A6091 Melrose | New Pedestrian and Cycle Path
Transport Scotland’s operating company BEAR Scotland is set to install a new shared path for pedestrians and cyclists alongside the A6091, near the junction with High Road in Melrose.
The works are programmed to take place over six weeks, beginning on Monday 3 March 2025.
The new path will be approximately 260 metres long and 2.5 metres wide, set back from the road by 3 metres. It will improve safety by removing the requirement for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the A6091 twice along this stretch of the busy trunk road. Instead, the new path will cross High Road via an upgraded pedestrian refuge island.
The majority of the works will take place in the grass verge and will not require traffic management. However, some works will be undertaken on the main carriageway and on High Road, when temporary traffic lights will be in place.
Tommy Deans, BEAR Scotland’s South East Network Manager, said: “This new path will improve safety and hopefully encourage more people to walk or cycle along this route.
“Until now pedestrians and cyclists have had to make two crossings of the A6091, where there is a 60mph speed limit for cars. The new path will instead cross High Road, where the speed limit is 30mph and traffic will be slowing as it approaches the junction. An upgraded pedestrian island will improve safety still further.
“There will be an occasional requirement for temporary traffic lights during these works, however we will do what we can to minimise the time these are in place.”
Consultation has taken place with relevant stakeholders including local authorities and Police Scotland in advance of these works.
All work is weather dependent and subject to postponement in the event of adverse conditions.
How to get the latest travel and traffic information
For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-west and south-east of Scotland, visit the Bear Scotland website.
You can report a defect on the network by filling out this form.
Follow Bear Scotland on Twitter at @bear_scotland and at @SETrunkRoads.