambuslang Rd- continue onto A749 Dalmarnock Rd- turn left onto A728- at jct turn right onto A730- at jct turn left- end
M74 Jct 2 Off Slip NB - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (Slip 2-Lane to Slip To A724 Jnc), Northbound
Start time:9th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M74 north at junction 2a- at roundabout take 1st exit onto Fullarton Road- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto Cambuslang Road - at junction turn right onto A724- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto A724 Cambuslang Road- end
M74 Jct 2 On Slip SB - Road Closure
Location:M74 (T-Junction to Merge) to M74 (A724 Junc to Fullarton Junc), Southbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on A724- at rbt take 1st exit onto A724- at jct turn left onto Cambuslang Rd- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 1st exit onto Fullarton Rd at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 3rd exit and re join M74 South jct 2a
M74 Jct 2 on slip NB- Road Closure
Location:M74 (T-Junction to Slip On From A724) to M74 (A724 O/B to Glasgow Rd O/B), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue A724 Cambuslang Rd- continue onto A749 Dalmarnock Rd- turn left onto A728- at jct turn right onto A730- at jct turn left- rejoin M74 North at jct 1a
M74 Jct 2 to Jct 1a NB- Road Closure
Location:M74 (Fullarton Junc to A724 Junc) to M74 (Polmadie Junc to W/B Diverge), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M74 North at jct 2- turn right onto A724 Cambuslang Rd- continue onto A749 Dalmarnock Rd- turn left onto A728- at jct turn right onto A730- at jct turn left- rejoin M74 North at jct 1a
M74 Jct 2 to Jct 2A SB - Road Closure
Location:M74 (Glasgow Rd O/B to A724 Junc) to M74 (Fullarton Junc to A763 Junc), Southbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M74 jct 2- at jct turn right onto A724- at rbt take 1st exit onto A724- at jct turn left onto Cambuslang Rd- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 1st exit onto Fullarton Rd at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 3rd exit and re join M74 South jct 2a
M74 Jct 2A - Jct 2 NB - Road Closure
Location:M74 (A763 Junc to Fullarton Junc) to M74 (A724 O/B to Glasgow Rd O/B), Northbound
Start time:9th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M74 north at junction 2a- at roundabout take 1st exit onto Fullarton Road- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto Cambuslang Road - at junction turn right onto A724- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto A724 Cambuslang Road- end
M74 Jct 2A Off Slip SB - Road Closure
Location:M74 (Slip Off to Slip 2-Lane) to M74 (Slip Off to T Junction), Southbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M74 jct 2- at jct turn right onto A724- at rbt take 1st exit onto A724- at jct turn left onto Cambuslang Rd- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 1st exit onto Fullarton Rd at rbt take 2nd exit- follow signs- end
M74 Jct 2A On Slip - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (T Junction to Slip On) to M74 (Fullarton Junc to A724 Junc), Northbound
Start time:9th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on roundabout take 3rd exit onto Fullarton Road- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto Cambuslang Road- at junction turn right onto A724- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto A724 Cambuslang Road- rejoin M74 at junction 2 on slip- end
M74 NB J2 off slip - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (Fullarton Junc to A724 Junc) to M74 (End Of 2-Lane to T-Junction), Northbound
Start time:27th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue M74 NB - leave M74 at J1 - turn left Carnoustie St- turn left onto Scotland St- turn left onto Wallace St- turn left and rejoin M74 SB - leave M74 at J2- end
M74 NB J22-J20 Lane Closure
Location:M74 (Slip On From Gretna Int to Slip Off To B7076) to M74 (Nb M74 On Slip to Woodhouse Mains O'Bridg
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00am
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 NB Jct 2 On slip - Lane Closure
Location:M74 (Fullarton Junc to A724 Junc) to M74 (T-Junction to Slip On From A724), Northbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion signs A724 - Turn at Roundabout Join M74 NB
M74 Northbound Junction 6 to Junction 5 - Nearside lane closure
Location:M74 (Slip On From A723 to B7012 Underpass), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 Northbound Maryville Junction 4 - Main line total closure
Location:M74 (Mainline 3 To 2 Lane to Blantyre Farm Rd O/B) to M74 (End Of D2m With Hs to Start Of D3m With H
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M74 Northbound to M73 Northbound link road, M73 to Daldowie lights link road, M74 Junction 3a on-slip.
M74 SB J1 off slip - Lane Closure
Location:M74 (Slip 2-Lane to T-Junction), Southbound
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 SB J20-J22 Lane Closure
Location:M74 (Woodhouse Mains O'Br to Off Slip To B6357) to M74 (Slip Entry From B7076 to Slip Off At Gretna
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00am
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 SB J2a Offslip - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (A724 Junc to Fullarton Junc) to M74 (Slip Off to T Junction), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 10:00pm
Ancillary Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue on M74 SB to leave at next Jct 3A, turn RIGHT then RIGHT to rejoin M74 NB and leave at J2a NB offslip
M74 SB J8 to J10 - Road Closure
Location:M74 (B7019 Overbridge to Off Slip To A71) to M74 (Slip On From B7078 to Nethan Bridge North), Southb
Start time:30th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M74 jct 8- at rbt take 1st exit onto B7078- at rbt 2nd exit and rejoin M74 at jct 10
M74 SB Jct 11 - 12- Lane Closure
Location:M74 (B7078 Underpass to A70 Overbridge) to M74 (A70 Overbridge to S/B Millbank Entry Slip), Southbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M74 SB Jnt 7 Off Slip - TTL's
Location:M74 (Slip Entry From A723 to Slip Off To A71) to M74 (Off Slip To A72 to A72 Lanark Road), Southboun
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
M74 Southbound Bothwell Services on-slip- Total closure
Location:M74 (Fallside Rd Bridge to B7012 Underpass), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
M74 Southbound Maryville main line - Total closure
Location:M74 (Start 2 Lane For M74 to Start Of D2m With Hs) to M74 (Start Of Hs to Blantype Farm Rd O/B), Sou
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M74 Southbound to M74 Northbound Link road, M73 Northbound junction 2 off-slip, Baillieston Rbt, M73 Southbound junction 2 on-slip.
M74 between 8 - 7 NB Hard Shoulder Closure
Location:M74 (A71 On Slip to B7019 Overbridge), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 6:00am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M74 between 8 - 7 NB lane 1 closure
Location:M74 (A71 On Slip to B7019 Overbridge), Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 9:30am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (40mph)
M77 Jct 1 Off Slip SB - Slip Closure
Location:M77 (S/B Slip Road Off To Dumbreck Road to S/B Slip Road Off To Dumbreck Road), Southbound
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on M8- Leave M8 at jct 23- at jct turn right onto Dumbreck rd- at jct turn left onto Paisley road west- at rbt take 1st exit and continue on Paisley rd West- turn left onto Corkerhill rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Braidcraft rd- at Pollock rbt take 1st exit onto Barrhead rd B762- rejoin M77 north- leave M77 north at jct 1- end.
M77 Jct 1 On Slip SB - Slip Closure
Location:M77 (Dumbreck Rd Jn to Give-Way Line) to M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (S) to B762 Barrhead Rd Int (N)),
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on Dumbreck rd- turn left onto Mosspark Boulevard- at jct turn left onto Corkerhill rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Braidcraft rd- at Pollock rbt take 1st exit onto Barrhead rd B762- follow directional signs- end.
M77 NB Jct 1 - Road Closure
Location:M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (S) to B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (N)) to M77 (Off Slip From M8 Wb to Entry To M
Start time:13th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M77 jct at Jct 1- turn left onto Dumbreck rd- turn right and rejoin M8 east at jct jct 23- follow directional signs- end
M77 NB Jct 1 on slip Total Closure
Location:M77 (N/B Slip Road Off To Dumbreck Road to N/B Slip Road Off To Dumbreck Road) to M77 (N/B Slip Road
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Drumbeck Rd - Join M8 EB Jct 23 on slip - End
M77 NB Jct 2 - 1 Total Closure
Location:M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (S) to B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (N)) to M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (N) to Slip
Start time:31st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit Jct 1 NB Off Slip - Drumbeck Rd - Join M8 EB Jct 23 on slip - End
M77 NB Jct1 On Slip - Slip Closure
Location:M77 (N/B Slip Road On To M77 From Dumbreck Road to N/B Slip Road On To M77) to M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd
Start time:13th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on Dumbreck rd- turn right and rejoin M8 east at jct jct 23- follow directional signs- end
M77 SB Jct 2 off slip - Lane closure
Location:M77 (S/B Slip Road Off To Barrhead Road to S/B Slip Road Off To Barrhead Road), Southbound
Start time:21st of April 2025, 10:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M77 link to M8 NB - Road Closure
Location:M77 (Off Slip To M8 to Start 4 Lane Division) to M77 (Rhs Slip To M8 to Entry To M8), Northbound
Start time:13th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M77 jct at Jct 1- turn left onto Dumbreck rd- turn right and rejoin M8 east at jct jct 23- follow directional signs- end
M77 link to M8 sec c/way NB- Slip Closure
Location:M77 (Off Slip To M8 to Start 4 Lane Division) to M77 (Lhs Slip To M8 to Entry To M8), Northbound
Start time:13th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M77 jct at Jct 1- turn left onto Dumbreck rd- turn right and rejoin M8 east at jct jct 23- follow directional signs- end
M8 EB West St on slip - slip closure
Location:M8 (Jct Gloucester / West Rd To Start Of Elevated Sect to Start Of Elevated Section) to M8 (Slip Off
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
West St. – Kingston Street – Commerce St. – GV Bridge – Broomielaw – North St. – Jct19 Anderston e/b on slip
M8 Jct 4 to 3A- EB road closure
Location:M8 (E Whitburn Jct (W) to East Whitburn Junction (E)) to M8 (Starlaw Br to End Of Slip Road), Eastbo
Start time:22nd of September 2025, 8:30pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
East bound traffic will be diverted of the M8 at Jct 4 off-slip. Traffic will be instructed to take the first exit at Whitburn Interchange Roundabout and join the A801. Traffic will continue on the A801 and take the 4th exit at Boghead Roundabout and join the A7066. Traffic will continue straight along the A7066 Starlaw Road. At Boghall Roundabout traffic will take the 4th exit onto the A779. At the unnamed roundabout, traffic will take the 2nd exit on the M8 on-slip and re-join the M8 motorway.
