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A702 North of Candy Mill | Safety Barrier Upgrades

A702 Brownsbank farm

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Transport Scotland’s operating company BEAR Scotland is set to upgrade safety barriers on a section of the A702 at Brownsbank Farm, north of Candy Mill. Essential works will also be carried out on a masonry arch structure underneath the road.

For the safety of road users and the workforce, the A702 at this location will be restricted to a single lane controlled by temporary traffic lights for 16 weeks beginning on 26 August.

During the works there may be a requirement for full overnight closures of the A702. Further details will be published when dates are confirmed.

David Bishop, BEAR Scotland’s South East Unit Bridges Manager, said: “We thank road users in advance for their patience during these upgrade works.

“The new safety barriers we are installing will improve safety for motorists using the A702 north of Candy Mill.”

Consultation has taken place with all relevant stakeholders in advance of these works to make them aware of the traffic management arrangements.

Real time journey information is available from Traffic Scotland at www.traffic.gov.scot, or on X at @trafficscotland.

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For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-west and south-east of Scotland, visit the Bear Scotland website.

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Follow Bear Scotland on Twitter at @bear_scotland and at @SETrunkRoads.