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A96 Fochabers | Bridge Investigations

A96 Fochabers
9th of September 2024, 7:30pm to 23rd of September 2024, 6:30am

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Amey is undertaking overnight structural investigations on Fochabers New Bridge on the A96 in Moray from Monday 9th September to Sunday 22nd September.

The information obtained through these investigations will help to determine what refurbishment works are needed to ensure the long-term use of the structure.

To ensure the safety of roadworkers and motorists the investigations will be undertaken under temporary traffic lights between 7.30pm and 6.30am each night.

Unfortunately, some construction noise will occur during these works and Amey are working to programme operations to minimise any disturbance as much as possible.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

A96 Fochabers Bridge Inspection Works

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