M8 WB Jct 25a off slip- Road Closure.
Location:M8 (W/B Off Slip From M8 to Braehead Rbt), Westbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 at Jct 25- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Fifty pitches rd- at jct turn left onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit- follow directional signs- end.
M8 - EB - Jct 3a off slip - Road closure
Location:M8 (Off Slip To Boghall Rbt to Boghall Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:30th of June 2025, 8:30pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic leaving the M8 east Jct. 4 and traffic looking to join should both travel north along A801 to Boghead Rdbt. Take the 5th exit and follow A7066 east to Boghall Rdbt. Take the 4th exit to A779 and M8 Jct. 3a on-slip.
M8 - EB - Jct 4 - Lane closure
Location:M8 (E Whitburn Jct (W) to East Whitburn Junction (E)), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 - EB - Jct 4 on slip - Road closure
Location:M8 (A801 Rbt to M8 Entry Eb) to M8 (East Whitburn Junction (E) to Riddoch Hill Footbridge), Eastboun
Start time:30th of June 2025, 8:30pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A801 to A7066, to M8 J3a
M8 - EB - Jct 4 to 3a - Road closure
Location:M8 (E Whitburn Jct (W) to East Whitburn Junction (E)) to M8 (Starlaw Br to End Of Slip Road), Eastbo
Start time:30th of June 2025, 8:30pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic leaving the M8 east Jct. 4 and traffic looking to join should both travel north along A801 to Boghead Rdbt. Take the 5th exit and follow A7066 east to Boghall Rdbt. Take the 4th exit to A779 and M8 Jct. 3a on-slip.
M8 - EB - Junction 3 off slip - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Livingston Int West To A899 to A899 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
M8 - GCC Townmill Rd - Closure
Location:M8MONKLANDS (South End Of James Nesbit Footbridge to Townmill Rd Behind Arnold Clark) to M8MONKLANDS
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on Alexandra Parade left onto Milnbank St - end
M8 - GCC Townmill Rd - Closure
Location:M8MONKLANDS (Townmill Rd Behind Arnold Clark to West Footpath On Alexandra Court) to M8MONKLANDS (So
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
left onto Milnbank St then right onto Alexandra Parade - end
M8 - WB - Jct 2 - Lane closure
Location:M8 (Wb Slip To Newbridge to M8 N.Bound On Slip), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 - WB - Jct 3A - Closure
Location:M8 (Starlaw Bridge to Easter Inch Footbridge), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion via off and on slip
M8 - WB - Jct 6 to 5 - Lane closure
Location:M8 (End Of Ppp to Duntilland Road) to M8 (Duntilland Rd C73 to B7057 U'Bridge), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 - WB - jct 2 - Lane closure
Location:M8 (Freelands Rd Br. to Wb Slip To Newbridge), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 21 Sec C/Way East Link to Jct 21 On Slip WB - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (End Of 2-Lane to Start Of 1-Lane), Eastbound
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
at rbt take 2nd exit onto Scotland st- at jct turn left onto Carnoustie st- rejoin M8 west at jct 21 on slip- end
M8 25 off slip EB- Road Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Eb Off Slip to A739 Entry), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 at jct 26- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto A739- end
M8 25a on slip EB - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Braehead Rbt to E/B On Slip To M8), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on Old Govan rd- at jct turn left onto Kings inch rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Helen St- follow directional signs- end
M8 EB Jct 23 on slip from Dumbreck Road - Slip Closure
Location:M8 (B768 Dumbrek Rd to Entry M8 Eb), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
at jct go straight ahead onto Dumbreck rd- turn left onto M77 north- end
M8 EB Jct 24 on slip from Helen Street - Slip Closure
Location:M8 (Helen St Jct to Entry M8 Eb), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue onto Helen st- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Edminston Drive - at rbt take 3rd exit onto Broomloan Rd- at jct go straight ahead onto Dumbreck rd- turn left onto M77 north- end
M8 EB Jct 24 to Jct 22 - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Eb Jct 24 Off Slip to Eb Jct 24 On Slip) to M8 (M77 Int Off Slip to M77 Int On Slip), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB - JCT 31 off slip - lane closures
Location:M8 (Slip Off To A8 to Slip Entry From A8) to A8 (Slip Off To A8 to A8 Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Approach to Kingston Br - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (M77 Int Jct 22 to Jct 20 Slip Rd Entry) to M8 (Jct 20 Slip Rd Entry to Jct 19 Off Slip), Eastbou
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Between Jct 11 & Jct 10 - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 11 Eb Off Slip to Jct 11 Eb Entry) to M8 (Jnct 11 On Slip to End Of Nosing), Eastbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 @ Jct 11 E/B off slip - B765 Stepps Rd - A8 Edinburgh Rd - Bartiebeith Rd Re - Join M8 Jct 10 E/B on slip
M8 EB Between Jct 13 & Jct 11 - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry From M80) to M8 (Jct 11 Eb Off Slip to Jct 11 Eb Entry), Eastbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Between the slips at Jct 11 - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 11 Eb Off Slip to Jct 11 Eb Entry) to M8 (Jnct 11 On Slip to End Of Nosing), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Jct 22 to Jct 20 - Lane 1 Closure
Location:M8 (A8 O'Bridge to Jct 23 Slip Rd Entry) to M74 (Slip 2-Lane to T-Junction), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Jct 11 Onslip - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Stepps Rd Jct to Entry M8 Eb) to M8 (Jnct 11 On Slip to End Of Nosing), Eastbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic Travelling N/B on Stepps Rd - Gartloch Rd - Auchinlea Rd - Westerhouse Rd - Auchinlea Way - Re - Join M8 Jct 10 E/B on slip
Traffic Travelling S/B on Stepps Rd -A8 Edinburgh Rd - Bartiebeith Rd Re - Join M8 Jct 10 E/B on slip
M8 EB Jct 12 Off slip - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (Jct 12 Eb Off Slip to Jct 12 Eb Entry Slip) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Cumbanauld Rd), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Jct 13 off slip to M80 Jct 1 NB - Total closure
Location:M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry From M80) to M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765), Eastbound
Start time:5th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 12 WB off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroyston Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
M8 EB Jct 14 to 13 - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (Jct 14 Off Slip to Off Slip To M80) to M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry From M80), Eastbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Jct 15 to 14 - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (Jct 16 On Slip to Jct 15 Off Slip) to M8 (Eb Jct 14 Off Slip to Viewpark Avenue), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Jct 18 Anderston On slip - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Bothwell St) to M8 (Eb Jct 19 Off Slip to Eb Jct 19 On Slip), Eastbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Coninue on North St - M8 EB Jct 18 on slip - Diversion end
M8 EB Jct 19 Anderston on slip - Total closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Bothwell St) to M8 (Start On Slip to Entry M8 Eb), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
EB traffic diversion
Continue on Argyle Street - turn right onto A804 Newton St - Broomielaw - A77 Glasgow Bridge - Bridge St - Commerce St - Cook St - M8 EB Jct 20 on slip from West Street - Diversion End
WB traffic diversion
Argyle St - turn left onto A804 Newton St - Broomielaw - A77 Glasgow Bridge - Bridge St - Commerce St - Cook St - M8 EB Jct 20 on slip from West Street - Diversion End
M8 EB Jct 19 to 18 - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off To A814 to Jct 19 Off Slip) to M8 (Woodlands Rd O'Bridge to Entry M8 Eb), Eastbound
Start time:8th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 19 Bothwell St off slip - Bothwell St - St Vincent St - North Street - M8 Jct 18 Eb on slip
M8 EB Jct 22 off slip Seaward St - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (2 To 3 Lane to 3 To 2 Lane) to M74 (End Of 2-Lane to Searward St Jn), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue to M74 and leave at Jct 1a- at Jct turn right- rejoin M74 north- leave M74 at Jct 1- follow directional signs
M8 EB Jct 22 to M74 Jct 1 - Closure
Location:M74 (Start Of M74 to 2 To 3 Lane) to M74 (2 To 3 Lane to 3 To 2 Lane), Eastbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue M8 east- leave M8 at jct 19 Bothwell st- turn left at Pitt st- turn left onto st Vincent st- turn left onto M8 West- leave M8 at jct 20 west st- follow directional signs
M8 EB Jct 26 offslip Hillington - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off To H.Int to Mid Point H.Int Bridges) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Hillington Int Rbt), East
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 EB Jct 5 - Jct 6 Lane closure
Location:M8 (A73 Newhouse Rbt to On To M8 Eb) to M8 (Council Bdy to B7057 U'Bridge), Westbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 6:01am
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M8 EB Jct 6 - Jct 5 Contraflow
Location:M8 (End Of Ppp to Duntilland Road), Eastbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Contraflow (40mph)
M8 EB Jct 6 - Jct 5 Lane closure
Location:M8 (A73 Newhouse Rbt to On To M8 Eb) to M8 (Council Bdy to B7057 U'Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M8 Eastbound Junction 7 Eurocentral - Off-slip total closure
Location:A8 (Orchard Farm Access to Shawhead Overbridge) to A8 (Off-Slip Start to Eurocentral N.Rbt), Eastbou
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Eastbound Junction 6a off-slip, Chapelhall North Rbt, Chapelhall South Rbt, A8 Westbound
M8 Eastbound Junction 7 to Junction 6a - Offside lane closure
Location:A8 (Chapelhall Overbridge to Eurocentral Overbridge) to A8 (Off-Slip Start to Eurocentral S.Rbt), Ea
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Eastbound Junction 9 main line - Offside lane closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Jct Easterhouse Rd) to M8 (Slip Off Jct 9 to Railway Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Eastbound Newhouse main line - Hard Shoulder running closure
Location:M8 (Newhouse Interchange to End Of Ppp), Eastbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Eastbound link road to Bargeddie Rbt - Total closure
Location:M8 (Slip From M8 Eb to Slip To M8) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Entry A89), Eastbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Eastbound Junction 6a off-slip, Chapelhall North Rbt, Chapelhall South Rbt.
