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M9 Junction 9 | Drainage Improvements

M9 Junction 9
3rd of March 2025, 7:30pm to 25th of March 2025, 6:00am

BEAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are carrying out overnight drainage improvements on the M9, north of junction 9 at Bannockburn. Works are set to begin on Monday 3 March and continue for three weeks.

To allow these works to take place, lane closures will be in place during working hours of 7.30pm to 6am each night. No works will take place on Friday and Saturday nights.

Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.

Tommy Deans, BEAR Scotland’s South East Network Manager, said: “These works on the M9 will address defects in the road drainage system, improving the overall highway drainage and creating safer journeys for motorists.
“It is essential for the safety of road workers and motorists that we implement lane closures on this section of the carriageway during these works, however we’ve scheduled them overnight in order to minimise any disruption.
“We thank motorists in advance for their patience.”

How to get the latest travel and traffic information

For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-west and south-east of Scotland, visit the Bear Scotland website.

You can report a defect on the network by filling out this form.

Follow Bear Scotland on Twitter at @bear_scotland and at @SETrunkRoads.