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M9 Junction 5 | Tree Removal

M9 Cadgers Brae
30th of January 2025, 7:30pm to 31st of January 2025, 6:00am

The slip road exiting the M9 northbound at Junction 5, Cadgers Brae, will be closed for tree removal works between 19:30 and 06:00 on the night of Thursday 30 January.

Northbound traffic wishing to exit the M9 at Junction 5 will be diverted onwards to exit at M9 Junction 7, following the M876 eastbound to turn at Bowtrees Interchange and return westbound to join the M9 southbound and exit via the Junction 5 southbound off-slip. This diversion is expected to add approximately 13 minutes and 11.6 miles to affected journeys.

Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times. All traffic management will be removed outside of working hours.

Consultation has taken place with relevant stakeholders in advance of these works to make them aware of the traffic management arrangements and to minimise any inconvenience.

Tommy Deans, BEAR Scotland’s Southeast Network Manager, said: “It is essential due to the location of the trees and the equipment required to remove them safely that we close this slip road during these works.

“We thank motorists in advance for their patience while our teams carry out these works.”

How to get the latest travel and traffic information

For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-west and south-east of Scotland, visit the Bear Scotland website.

You can report a defect on the network by filling out this form.

Follow Bear Scotland on Twitter at @bear_scotland and at @SETrunkRoads.