M8 Hillington Rbt inner - lane closure
Location:M8 (Wb Off Slip to Mid Point Hillington Int Bridges), Southbound
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 J14-J13 Eastbound - lane closure
Location:M8 (Jct 14 Off Slip to Off Slip To M80), Eastbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 J14-J13 Eastbound - lane closure
Location:M8 (Jct 14 Off Slip to Off Slip To M80), Eastbound
Start time:5th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 J18 EB off slip to A804 St Georges Road - Total closure
Location:M8 (Sauchiehall Jct to Entry M8 Eb) to M8 (Jct 18 Eb Off Slip to St Georges Rd Jct), Eastbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Parapet Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 15 EB off slip – A804 Royston Rd – A803 on slip from Springburn Road – M8 Jct 15 WB on slip - Off at M8 J16 WB off slip - continue on A804 Dobbie's loan - A81 Garscube road - left on St Georges road - right onto A82 GWR - diversion ends
M8 J18 EB off slip to A82 Great Western Road - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 18 Off Slip to Entry A82), Eastbound
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 8:00pm
Parapet Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on the slip road to A804 St Georges road - right on to A804 St George's road - left on to the slip road to join A82 GWR - diversion ends
M8 J18 EB off slip to A82 Great Western Road - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 19 On Slip to Sauchiehall O'Br) to M8 (Jct 18 Off Slip to Entry A82), Eastbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Parapet Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 15 EB off slip – A804 Royston Rd – A803 on slip from Springburn Road – M8 Jct 15 WB on slip - Off at M8 J16 WB off slip - continue on A804 Dobbie's loan - A81 Garscube road - left on St Georges road - right onto A82 GWR - diversion ends
M8 J18 EB on slip from Anderston - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Stobcross St to Start Slip Onto M8) to M8 (Start On Slip to Entry M8 Eb), Eastbound
Start time:30th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Parapet Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
North St - Jct 18 EB on slip - Diversion end
M8 Jct 10 off slip EB- Slip Closure
Location:M8 (Exit M8 Eb to End Eb Off Slip), Eastbound
Start time:10th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M8 jct 11- at jct turn right onto B765- at jct turn left onto Edinburgh rd- turn left onto Bartiebeth rd- end
M8 Jct 11 on slip EB - Slip Closure
Location:M8 (Stepps Rd Jct to Entry M8 Eb) to M8 (Jct 11 Eb Off Slip to Jct 11 Eb Entry), Eastbound
Start time:10th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on B765- at jct turn left onto Edinburgh rd- turn left onto Bartiebeth rd- rejoin M8 at jct 10- end
M8 Jct 11 to Jct 10 EB - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 12 Off Slip to Jct 11 On Slip) to M8 (End Of Nosing to Jnct 10 On Slip (Nosing)), Eastbound
Start time:10th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M8 jct 11- at jct turn right onto B765- at jct turn left onto Edinburgh rd- turn left onto Bartiebeth rd- rejoin M8 at jct 10- end
M8 Jct 15 Loop U onslip WB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to M8 O'Bridge) to M8 (M8 Overbridge to Entry M8 Wb), Westbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching, Inspections
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion
W/B J15 loop U On Slip closure, divert via A803, Castle Street, Alexandra parade, A8 Cumbernauld Rd - A80 Cumbernauld Rd Join M8 Jct 12 W/B On Slip - end
M8 Jct 15 offslip EB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to A803 Jct), Eastbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion
E/B J15 Off Slip closure, divert via M8 E/B to J14, Viewpark Avenue, M8 W/B exit J15, Castle St, A803 where diversion ends.
M8 Jct 15 to just past Baird St - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry Slip From M80) to M8 (A803 Exit to Entry Wb M8), Westbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 16 onslip EB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Craighall Rd Underpass to Eb On Slip Jct 16) to M8 (Jct 16 On Slip to Jct 15 Off Slip), Eastboun
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion
A804, Castle St where diversion ends J15 E/B On Slip - end
M8 Jct 17 to Jct 15 EB - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (A81 Underpass to Craighall Rd Underpass) to M8 (Off Slip To A803 to On Slip From A803), Eastboun
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 19 Stobcross on ramp WB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (A814 Exit to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip On M8 Wb to M8 Eb Entry), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion -
Diversion - Argyle St - A804 SB - Anderson Quay - Broomielaw - A77 - Nelson St- Tradston St - Paterson St - Wallace St - Dalintober St -Join M8 8 WB Secondary carriageway - End
M8 Jct 19 Waterloo St on ramp WB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Bishop Lane to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip On M8 Wb to M8 Eb Entry), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion -
Pitt St - St Vincent St - A804 Newton St - Argyle St - A804 SB - Anderson Quay - Broomielaw - A77 - Nelson St- Tradston St - Paterson St - Wallace St - Dalintober St -Join M8 8 WB Secondary carriageway - End
M8 Jct 19 Waterloo Street on ramp WB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Bishop Lane to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip On M8 Wb to M8 Eb Entry), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Argyle St - A804 SB - Anderson Quay - Broomielaw - A77 - Nelson St- Tradston St - Paterson St - Wallace St - Dalintober St -Join M8 8 WB Secondary carriageway - End
M8 Jct 19 to Jct 20 WB - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Slip On M8 Wb to M8 Eb Entry) to M8 (On Slip Jct 19 to Off Slip Jct 20), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 20 West St offslip WB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (On Slip Jct 19 to Off Slip Jct 20) to M8 (End Slip to West Street), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion -
Diversion Via: M8 WB, Jct 23 Offslip WB, Jct 23 Onslip EB, M74 Secondary Carriageway, Jct 21 Off Slip, Seaward St, Scotland St, End
M8 Jct 21 On Slip WB - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (Roundabout to Start Of 1-Lane) to M74 (Start Of 1-Lane to Wb On-Slip), Westbound
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
at rbt take 3rd exit onto Scotland st- at jct turn left onto Carnoustie st- rejoin M8 west at jct 21 on slip- end
M8 Jct 21 to Jct 22 Sec C/Way WB - Lane Closure
Location:M74 (Start Ded. Lane to M8 & M77 Split) to M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74), Westbound
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 22 Sec/C/Way to M77 SB WB - Slip Closure
Location:M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74) to M77 (Off Slip From M8 Wb to Entry To M77 Sb), Westbound
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on M8- Leave M8 at jct 23- at jct turn right onto Dumbreck rd- at jct turn left onto Paisley road west- at rbt take 1st exit and continue on Paisley rd West- turn left onto Corkerhill rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Braidcraft rd- at Pollock rbt take 1st exit onto Barrhead rd B762- follow directional signs- end.
M8 Jct 22 to M77 SB - Slip Closure
Location:M77 (Off Slip From M8 Wb to Entry To M77 Sb) to M77 (Slip On From M8 to B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (N)), W
Start time:11th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on M8- Leave M8 at jct 24- at jct turn left onto Helen st- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Paisley rd West- turn left onto Corkerhill rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Braidcraft rd- at Pollock rbt take 1st exit onto Barrhead rd B762- follow directional signs- end.
M8 Jct 23 to Jct 24 WB - Nearside and adjacent lane closure
Location:M8 (Jct 22 On Slip to Jct 23 Off Slip) to M8 (Wb Jct 24 Off Slip to Wb Jct 24 On Slip), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 24 off slip EB Road Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 24 Eb Off Slip to Helen St Jct), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 at jct 26- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Helen St- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 24 offslip EB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Eb Jct 24 Off Slip to Eb Jct 24 On Slip) to M8 (Jct 24 Eb Off Slip to Helen St Jct), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion via: Continue M8 EB - M8 Sec c/way - Seaward St loop offslip - M8 Sec c/way WB - M77 SB - Jct 1 SB offslip - Dumbreck Rd - Edminston Dr - Helen St - End
M8 Jct 24 on slip WB- Road Closure
Location:M8 (Wb Jct 24 Off Slip to Wb Jct 24 On Slip) to M8 (Helen St Jct to Entry M8 Wb), Westbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue Helen St- at rbt take 1st exit onto Edmiston Dr- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Shieldhall road- at rbt take 1st exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- follow directional signs- end.
M8 Jct 24 on slip WB Road closure
Location:M8 (Wb Jct 24 Off Slip to Wb Jct 24 On Slip), Westbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue Helen St-south- at rbt take 3rd exit and rejoin Helen St- at rbt take 1st exit onto Edmiston Dr- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Shieldhall road- at rbt take 1st exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- follow directional signs- end.
M8 Jct 24 onslip EB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Helen St Jct to Entry M8 Eb), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion via: Helen St - Paisley Rd West - Dumbreck Rd - Jct 23 EB onslip - End
M8 Jct 25 on slip EB- Road closure
Location:M8 (A739 Exit to Entry M8 Eb) to M8 (Jct 25 Slip Rd Entry to Jct 24 Off Slip), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue A739- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Fifty pitches rd- at Jct turn right onto shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Helen St- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 25 to Jct 23 EB - Nearside and adjacent lane closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Slip Rd Entry to Jct 24 Off Slip) to M8 (A8 O'Bridge to Jct 23 Slip Rd Entry), Eastbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 25 to Jct 26 WB- Road closure
Location:M8 (Wb Jct 25 Off Slip to Wb Jct 25 On Slip) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Sli
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 at Jct 25- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Fifty pitches rd- at jct turn left onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- follow directional signs- end.
TRO 3735854
M8 Jct 25a on slip EB- Road Closure
Location:M8 (Braehead Rbt to E/B On Slip To M8), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on Kings Inch Rd- at rbt circle and return Kings inch rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Helen St- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 26 off slip- Road Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Wb to Hillington Int Rbt), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 at Jct 25- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Fifty pitches rd- at jct turn left onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- follow directional signs- end.
