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A9 Luncarty | Barrier Replacement Works

A9 Luncarty
17th of February 2025, 12:00am to 3rd of March 2025, 11:59pm

Central reserve safety barrier replacement works are planned for the A9 at Luncarty and will take place from Monday 17 February for 2 weeks. To enable these works and to protect road users and workers, the A9 will be subject single lane closures in both directions for the duration of these works.

BEAR Scotland has been working with all relevant stakeholders to inform them of the project and share information about the traffic management arrangements that will be in place.

Ian Stewart, BEAR Scotlands North West Representative said, “The new central reserve safety barriers will help to protect drivers and ensure the continued safe operation of the A9. We’ll be working hard to complete the project as quickly and safely as possible. Please plan your journey in advance, especially if you are travelling on the A9 north of Perth.”

Luncarty Roadwork Location

How to get the latest travel and traffic information

For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-west and south-east of Scotland, visit the Bear Scotland website.

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Follow Bear Scotland on Twitter at @bear_scotland and at @SETrunkRoads.