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M74 Junctions 3a & 3 | Essential Resurfacing Works

1st of March 2025, 6:00am to 17th of March 2025, 6:00am

UPDATE (26/02/25):  There will be a lane closure on the southbound M73 to M74 northbound link, and the closure of the northbound M74 at the M73 between 8pm on Friday 7 March and 6am on Saturday 8 March 2025. Northbound traffic will proceed through the interchange to the Daldowie on slip road to rejoin the M74 northbound.

Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland, is undertaking essential carriageway levelling and resurfacing on the M74 between Junctions 3A and 3 on both the north and southbound carriageways from Saturday 1st March until Monday 17th March 2025 as follows:

Phase 1: There will be overnight closures of the southbound carriageway between Junctions 2A and 3A on Saturday 1st March and Sunday 2nd March between the hours of 8pm and 6am each night. Between 6am and 8pm on Sunday 2nd March, there will be hard shoulder and lane closures on the southbound carriageway as well as closures of the Junction 3 off-slip and the Junction 3A on-slip, and all traffic management will be removed by 6am on Monday 3rd March.

Phase 2: Lane closures will be in place on the M74 northbound carriageway between Junctions 3A and 3 between 8pm on Friday 7th March and 8pm on Saturday 8th March. There will also be a closure of the M74 northbound carriageway between Junctions 4 and 2A on Saturday 8th March and Sunday 9th March between the hours of 8pm and 6am each night. Finally, there will be hard shoulder and lane closures on the northbound carriageway and the M73, as well as a closure of the Junction 3A on-slip, between 6am and 8pm on Sunday 9th March. All traffic management will be removed by 6am on Monday 10th March.

Finally, to complete the works, a closure of the M74 southbound carriageway between Junctions 2A and 3A will be in place between 9pm on Saturday 15th March and 6am Sunday 16th March, followed by a closure of the M74 northbound carriageway between Junctions 4 and 2A between 9pm on Sunday 16th March and 6am on Monday 17th March. 

Traffic will be diverted as follows:

Northbound through traffic will leave the M74 at Junction 4 (Maryville) to the M73 northbound, then exit at Junction 2 (Baillieston) on to the M8 westbound and continue as far as Junction 22 (Plantation) to merge with the M74. Southbound traffic will follow the route in reverse. 

Local northbound traffic will leave the M74 at Junction 4 (Maryville) onto the M73 northbound, then exit at Junction 2 (Baillieston) to follow the A8 Edinburgh Road westbound, before turning left onto the B7058 and then right onto the A74 London Road which meets the M74 at Junction 2A. Southbound local traffic will take the route in reverse.

Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout these works.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

This scheme will benefit vehicles using this route each day, by improving the condition of the carriageway and reducing the need for more extensive maintenance in the future. 

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For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the south-west of Scotland, visit the Amey website.

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