M8 Jct 26 on slip EB- Road Closure
Location:M8 (Hillington Int Rbt to Entry M8 Eb) to M8 (Jct 26 Entry Slip to Jct 25 Off Slip), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on rbt take 3rd exit onto Hillington rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Helen St- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 26 on slip WB Road Closure
Location:M8 (Hillington Int Rbt to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip), We
Start time:16th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue on rbt onto hillington rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Glasgow rd- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Glebe st- at jct turn left onto A741- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 26 to Jct 24 EB Road Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Off To H.Int to Mid Point H.Int Bridges) to M8 (Eb Jct 24 Off Slip to Eb Jct 24 On Slip), E
Start time:17th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 at jct 26- at rbt take 1st exit onto Hillington rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Renfrew rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 2nd exit and continue on Shieldhall rd- at rbt take 3rd exit onto Helen St- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 26 to Jct 27 WB Road Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip) to M8 (A741 Renfrew Rd O'Br to Start White Cart Viaduct Wb
Start time:16th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M8 at Jct 26- At rbt take 3rd exit onto hillington rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Glasgow rd- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Glebe st- at jct turn left onto A741- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 27 off slip WB- Road Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Wb to A741 Renfrew Rd), We
Start time:16th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
leave M8 at Jct 26- At rbt take 3rd exit onto hillington rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto Glasgow rd- at rbt take 2nd exit onto Glebe st- at jct turn left onto A741- follow directional signs- end
M8 Jct 27 onslip WB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Slip From Renfrew Rd Rbt to Start White Cart Viaduct) to M8 (Start White Cart Viad Wb to End Of
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
follow diversion -
Renfrew Rd - Arkleston Rd - M8 EB Jct 27 onslip - Continue M8 EB - M8 EB Jct 26 offslip - Hillington Interchange - Join M8 WB Jct 26 onslip - Continue M8 - End
M8 Jct 27 to Jct 28a WB - Nearside Lane Closure
Location:M8 (A741 Renfrew Rd O'Br to Start White Cart Viaduct Wb) to M8 (Slip Rd Entry to A737 Int Off Slip),
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct 3A - J4 - WB road closure
Location:M8 (Starlaw Bridge to Easter Inch Footbridge) to M8 (East Whitburn Junction (East) to East Whitburn
Start time:19th of May 2025, 8:30pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
West bound traffic will be diverted off the M8 at Jct 3A off-slip. At the roundabout, traffic will take the first exit onto the A779 Starlaw Road. At Boghall Roundabout, traffic will take the first exit onto the A7066 Starlaw Road. Traffic will continue along the A7066 and upon reaching Boghead Roundabout will take the first exit onto the A801. Traffic will continue straight on the A801 and take the 2nd exit at Whitburn Interchange roundabout to join the M8 motorway.
M8 Jct 3A - J4 - WB road closure
Location:M8 (Starlaw Bridge to Easter Inch Footbridge) to M8 (East Whitburn Junction (East) to East Whitburn
Start time:22nd of September 2025, 8:30pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
West bound traffic will be diverted off the M8 at Jct 3A off-slip. At the roundabout, traffic will take the first exit onto the A779 Starlaw Road. At Boghall Roundabout, traffic will take the first exit onto the A7066 Starlaw Road. Traffic will continue along the A7066 and upon reaching Boghead Roundabout will take the first exit onto the A801. Traffic will continue straight on the A801 and take the 2nd exit at Whitburn Interchange roundabout to join the M8 motorway.
M8 Jct 4 to 3A - EB road closure
Location:M8 (E Whitburn Jct (W) to East Whitburn Junction (E)) to M8 (Starlaw Br to End Of Slip Road), Eastbo
Start time:19th of May 2025, 8:30pm
Structural Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
East bound traffic will be diverted of the M8 at Jct 4 off-slip. Traffic will be instructed to take the first exit at Whitburn Interchange Roundabout and join the A801. Traffic will continue on the A801 and take the 4th exit at Boghead Roundabout and join the A7066. Traffic will continue straight along the A7066 Starlaw Road. At Boghall Roundabout traffic will take the 4th exit onto the A779. At the unnamed roundabout, traffic will take the 2nd exit on the M8 on-slip and re-join the M8 motorway.
M8 Jct 4A WB Off Slip. Lane Closure.
Location:M8 (A706 Bridge to Council Bdy) to M8 (Start Of Slip to Roundabout), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:00am
Lining Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Jct3 - Jct4 WB - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Westbound Slip To A899 to Livingston Int. Slip From A899) to M8 (East Whitburn Junction (East) t
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct3 WB Offslip, A899, A89, A7066, A801 and rejoin M8 WB at Jct4.
M8 Jct3A WB Onslip - Road Closure
Location:M8 (A779 Rbt (S) to On Slip To M8), Westbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:30pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A779, A7066, A801, M8 Jct4 WB
M8 NB Jct 13 off slip to M80 Jct 1 - Total closure
Location:M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry From M80) to M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 12 off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroystone Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
M8 Sec c/way Jct 21 Carnoustie St onslip WB - Total Closure
Location:M74 (Carnoustie T-Junction to Entry M8 Slip) to M74 (Start Ded. Lane to M8 & M77 Split), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion via: Carnoustie St - Scotland St - Seaward St - Seaward St WB onslip - M77 SB - Jct 1 SB offslip - Dumbreck Rd - Follow permanent signage - End
M8 Sec c/way Jct 21 to Jct 22 WB - Offside and adjacent lane Closure
Location:M74 (Start Ded. Lane to M8 & M77 Split) to M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Sec c/way Jct 22 to Jct 23 WB - Total Closure
Location:M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74) to M8 (Jct 22 On Slip to Jct 23 Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion via: M77 SB - Jct 1 SB offslip - Dumbreck Rd - Follow permanent signage - End
M8 St James' onslip to the A737 SB - Total Closure
Location:A737 (A761 Roundabout to Entry Slip), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion -
St James' Interchange - A726 - Greenock Rd - St James' St - Niddry St - Renfrew Rd - Incle St - Mill St - Gordon St - Canal St - George St - A761 Ferguslie - Linwood Rd - Linwood Interchange - Join A737 WB at Linwood onslip - End
M8 WB J15 on slip from Springburn Expressway - Slip Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to M8 O'Bridge) to M8 (M8 Overbridge to Entry M8 Wb), Westbound
Start time:1st of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue A803 - at jct turn right onto Castle St - continue Alexandria Parade- turn left onto Alexandria Park St - join M8 WB at J14 end
M8 WB Approach to Jct 27 - Hard Shoulder Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M8 WB Between Jct 25 & Jct 25a - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Between Jct 25 & Jct 26 - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Wb Jct 25 Off Slip to Wb Jct 25 On Slip) to M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Between Jct 26 & Jct 27 - Road Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip),
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M8 @ Jct 26 W/B off slip - Hillington Rd - Glasgow Rd - Glebe St - A741 Paisley Rd - Renfrew Rd - Re - Join M8 Jct 27 W/B on slip
M8 WB J15 to J16 - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to M8 O'Bridge) to M8 (Jct 16 Wb Off Slip to Slip To Craighall Rd), Westbound
Start time:1st of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 12 Off slip Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 11 On Slip to Jct 12 Off Slip) to M8 (Cumbanauld Rd to 2 Way Slip), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion M8 WB Exit Jct 13 Turn Join M8 EB - Exit Jct 12
M8 WB Jct 13 to 14 - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry Slip From M80) to M8 (New Park Avenue to Entry M8 Wb), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 13 to 14 Lane Closure
Location:M8 (On Slip From M80 to Jct 14 Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 14 On Slip Total Closure
Location:M8 (New Park Avenue to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (On Slip Jct 14 to Off Slip Jct 15), Southbound
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion - Alexandra Park St - Alexandra parade, A8 Cumbernauld Rd - A80 Cumbernauld Rd Join M8 Jct 12 W/B On Slip - end
M8 WB Jct 14 to 15 - Lane Closures
Location:M8 (On Slip From M80 to Jct 14 Off Slip) to M8 (Entry M8 Wb to Jct 16 Off Slip), Westbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 15 On slip HS Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to M8 O'Bridge) to M8 (M8 Overbridge to Entry M8 Wb), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Landscape Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M8 WB Jct 17 On slip - Total closure
Location:M8 (Wb M8 Entry Slip to Jct 118 Int O'Bridge) to M8 (Wb Off Slip to Wb Entry Slip), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue on A804 Charing X - A804 Newton St - M8 WB Jct 19 on slip from Newton St - Diversion End
M8 WB Jct 17 on slip - Total closure
Location:M8 (Wb M8 Entry Slip to Jct 118 Int O'Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Turn left onto Charing X - A804 St Georges Rd - A804 Newton St - Argyle St - Diversion end
M8 WB Jct 17 to 18 - Lane closure
Location:M8 (Wb Off Slip to Wb Entry Slip) to M8 (Woodlands Rd O'Br to Slip Off M8 Jct 19), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 18 off slip to Argyle St - Total closure
Location:M8 (Jct 19 Off Slip to Jct 19 On Slip), Eastbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue on M8 WB - turn off at M8 Jct 20 off slip to west st - take left on west street to Kingston Steet - turn left at Commerce Str - A77 King George V bridge - Broomielaw - Brown St - Argyle St - Diversion end
M8 WB Jct 18 off slip to Argyle St - Total closure
Location:M8 (Jct 19 Off Slip to Jct 19 On Slip), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Continue on M8 - M8 WB Jct 20 West Street off slip - West St - Kingston St - King George V bridge - Broomie Law - Brown St - Argyle St - Diversion End
M8 WB Jct 22 Seward Street- Slip Closure
Location:M74 (Roundabout to Start Of 1-Lane) to M74 (Start Of 1-Lane to Wb On-Slip), Westbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
circle Rbt and take 2nd exit onto Scotland st- turn left onto Carnoustie st- rejoin M8 sec c/way east - end
M8 WB Jct 22 link Road to M77 Merge - Lane 1 Closure
Location:M74 (Start Ded. Lane to M8 & M77 Split) to M77 (Off Slip From M8 Wb to Entry To M77 Sb), Westbound
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 25a to 26 - HS Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip) to M8 (W/B Off Slip From M8 to Braehead Rbt), Westbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 12:00am
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M8 WB Jct 26 Offslip Hillington - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Wb to Hillington Int Rbt), Westbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 26 Onslip - Slip Closure
Location:M8 (Hillington Int Rbt to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip), We
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
Diversion Information:
Hillington Rd - Glasgow Rd - Glebe St - A741 Paisley Rd - Renfrew Rd - Re - Join M8 Jct 27 W/B on slip
M8 WB Jct 26 Onslip Hillington - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Hillington Int Rbt to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip), We
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB Jct 26 on slip from Hillington IC - Slip Closure
Location:M8 (Hillington Int Rbt to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip), We
Start time:2nd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue onto Hillington road- at roundabout take 1st exit onto Glasgow rd- rbt 2nd exit onto Glebe st- jct turn left onto A741 Paisley rd- rbt take 2nd exit- end
M8 WB Jct 6 - Jct 5 Contraflow
Location:M8 (Duntilland Road to End Of Se Unit), Westbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Contraflow (40mph)
M8 WB Jct 6 - Jct 5 road closure
Location:M8 (Newhouse Interchange to End Of Ppp) to M8 (B7057 U'Bridge to Duntilland Rd), Westbound
Start time:3rd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Bridge Joint Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
WB traffic will be diverted off at jct 5 and be directed to the B7066. This road continues all the way to the rbt before jct 6. They will be directed to the A8 wich runs parallel to the M8. Drivers will re join at jct 6A
M8 WB on to Kingston Br - Lane Closure
Location:M8 (Woodlands Rd O'Br to Slip Off M8 Jct 19) to M8 (Off Slip Jct 20 to M77 In Jct 22), Westbound
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB onslip from J31 - Lane Closure
Location:A8 (West Ferry Toll Rbt to Slip On To A8), Westbound
Start time:9th of May 2025, 8:00pm
Grass Cutting
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 WB slip to the A737 SB - Total Closure
Location:M8 (Slip Rd Entry to A737 Int Off Slip) to M8 (A737 Int Rbt to Entry M8 Wb), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion -
St James' Interchange - A726 - Greenock Rd - St James' St - Niddry St - Renfrew Rd - Incle St - Mill St - Gordon St - Canal St - George St - A761 Ferguslie - Linwood Rd - Linwood Interchange - Join A737 WB at Linwood onslip - End
M8 Westbound Junction 6a to Junction 7 - Offside lane closure
Location:A8 (Chapelhall Overbridge to Eurocentral Overbridge) to A8 (Eurocentral Overbridge to Orchard Farm A
Start time:4th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Westbound Junction 7A Shawhead to A725 Southbound Link Road - Total closure
Location:A8 (Orchard Farm Access to Shawhead Overbridge) to A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. O/B), Westboun
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Westbound Junction 8 off-slip, A8(M) Baillieston Roundabout, Swinton Roundabout, A8 Eastbound Bargeddie Roundabout, A8 Eastbound Shawhead off-slip
M8 Westbound Junction 9 main line - Offside lane closure
Location:M8 (Railway Underbridge to Wb On Slip Junction 9) to M8 (Wb On Slip From Junction 9 to Wb Off Slip T
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Westbound between Junction 7 to Junction 8 - Nearside & Adjacent lane closure
Location:A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. O/B) to A8 (Bargeddie Underbridge to Baillieston Off Slip), Westb
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M8 Westbound to A725 Southbound link road - Total closure
Location:A8 (Orchard Farm Access to Shawhead Overbridge) to A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. O/B), Westboun
Start time:2nd of April 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Westbound Junction 8 off-slip, A8(M) Baillieston Roundabout, A8 Swinton Roundabout, A8 Bargeddie Roundabout, A8 Shawhead off-slip.
