Home> Travel news> Projects and Events> A9 Tomatin to Moy | Information for abnormal loads using the A9 between from April 2025

A9 Tomatin to Moy | Information for abnormal loads using the A9 between from April 2025

21st of April 2025, 11:59pm

From the 21st of April 2025, the following applies to all abnormal loads travelling through the project corridor:

All abnormal loads are required to stop within the identified lay-by holding areas and call ahead to the traffic management team for advice and escort. All lay-by holding areas are signposted.

For location of lay-by holding areas, please see below:

Map locating lay-by area for abnormal loads.

Abnormal loads up to 3.2m in width will be escorted through the traffic management by the traffic management team. Vehicles over 3.2m in width will be held and moved under temporary traffic signals and escorted by the traffic management team. Please note no abnormal load movements will be made during peak times: 07:30 to 09:30 and 16:30 to 18:30.

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