Use the filters below to see up to date information on Scotland’s motorway and trunk road network. Plain text versions are also available.
Traffic congestion help:
- Normal, free-flowing
- Slow traffic
- Heavy queuing traffic
- Stationary queuing traffic
Bridges help:
- Open - No Forecast
- Open - With Forecast
- Restrictions
Cities that have introduced Low Emission Zones, which are designed to improve air quality. Vehicles that do not meet the emission standards set for a Low Emission Zone will not be able to drive within the zone.
Winter Salt Treatment help:
- Treatment Planned
- No Treatment Planned
- No Data
For live tracking of gritters, visit our Trunk Road Gritter Tracker map.
Check your route for immediate or future travel below. Current incidents, traffic congestion and planned roadworks for future travel will be shown for the best route automatically.
Traffic congestion help:
- Normal, free-flowing
- Slow traffic
- Heavy queuing traffic
- Stationary queuing traffic
You currently have no saved routes. You can save a valid route by clicking on the 'Add to saved' button found in the route search.
Gritter tracker
The Trunk Road Gritter Tracker map displays the current location of gritters and a trail showing where gritters have previously passed.
Get ready for winter
With winter now approaching, have a look at our tips for:
- Preparing your vehicle
- Winter weather conditions and what they mean for driving
- What to pack in an emergency travel kit
Events Across Scotland
Find out what events are on across the nation and how to get there!