M8- Westbound- Jct 3 on slip- slip closure
Location:M8 (A899 Rbt to Start Eastbound Slip From A899) to M8 (Westbound Slip To A899 to Livingston Int. Sli
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lighting Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
M80 SB Jct 2 to Jct 1 - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (Slip Entry From B765 to Slip Rd Off M80 Sb), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 SB Jct 2 to Jct 1 - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (Slip Entry From B765 to Slip Rd Off M80 Sb), Southbound
Start time:5th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 - NB - Bankhead - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (North Extent Nb M80 Dbfo to Slip Off To M876 Bankhead) to M80 (Slip Off To M876 Bankhead to Dun
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 - NB - Haggs to Bankhead - Hard Shoulder Closure
Location:M80 (Start Entry Slip to Entry Slip) to M80 (North Extent Nb M80 Dbfo to Slip Off To M876 Bankhead),
Start time:7th of April 2025, 6:01am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M80 - NB - Junction 8 to 9 - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (Slip Off To M876 Bankhead to Dunipace O'Bridge) to M80 (Nb Off Slip To A872 to A872 Rbt), North
Start time:23rd of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 - SB - Bankhead - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (Dunipace O'Bridge to Slip Off To M876) to M80 (M80 Dbfo B'Dary to Start 3-Lane), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 - SB - Jct 9 to 8 - Lane closure
Location:M80 (Foot Green O'Bridge to Northfield Underpass) to M80 (Dunipace O'Bridge to Slip Off To M876), So
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 - SB - Junction 9 to 8 - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (Foot Green O'Bridge to Northfield Underpass) to M80 (Northfield Underpass to Dunipace O'Bridge)
Start time:26th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 Jct 1 Off Slip SB - Closure
Location:M80 (Slip Entry From B765 to Slip Rd Off M80 Sb) to M80 (Slip Off M80 Sb to Maxwelton Rbt), Southbou
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Take SB off slip at junction 2 and the third exit at the roundabout onto B765 and continue on B765. At the next roundabout take the first exit onto Robroyston Road (B765). Continue on B765 and at the mini roundabout take the third exit onto B765 (Royston road). Turn left onto Provanmill Road (B765) and turn right onto A80 south. At M8 junction 12 (interchange), take the exit loop and turn onto M8 westbound. At junction 13, take the off slip road and turn right at the next junction and join Maxwelton road at the roundabout.
M80 N/B J7 Haggs Off Slip - TTLs
Location:M80 (Start 2way Slip to Jn With A803), Northbound
Start time:4th of April 2025, 9:30am
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS) (50mph)
M80 NB Blochairn Rd on Slip - Road Closure
Location:M80 (Blochairn Road to Slip Rd Entry M80 Nb) to M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765), Northbo
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Pavement Surveys
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
At blochairn mini rbt continue on Provan rd - onto m8 on slip - off at jct 12 - left onto A80 cumbernauld rd - left onto royston rd - mini rbt take 2nd exit onto B765 - Rbt 4th exit to continue on B765 - 2nd Exit onto M80 on slip
M80 NB Jct 1 Blochairn Rd on slip - Total closure
Location:M80 (Blochairn Road to Slip Rd Entry M80 Nb) to M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765), Northbo
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Blochairn Rd - Provan Rd - M8 Jct 13 EB on slip - M8 Jct 12 WB off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroyston Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
M80 NB Jct 1 Blochairn Rd on slip - Total closure
Location:M80 (Blochairn Road to Slip Rd Entry M80 Nb) to M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765), Northbo
Start time:5th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Blochairn Rd - Provan Rd - M8 Jct 13 EB on slip - M8 Jct 12 off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroyston Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
M80 NB Jct 1 to Jct 2 - Total Closure
Location:M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765) to M80 (South Extent Of M80 Dbfo to E.Dunbartonshire Cou
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 12 off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroystone Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
TRO 3775746
M80 NB Jct 1 to Jct 2 - Total Closure
Location:M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765) to M80 (South Extent Of M80 Dbfo to E.Dunbartonshire Cou
Start time:5th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 12 WB off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroyston Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
M80 NB Jct 2 Total Closure
Location:M80 (M80 Nb Slip Entry to Slip Off To B765) to M80 (South Extent Of M80 Dbfo to E.Dunbartonshire Cou
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Exit Jct 2 Off Slip and join M80 Nb Jct 2 On Slip
M80 NB Jct 2 off slip - Total closure
Location:M80 (Slip Off M80 Nb to B765 Rbt (N)), Northbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow main diversion
M80 NB Jct 2 off slip - Total closure
Location:M80 (Slip Off M80 Nb to B765 Rbt (N)), Northbound
Start time:5th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M8 Jct 12 WB off slip - A80 - B765 Provanmill Rd - Langdale St - B765 Royston Rd - B765 Robroyston Rd - M80 Jct 2 EB on slip - Diversion End
M80 S/B between J3 Hornshill and J2 Robroyston - Lane Closure
Location:M80 (Hornshill O/B to N.Lanark Boundary) to M80 (N.Lanarkshire C.Boundary to South Extent Sb M80 Dbf
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Third Party Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M80 S/B between J4 Westfield on-slip and 1km south of J4 on-slip - Hardshoulder Closure
Location:M80 (Westfield Link Rd O/B to Auchengeich Rd O/B), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 9:30am
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M80 S/B between M73 diverge and Mollins Road bridge - Hardshoulder Closure
Location:M80 (End Of 3 Lane to Westfield Rd O/B), Southbound
Start time:21st of March 2025, 9:30am
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M80 S/B, approx. 302m s. of Lindsaybeg Road bridge - Hardshoulder Closure
Location:M80 (Lindsaybeg Rd O/B to Hornshill Int. O/B), Southbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M80 S/B, between Westfield footbridge and M73 diverge - Hardshoulder Closure
Location:M80 (Start 3-Lane to End 3-Lane) to M80 (End Of 3 Lane to Westfield Rd O/B), Southbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 9:30am
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M80 S/B, from J4a Low Wood on-slip to 205m south of North Road Bridge - Hardshoulder Closure
Location:M80 (Start 3-Lane to End 3-Lane), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 9:30am
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M80 SB Jct 1 Total Closure
Location:M80 (Slip Entry From B765 to Slip Rd Off M80 Sb) to M8 (Off Slip To M80 to Entry Slip From M80), Sou
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion Exit Jct 1 Join M8 EB Jct 13 on slip Exit Jct 12 - Turn Join M8 WB - End
M80 SB to M8 WB Jct 14 - Closure
Location:M80 (Slip Entry From B765 to Slip Rd Off M80 Sb) to M8 (On Slip From M80 to Jct 14 Off Slip), Westbo
Start time:28th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Gully/ironwork repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Follow Diversion Exit Jct 1 Join M8 EB Jct 13 on slip Exit Jct 12 - Turn Join M8 WB - End
M876 - NB - Bankhead - Hard Shoulder Closure
Location:M80 (North Extent Nb M80 Dbfo to Slip Off To M876 Bankhead) to M876 (M876 Jct Bankhead to River Carr
Start time:7th of April 2025, 6:01am
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M876 - SB - Bankhead - Lane Closure
Location:M876 (River Carron O'Br to M876 Jct Bankhead) to M80 (M80 Dbfo B'Dary to Start 3-Lane), Southbound
Start time:7th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Trial hole investigation
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M876 EB - M80 join to jct 2 - Road Closure
Location:M80 (North Extent Nb M80 Dbfo to Slip Off To M876 Bankhead) to M876 (A9 O'Bridge N Broomage to 3 Lan
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion route from M80 Junction 8 Bankhead, via the M80 northbound to Junction 9 Bannockburn Interchange, then the M9 southbound to Junction 7, where traffic can join the M876 eastbound.
