Broxden Roundabout | Drainage Improvements
Amey is carrying out work to upgrade essential drainage and road infrastructure on Broxden Roundabout at Perth from Monday 24th February.
The essential maintenance, which Amey is undertaking on behalf of Transport Scotland, will take place over ten weeks between Monday 24th February and Friday 2nd May.
The £400,000 project will see improvements made to the drainage system on the central roundel at Broxden Roundabout, as well as signage enhancements and upgrades to existing footway and kerbing.
To ensure the safety of roadworkers and motorists the essential maintenance will be carried out under overnight lane closures on weekdays only, between 7.30pm and 6.30am.
Occasional overnight weekend working may be required if operational needs arise. Further communications will be issued should this occur.
The improvements will benefit more than 14,900 vehicles who use this route each day, improving safety for roads users and reducing flooding on the carriageway.
Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.
How to get the latest travel and traffic information
For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-east of Scotland, visit the Amey website.
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