M876 EB Jct 1 on-slip. Road Closure
Location:M876 (Start 2way Slip to A883 Jct) to M876 (River Carron O'Br to A9 O'Bridge N Broomage), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion route from M80 Junction 8 Bankhead, via the M80 northbound to Junction 9 Bannockburn Interchange, then the M9 southbound to Junction 7, where traffic can join the M876 eastbound.
M876 EB Jct 2 off-slip. Road Closure
Location:M876 (Off Slip To N.Broomage to N.Broomage Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Diversion route from M80 Junction 8 Bankhead, via the M80 northbound to Junction 9 Bannockburn Interchange, then the M9 southbound to Junction 7, where traffic can join the M876 eastbound.
M876 EB Jct 2 to M9 merge Closure.
Location:M876 (River Carron O'Br to A9 O'Bridge N Broomage) to M876 (A9 O'Bridge N Broomage to 3 Lane Sect Eb
Start time:29th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Jct. 9 traffic to take A91 north to Millhall Rdbt. 3rd exit to A9 Falkirk Rd and travel south through Plean to M876 Jct. 2 northbound on-slip.
M876 EB M9 merge to jct 3 Closure.
Location:M9 (3 Lane Sect Eb to End 3 Lane Sect) to M876 (Kinnaird House to Bowtrees Int), Eastbound
Start time:29th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Jct. 9 traffic to take A91 north to Millhall Rdbt. 3rd exit to A9 Falkirk Rd and travel south through Plean to M876 Jct. 2 northbound on-slip.
M876 EB jct 3 off slip Closure.
Location:M876 (Kinnaird House to Bowtrees Int) to M876 (Slip Off To Bowtrees Int to Bowtrees Int), Eastbound
Start time:29th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Jct. 9 traffic to take A91 north to Millhall Rdbt. 3rd exit to A9 Falkirk Rd and travel south through Plean to M876 Jct. 2 northbound on-slip.
M876 SB - Lane Closure - Near to Dennyloanhead
Location:M876 (River Carron O'Br to M876 Jct Bankhead) to M80 (Slip From M876 Bankhead to North Extent Sb M80
Start time:1st of April 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M9 - EB - Jct 1B onslip Winchburgh - Closure
Location:M9 (Duntarvie Farm to B8020 Duntarvie Cast) to M9 (B8020 Duntarvie Cast to Railway Bridge), Southbou
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure (50mph)
Diversion Information:
The M9 Junction 1B Winchburgh southbound on-slip will be closed, with traffic diverted to M9 Junction 3 NB to return heading SB.
Come off M9 Jct 2 to go the A904 to Newton and join M90 at Jct 1A NB.
M9 - EB - jct 1 - Lane closure
Location:M9 (Start Of 4 Lane Eb to End Of 4 Lane Eb) to M9 (Start Deicated Slip M9 To A89 Eb to End Dedicated
Start time:20th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M9 - NB - Junction 9 Offslip - Slip Closure
Location:M9 (Plean Mill Rd O'Bridg to Off Slip To M80) to M9 (Off Slip To A872/A91 Rbt to A872/A91 Rbt), Nort
Start time:18th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic diverted via M9 Junction 8 to M876 WB and continue to the M80 Jct 7 SB. Rejoin the M80 at Jct 7 NB and continue to Junction 9 where traffic can rejoin the M9.
M9 - NB - Prior to Junction 9 - Full Closure
Location:M9 (3 Lane Section Wb to 3 Lane Sect Eb) to M9 (Plean Mill Rd O'Bridg to Off Slip To M80), Northboun
Start time:18th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic diverted via M9 Junction 8 to M876 WB and continue to the M80 Jct 7 SB. Rejoin the M80 at Jct 7 NB and continue to Junction 9 where traffic can rejoin the M9.
M9 - SB - Jct 10 to Jct 9 - Hard shoulder closure
Location:M9 (C4 O'Bridge Cambusbarron to M80 Junction) to M9 (On Slip From M80 to E Side A9 O'Bridge), Southb
Start time:14th of April 2025, 6:00am
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M9 - SB - Jct 10 to Jct 9 - lane closure
Location:M9 (C4 O'Bridge Cambusbarron to M80 Junction) to M9 (On Slip From M80 to E Side A9 O'Bridge), Southb
Start time:14th of April 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M9 - SB - jct 11to 10 - Road Closure
Location:A9 (Keir Rbt to Keir Rbt) to M9 (A84 O'Bridge Craigforth to C4 O'Bridge Cambusbarron), Southbound
Start time:14th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Southbound traffic will be diverted to the onto the A9 at junction 11 at Keir roundabout. When you get to the roundabout at Causewayhead take second exit onto Alloa Road, then follow A91 to the Pirnhall roundabout and re-join M9
M9 - WB - Jct 9 to Jct 10 - Hard Shoulder Closure
Location:M9 (Plean Mill Rd O'Bridg to Off Slip To M80), Westbound
Start time:26th of March 2025, 9:30am
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M9 - WB - jct 1 - Lane closure
Location:M8 (Jct Off From M8 Eb to On To M8 W.Bound) to M8 (End Of M8 Eb Off Slip to Start Of Newbridge Nb Of
Start time:21st of March 2025, 8:00pm
Sign Installation/Repairs
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M9 EB Jct off-slip. Road Closure.
Location:M9 (Pardovan to Philpstoun Int) to M9 (Eastbound Slip to Start Westbound Slip From B8046), Eastbound
Start time:8th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic advised to come off at Jct. 5. Joining traffic at Jct. 4 diverted back to Jct. 5. From Jct. 5 travel north to Wholeflats Rdbt and take the second exit to A905 east. Follow the road eventually becoming Dean Rd through Boness. Turn left at Champany and continue along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. From here southbound traffic can take the 3rd exit and travel south to M9 Jct. 1a to Newbridge.
M9 EB Jct 1 off slip Road Closure.
Location:M9 (Start M9 Off Slip To Newbridge Rbt to End M9 Slip Newbridge Rbt) to M9 (End Of 4 Lane Eb to 2 La
Start time:15th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 southbound traffic will be diverted to M90 northbound, coming off at Jct. 1a. Doing a U-Turn at Queensferry Rdbt and returning down the M90 southbound. Drivers then instructed to turn off at Jct. 1 Scotstoun Bend to A90 eastbound to Edinburgh. Travelling along A90 Queensferry Rd arriving at BArnton Traffic lights. Turning right here and travelling south down A902 Maybury Rd to Glasgw Rd traffic lights. Turn right here and continue west along A8 Glasgow Rd to M9 Jct. 1 Newbridge Rdbt.
M9 EB Jct 10 on slip Closure.
Location:M9 (A84 Rbt (E) to On Slip From A84), Eastbound
Start time:25th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic leaving and ajoining at M9 Jct. 10 travel south along A84 to Back O' Hill Rd and travel east to Laurencroft Rdbt. Take the second exit and pick up A9 Burghmuir Rd southbound through Stirling to Craigs Rdbt. Take the first exit and contnue east along A905 to Millhall Rdbt. Take the 3rd exit and head south along A91 to M9 Jct. 9.
M9 EB Jct 10 to Jct 9 Closure.
Location:M9 (A84 O'Bridge Craigforth to C4 O'Bridge Cambusbarron) to M9 (On Slip From M80 to E Side A9 O'Brid
Start time:25th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic leaving and ajoining at M9 Jct. 10 travel south along A84 to Back O' Hill Rd and travel east to Laurencroft Rdbt. Take the second exit and pick up A9 Burghmuir Rd southbound through Stirling to Craigs Rdbt. Take the first exit and contnue east along A905 to Millhall Rdbt. Take the 3rd exit and head south along A91 to M9 Jct. 9.
M9 EB Jct 11 to 10 Hard shoulder closure
Location:M9 (C34 O'Bridge Knockhill to A84 O'Bridge Craigforth), Eastbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00am
Ancillary Works
Traffic Management:
Hard Shoulder Closure.
M9 EB Jct 11 to Jct 10 Closure.
Location:M9 (Keir Rbt to C34 O'Bridge Knockhill) to M9 (A84 O'Bridge Craigforth to C4 O'Bridge Cambusbarron),
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
All traffic travel south along A9, through Bridge of Allan to Causewayhead Rdbt. Take the 3rd exit to A9 south, keeping on A9 to Customs Rdbt. Take the 4th exit to Drip Rd and continue west to M9 Jct. 10.
M9 EB Jct 11 to Jct 10 Closure.
Location:M9 (Off Slip To A84 to A84 Rbt (E)) to A84 (Craigforth East Rbt to Craigforth East Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:23rd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
All traffic travel south along A9, through Bridge of Allan to Causewayhead Rdbt. Take the 3rd exit to A9 south, keeping on A9 to Customs Rdbt. Take the 4th exit to Drip Rd and continue west to M9 Jct. 10.
M9 EB Jct 1A off slip Road Closure.
Location:M9 (Overton Rd Ob to Island Nosing) to M90 (Farm Rd O/B to Chevron), Eastbound
Start time:13th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
M9 EB Jct 1A to 1 Road Closure.
Location:M9 (Overton Under Bridge to Kirliston Spur (East)) to M9 (End Of 4 Lane Eb to 2 Lane Dual), Eastboun
Start time:15th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 southbound traffic will be diverted to M90 northbound, coming off at Jct. 1a. Doing a U-Turn at Queensferry Rdbt and returning down the M90 southbound. Drivers then instructed to turn off at Jct. 1 Scotstoun Bend to A90 eastbound to Edinburgh. Travelling along A90 Queensferry Rd arriving at BArnton Traffic lights. Turning right here and travelling south down A902 Maybury Rd to Glasgw Rd traffic lights. Turn right here and continue west along A8 Glasgow Rd to M9 Jct. 1 Newbridge Rdbt.
M9 EB Jct 1B off slip Road Closure.
Location:M9 (Duntarvie Farm to B8020 Duntarvie Cast) to M9 (M9 Mainline to B8020 Roundabout North), Eastbound
Start time:13th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 southbound traffic will be turned off at M9 Jct. 2. From here travel east along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Taking the 3rd exit takes you down M90 southbound to M9 Jct. 1a rejoning the M9 southbound traffic to Newbridge/M8.
M9 EB Jct 1B on slip Road Closure.
Location:M9 (B8020 Roundabout North to M9 Mainline) to M9 (B8020 Duntarvie Cast to Railway Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:13th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
M9 EB Jct 2 to 1A Road Closure.
Location:M9 (Pardovan to Philpstoun Int) to M9 (Overton Under Bridge to Kirliston Spur (East)), Eastbound
Start time:13th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 southbound traffic will be turned off at M9 Jct. 2. From here travel east along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Taking the 3rd exit takes you down M90 southbound to M9 Jct. 1a rejoning the M9 southbound traffic to Newbridge/M8.
M9 EB Jct 3 on-slip. Road Closure.
Location:M9 (A803 Burghmuir Jct to Westbound Slip) to M9 (Burghmuir Int to Pardovan), Eastbound
Start time:8th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic advised to come off at Jct. 5. Joining traffic at Jct. 4 diverted back to Jct. 5. From Jct. 5 travel north to Wholeflats Rdbt and take the second exit to A905 east. Follow the road eventually becoming Dean Rd through Boness. Turn left at Champany and continue along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. From here southbound traffic can take the 3rd exit and travel south to M9 Jct. 1a to Newbridge.
M9 EB Jct 4 off-slip. Road Closure.
Location:M9 (West Br. Cadger's Brae to E Bridge Lathallan Int) to M9 (Off Slip To A801 Lathallan to A801 Lath
Start time:8th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic advised to come off at Jct. 5. Joining traffic at Jct. 4 diverted back to Jct. 5. From Jct. 5 travel north to Wholeflats Rdbt and take the second exit to A905 east. Follow the road eventually becoming Dean Rd through Boness. Turn left at Champany and continue along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. From here southbound traffic can take the 3rd exit and travel south to M9 Jct. 1a to Newbridge.
M9 EB Jct 4 off-slip. Road Closure.
Location:M9 (West Br. Cadger's Brae to E Bridge Lathallan Int) to M9 (Off Slip To A801 Lathallan to A801 Lath
Start time:8th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic advised to come off at Jct. 5. Joining traffic at Jct. 4 diverted back to Jct. 5. From Jct. 5 travel north to Wholeflats Rdbt and take the second exit to A905 east. Follow the road eventually becoming Dean Rd through Boness. Turn left at Champany and continue along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. From here southbound traffic can take the 3rd exit and travel south to M9 Jct. 1a to Newbridge.
M9 EB Jct 5 on-slip. Road Closure.
Location:M9 (A905 Cadgers Brae Rbt to Slip On To M9) to M9 (West Br. Cadger's Brae to E Bridge Lathallan Int)
Start time:8th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic advised to come off at Jct. 5. Joining traffic at Jct. 4 diverted back to Jct. 5. From Jct. 5 travel north to Wholeflats Rdbt and take the second exit to A905 east. Follow the road eventually becoming Dean Rd through Boness. Turn left at Champany and continue along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. From here southbound traffic can take the 3rd exit and travel south to M9 Jct. 1a to Newbridge.
M9 EB Jct 5 to Jct 2. Road Closure.
Location:M9 (East Br. Earlsgate to West Br. Cadger's Brae) to M9 (Pardovan to Philpstoun Int), Eastbound
Start time:8th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic advised to come off at Jct. 5. Joining traffic at Jct. 4 diverted back to Jct. 5. From Jct. 5 travel north to Wholeflats Rdbt and take the second exit to A905 east. Follow the road eventually becoming Dean Rd through Boness. Turn left at Champany and continue along A904 to M90 Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. From here southbound traffic can take the 3rd exit and travel south to M9 Jct. 1a to Newbridge.
M9 EB Jct 9 off slip Closure.
Location:M9 (Off Slip To Pirnhall Rbt to Pirnhall Rbt) to M9 (Pirnhall Rbt to Pirnhall Rbt), Eastbound
Start time:25th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic leaving and ajoining at M9 Jct. 10 travel south along A84 to Back O' Hill Rd and travel east to Laurencroft Rdbt. Take the second exit and pick up A9 Burghmuir Rd southbound through Stirling to Craigs Rdbt. Take the first exit and contnue east along A905 to Millhall Rdbt. Take the 3rd exit and head south along A91 to M9 Jct. 9.
M9 EB Jct 9 off slip to M80 Closure.
Location:M80 (Foot Green O'Bridge to Northfield Underpass) to M80 (A872 Rbt to Slip Entry From A872), Eastbou
Start time:25th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Traffic leaving and ajoining at M9 Jct. 10 travel south along A84 to Back O' Hill Rd and travel east to Laurencroft Rdbt. Take the second exit and pick up A9 Burghmuir Rd southbound through Stirling to Craigs Rdbt. Take the first exit and contnue east along A905 to Millhall Rdbt. Take the 3rd exit and head south along A91 to M9 Jct. 9.
M9 EB Jct 9 on slip Closure.
Location:M9 (A872/A91 Rbt to On Slip To M9) to M9 (On Slip From M80 to E Side A9 O'Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:29th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Jct. 9 traffic to take A91 north to Millhall Rdbt. 3rd exit to A9 Falkirk Rd and travel south through Plean to M876 Jct. 2 northbound on-slip.
M9 EB Jct 9 to Jct 7 Closure.
Location:M9 (On Slip From M80 to E Side A9 O'Bridge) to M9 (End 3 Lane Sect to M876 O'Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:29th of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Jct. 9 traffic to take A91 north to Millhall Rdbt. 3rd exit to A9 Falkirk Rd and travel south through Plean to M876 Jct. 2 northbound on-slip.
M9 EB Queensferry to jct 1A Road Closure.
Location:M90 (Starts Of Chevron to Farm Rd O/B) to M9 (Start Of 4 Lane Eb to End Of 4 Lane Eb), Eastbound
Start time:15th of October 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 southbound traffic will be diverted to M90 northbound, coming off at Jct. 1a. Doing a U-Turn at Queensferry Rdbt and returning down the M90 southbound. Drivers then instructed to turn off at Jct. 1 Scotstoun Bend to A90 eastbound to Edinburgh. Travelling along A90 Queensferry Rd arriving at BArnton Traffic lights. Turning right here and travelling south down A902 Maybury Rd to Glasgw Rd traffic lights. Turn right here and continue west along A8 Glasgow Rd to M9 Jct. 1 Newbridge Rdbt.
M9 Junction 1A Off-Slip EB
Location:M9 (Overton Rd Ob to Island Nosing) to M9 (Island Nosing to End Of Slip), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 1B Off-Slip EB
Location:M9 (Duntarvie Farm to B8020 Duntarvie Cast) to M9 (M9 Mainline to B8020 Roundabout North), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 1B On-Slip EB
Location:M9 (B8020 Roundabout North to M9 Mainline) to M9 (B8020 Duntarvie Cast to Railway Bridge), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 2 Off-Slip EB
Location:M9 (Pardovan to Philpstoun Int) to M9 (Eastbound Slip to Start Westbound Slip From B8046), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 3 On-Slip EB
Location:M9 (A803 Burghmuir Jct to Westbound Slip) to M9 (Burghmuir Int to Pardovan), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 4 Off-Slip EB
Location:M9 (West Br. Cadger's Brae to E Bridge Lathallan Int) to M9 (Off Slip To A801 Lathallan to A801 Lath
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 4 On-Slip EB
Location:M9 (Start Eastbound Slip From A801 to On Slip From A801 (Lathallan)), Eastbound
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Junction 5 On-Slip Eastbound
Location:M9 (A905 Cadgers Brae Rbt to Slip On To M9) to M9 (West Br. Cadger's Brae to E Bridge Lathallan Int)
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 Mainline Carriageway from Jct 5 to Jct 1A Eastbound
Location:M9 (W. Br. Cadger's Brae to E. Br. Earlsgate) to M9 (Overton Under Bridge to Kirliston Spur (East)),
Start time:17th of April 2025, 7:30pm
Lining Works, Resurfacing
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 Eastbound traffic to be diverted off at Junction 5 Off-slip to A905/Beancross Rd, turning onto Inchyra Rd then Wholeflats Rd and continuing onto the A904, turning right onto A993/Dean Rd via Bo'ness before continuing on the A904 following signs for the M90/Queensferry Jct, take the 3rd exit to the M90 slip road towards Edinburgh/Glasgow and merge onto the M9 slip road eastbound.
M9 SB - Lane Closure - Near to Polmont
Location:M9 (A905 Cadgers Brae Rbt to Slip On To M9), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M9 WB Jct 1A off-slip. Closure.
Location:M9 (Start Of 4 Lane Wb to End Of 4 Lane Wb) to M90 (Start Of Dual Carriageway to Railway Bridge), We
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M9 WB Jct 1A to Jct 4 . Closure
Location:M9 (End Of 4 Lane Wb to 2 Lane Dual) to M9 (Avonbank to E Br. Lathallan), Westbound
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M9 WB Jct 1B off-slip. Closure
Location:M9 (Railway Bridge to B8020 Duntarvie Cast) to M9 (Off Slip From Edinburgh to B8020 Roundabout South
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M9 WB Jct 1B on-slip . Closure
Location:M9 (B8020 Roundabout South to M9 Mainline) to M9 (B8020 Duntarvie Cast to Duntarvie Farm), Westbound
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M9 WB Jct 2 on-slip . Closure
Location:M9 (Start Westbound Slip From B8046 to Eastbound Slip) to M9 (Philpstoun Interchange to Pardovan), W
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M9 WB Jct 3 off-slip . Closure
Location:M9 (Pardovan to Burghmuir Interchange) to M9 (Westbound Slip to A803 Burghmuir Jct), Westbound
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M9 WB Jct 4 off-slip . Closure
Location:M9 (Avonbank to E Br. Lathallan) to M9 (Slip To Lathallan Int to Start Eastbound Slip From A801), We
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
M90 - NB - Jct 1B Ferrytoll - Closure
Location:A90 (Frb to Ferrytoll Jn Ub) to A90 (Ferrytoll Jn U/B to End Of A90 (Admiralty)), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure (50mph)
Diversion Information:
Down slip road to 1B and rejoin M90 on 1B on slip
M90 - NB - QC - Lane 2 Closure
Location:Off Network to A90 (Frb to Ferrytoll Jn Ub), Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Gantry Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 - NB -M9 Jct 1a to M90 1A Queensferry - Closure
Location:M90 (Slip Off to Rhs Crash Barrier) to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure (50mph)
Diversion Information:
Traffic joining the M90 northbound from the A90 will be diverted up the northbound Public Transport Link then onto the B800 towards Echline Junction, the A904 and Queensferry Junction.
Traffic wishing to join the M90 northbound from the M9 eastbound will be diverted off at M9 Junction 2, onto the B8046 and then the A904 to M90 Junction 1A Queensferry.
Traffic wishing to join the M90 northbound from the M9 westbound will be diverted on to M9 Junction 3, and then back eastbound to exit at M9 Junction 2, onto the B8046 and then the A904 to M90 Junction 1A Queensferry.
M90 - SB - A92 on slip - Road Closure
Location:M90 (Crossgates Wb Off Slip to M90 Sb) to M90 (Jct S/B On Slip Halbeath to S0s Telephone E5), Southb
Start time:23rd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Halbeath Rd, St Margaret's Drive, Hospital Hill, Queensferry Rd, M823 East to M90 Jct 2
M90 - SB - Jct 1B Ferrytoll On slip - Closure
Location:A90 (Start Of Roundabout to End Of Roundabout) to A90 (Frb to Ferrytoll Jn Ub), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure (50mph)
Diversion Information:
Southbound traffic will be diverted from off at Jct 1b and on to FRB A9000 below Echline Jct, then via the southbound Public Transport Link onto the A90 into Edinburgh, Maybury Road and Glasgow Road to M9 Junction 1 Newbridge.
M90 - SB - Jct 2 off slip - Road Closure
Location:M823 (M90 Off Slip (S) to Entry M823) to M823 (N/B & S/B Slips From M90 to A823 Rbt), Southbound
Start time:23rd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Halbeath Rd, St Margaret's Drive, Hospital Hill, Queensferry Rd, M823 East to M90 Jct 2
M90 - SB - Jct 3 on slip - Road Closure
Location:A92 (Halbeath Rbt At North Pt to Halbeath Rbt At North Pt) to M90 (Jct S/B On Slip Halbeath to S0s T
Start time:23rd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Halbeath Rd, St Margaret's Drive, Hospital Hill, Queensferry Rd, M823 East to M90 Jct 2
M90 - SB - Jct 3 to Jct 2 - Road Closure
Location:M90 (S/B Off Slip To A92 to Mid Point Bridges) to M90 (M823 O'Bridge to Slip Entry From A921), South
Start time:23rd of July 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Halbeath Rd, St Margaret's Drive, Hospital Hill, Queensferry Rd, M823 East to M90 Jct 2
M90 - SB - Junction 3 SB Offslip - Road Closure
Location:A92 (Halbeath Rbt At North Pt to Halbeath Rbt At North Pt) to M90 (Jct S/B On Slip Halbeath to S0s T
Start time:5th of June 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Southbound Diversion Directions
- Take the exit on Halbeath Roundabout to Sanderling Way
- After 0.3 miles, take the 2nd exit at the roundabout
- After 0.3 miles take the 2nd exit at the roundabout to Sandpiper Dr
- Continue on Sandpiper Dr for 1.6 miles, before taking the 2nd exit at a roundabout to Lapwing Dr
- After 0.7 miles, take the 2nd exit at the roundabout to Carnegie Ave
- At St Margaret Roundabout, take the 1st exit
- At Pitreavie Roundabout, take the 1st exit to the A823(M)
- After 0.9 miles, be in the right lane to join the M90(S)
M90 - SB - Mainline from Jct 3 to Junction 2A - Road Closure
Location:M90 (Dalbeath O'Br to M90 S/B Off Slip To A92) to M90 (Jct S/B On Slip Halbeath to S0s Telephone E5)
Start time:5th of June 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
- Take the exit on Halbeath Roundabout to Sanderling Way
- After 0.3 miles, take the 2nd exit at the roundabout
- After 0.3 miles take the 2nd exit at the roundabout to Sandpiper Dr
- Continue on Sandpiper Dr for 1.6 miles, before taking the 2nd exit at a roundabout to Lapwing Dr
- After 0.7 miles, take the 2nd exit at the roundabout to Carnegie Ave
- At St Margaret Roundabout, take the 1st exit
- At Pitreavie Roundabout, take the 1st exit to the A823(M)
- After 0.9 miles, be in the right lane to join the M90(S)
M90 - SB - Queensferry Jct 1a Queensferry on-slip. Closure
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Return A904 eastbound to Echline Jct and take SB Public Transport Link to M90 SB then A90 SB to A902 Maybury Rd SB to A8 WB to M90.
M90 - SB - Queensferry Jct 1b Ferrytoll to M9 1A - Closure
Location:A90 (Ferrytoll Jn U/B to End Of A90 (Admiralty)) to M90 (Island Nosing to End Of Slip), Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 10:00pm
Barrier Repair
Traffic Management:
Road Closure (50mph)
Diversion Information:
Southbound traffic will be diverted from off at Jct 1b and on to FRB A9000 below Echline Jct, then via the southbound Public Transport Link onto the A90 into Edinburgh, Maybury Road and Glasgow Road to M9 Junction 1 Newbridge.
M90 1 mile South of Kinross (J6), S/B Lane 1 closure
Location:M90 (Entry Slip From A977 to Off Slip B9097 S/B) to A92 (Np Melville Lodges Rbt to Np Melville Lodge
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M90 Friarton Bridge. N/B Various TM types
Location:M90 (A912 O'Bridge to M90 Entry Slip) to M90 (Slip Rd Off to Start A90), Northbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 6:00am
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
M90 Friarton Bridge. S/B Various TM types
Location:M90 (End Of A90 to A90 On Slip) to M90 (Scoonieburn Bridge to M90 Interchange), Southbound
Start time:1st of April 2025, 6:00am
Inspections: Structures
Traffic Management:
No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway.
M90 J4-5 - Lane Closure N/B
Location:M90 (M90 Interchange to Scoonieburn Bridge) to M90 (Scoonieburn O'Bridge to Off Slip To A90), Northb
Start time:26th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 J6 Kinross. N/B off slip closure
Location:M90 (Start Off Slip To A977 to Midpoint Bridges) to M90 (Start Off Slip To A977 to A977 Rbt), Northb
Start time:14th of May 2025, 7:30pm
Pothole Repairs
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Leave M90 at Jct 5, turn right onto B9097 then left onto B996, left onto Clashburn Rd continuing onto Junction Rd, turn left at Station Rd onto the A922 to Kinross Rbt
M90 Jcn9 Off slip Road closure S/B
Location:M90 (Entry Slip From M90 Int to Off Slip To A912) to M90 (End Slip From M90 to A912 Jct), Southbound
Start time:12th of May 2025, 11:00pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
continue Southbound on the M90 until Junction 7 Milnathort, to turn and return Northbound, and exit at junction 9 Northbound off slip.
M90 Jct 6-7. N/B Lane closure
Location:M90 (Entry Slip From A977 to A91 Overbridge) to M90 (Entry Slip From A91 to Off Slip To A91), Northb
Start time:28th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 Jct 6-7. S/B Lane closure
Location:M90 (Slip From A91 Arlary to Off Slip To A91) to M90 (A91 Overbridge to Off Slip To A977), Southboun
Start time:28th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 Jct 7-8. N/B Lane closure
Location:M90 (Entry Slip From A977 to A91 Overbridge) to M90 (Entry Slip From A91 to Off Slip To A91), Northb
Start time:29th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 Jct 8 - 9. N/B Lane closure
Location:M90 (Entry Slip From A977 to A91 Overbridge) to M90 (Entry Slip From A91 to Off Slip To A91), Northb
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 Jct 8-7. S/B Lane closure
Location:M90 (Slip From A91 Arlary to Off Slip To A91) to M90 (A91 Overbridge to Off Slip To A977), Southboun
Start time:29th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 Jct 9-8. S/B Lane closure
Location:M90 (Slip From A91 Arlary to Off Slip To A91) to M90 (A91 Overbridge to Off Slip To A977), Southboun
Start time:21st of March 2025, 7:30pm
Drainage Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 Kinross (J6), N/B off slip. Lane 1 closure on slip
Location:M90 (Start Off Slip To A977 to A977 Rbt) to A92 (Np Melville Lodges Rbt to Np Melville Lodges Rbt),
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
M90 North of Friarton Bridge, S/B lane 1 closure
Location:M90 (End Of A90 to A90 On Slip) to A92 (Jct B937 Newburgh to Jct Q61 Charlottetown), Southbound
Start time:19th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90 SB Jct 1 to M9 Jct 1A WB. Closure
Location:M90 (Rhs Crash Barrier to Start Dual Carriageway) to M9 (2 Lane Dual to B9080 Bridge), Westbound
Start time:2nd of September 2025, 8:00pm
Cyclic Maintenance
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
M9 northbound traffic will exit at Jct. 1a and follow M90 north to Jct. 1a Queensferry Rdbt. Come off at Q.Ferry Rdbt and take the first exit and follow A904 west to Champany. At the T-Junction turn right and follow A904 GrahamsdykeRd. Follow road through Boness to Inchra Rd (Wholeflats Rdbt). Turn left at the Rdbt to M9 Jct. 5.
Note: M9 Closed WB after Jct 1A. Please sign before M90 Jct 1A SB.
M90 Sth of Kelty J4. N/B lane 1 & 2 closed with H/S running
Location:M90 (Dalbeath O'Br to Off Slip To A909), Northbound
Start time:20th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Carriageway Patching
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure (50mph)
M90/A9 Broxden- Lane Closure N/B
Location:M90 (On Slip to A9 Broxden Rbt) to A9 (Broxden Rbt to Burnside Lodge), Northbound
Start time:27th of March 2025, 7:30pm
Utility Works
Traffic Management:
Lane Closure.
Main St Lochwinnoch NB Total Closure
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Nb Diversion A760 - Lochlip Rd - Church St - End SB Diversion is reverse of NB
Main St Lochwinnoch SB Total Closure
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Southbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
Nb Diversion A760 - Lochlip Rd - Church St - End SB Diversion is reverse of NB
New Shot Drive Inchinnan NB - TTL
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
New Shot Drive Inchinnan SB - TTL
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
Park Drive Inchinnan NB - TTLS
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Northbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
Park Drive Inchinnan SB - TTLS
Location:Off Network to Off Network, Southbound
Start time:24th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS).
WB Old Candren Rd Total Closures
Location:A737 (Eb Off Slip to A761 Linclive Rbt), Westbound
Start time:25th of March 2025, 8:00pm
Traffic Management:
Road Closure.
Diversion Information:
A761- - Bridge St - End